LOST ISLAND Landmarks & Resources
Landmarks with GPS and ADMIN Teleport Locators. All Ark Map Residents should pick up an Awesome Teleport Remote at a Community Center or make one in your Inventory.
Public Service Message:
Be aware that the Linux version of the Lost Island map has some areas that are not completely rendered when you enter them (IE the Ice Wyvern Trench) and meshing can occur. Please take steps to prevent loss of important items you own. Death recovery Headstones are made available and you can recall a death cache at any public telepad.
Your Community Landmarks
Note: The CCC is included for those accessing this data for SP or other Clusters. Please Use the command Setplayerpos in SP and Preface with cheat if you are on a Multiplayer map.
Here you will find Places Like the Community Center, and refinery locations. Those noted have Open Transmitters, and all are part of the Teleport System.
Lost Island Town & Castle - Community Center
Cheat setplayerpos 66538 -114441 -12304 14.05 -0.90
Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon [Admin]) Sinomon Taming Station
Cheat setplayerpos -84177 144069 -7841 -115.03 6.81
Common Landmarks and Places of Interest
Admin Teleporting into a Boss Arena can have unusual results, please be aware of that. And use at your own Risk.
Blue Obelisk Terminal
Cheat Setplayerpos -443511 -443900 -5174 -131.06 4.32
Blue Obelisk Return
Cheat Setplayerpos -275415 -379977 31473 -151.94 -74.80 25.0|33.7
Red Obelisk Terminal
Cheat Setplayerpos 234313 -322301 25731 88.74 -12.40
Red Obelisk Return
Cheat Setplayerpos (WIP area)
Green Obelisk Terminal
Cheat Setplayerpos 117779 222778 4847 75.88 -11.67
Green Obelisk Return
Cheat Setplayerpos 122433 225804 4421 20.01 -67.93
Lost Island Resource Maps:
Explorer Map:
Strategic Resources:
Artifacts and Where to Find them:
Note: The CCC is included for those accessing this data for SP or other Clusters. Please Use the command Setplayerpos in SP and Preface with cheat if you are on a Multiplayer map.
Artifact of the Brute
cheat SetPlayerPos 513901.70 570589.40 -2402.97
Artifact of the Brute Cave Entrance:
(Brute)Artifact of the Brute Cave NO BUILD
cheat setplayerpos 485368 568697 4052 -176.14 -54.58
Artifact of the Clever
cheat SetPlayerPos -144640.10 -358492.70 -7892.32
Artifact of the Clever Cave Entrance:
(Clever)Artifact of the Clever Cave NO BUILD
Cheat setplayerpos -117698 -370585 -2700 -90.95 -29.00
Artifact of the Cunning
This cave contains Black pearl Spawns All around the Spanish Galleon on the Rock.
cheat SetPlayerPos 393688.90 106721.40 -18302.78
Artifact of the Cunning Cave Entrance:
(Cunning) Artifact of the Cunning Cave NO Build {black pearls}
Cheat setplayerpos 358623 112362 -13194 179.23 -51.34
Artifact of the Devious
cheat SetPlayerPos -71550.33 131749.80 -6318.04
Artifact of the Devious Cave Entrance
(Massive & Devious) The Labyrinth Cave No Building
Cheat setplayerpos -55378 142025 -9569 140.95 -39.12
Artifact of the Devourer
cheat SetPlayerPos -499250.80 474039.20 -31152.60
Artifact of the Devourer Cave Entrance
(Devourer) Artifact Cave {Aberation/ Ferox}
Cheat setplayerpos 76449 -351835 2053 91.95 -57.07
Artifact of the Hunter
cheat SetPlayerPos -576527.80 -196970.80 -13932.01
Artifact of the Hunter - Plains Crouch Cave entrance
(Hunter) Artifact of the Hunter Cave NO Building
Cheat setplayerpos -587360 -220002 -13885 -110.55 -57.96
Artifact of the Immune
Sulfur, metal, crystal, obsidian. magmasurs, bats, and bugs OH MY.
cheat SetPlayerPos 322288.60 -392033.40 -7233.89
Artifact of the Immune Cave Entrance:
(Immune) Artifact Cave Entrance NO BUILDING
Cheat setplayerpos 342020 -351515 -14015 -12.37 -53.29
Artifact of the Massive
Devious is also found in here.
cheat SetPlayerPos -68226.21 130243.60 -6928.26
Artifact of the Massive Cave Entrance:
(Massive & Devious) The Labrinth Cave No Building
Cheat setplayerpos -55378 142025 -9569 140.95 -39.12
Artifact of the Pack
cheat SetPlayerPos -301192.30 -212864.40 -21770.03
Artifact of the Pack Cave Entrance:
(Pack) Artifact Cave {Spider Cave: Does what a spider cave does}
Artifact of the Skylord
Artifact of the Skylord Cave Entrance: (WATER)
(Skylord) Artifact Cave NO BUILD
cheat setplayerpos -42847 163294 438 1.21 -26.10
Artifact of the Strong
Aberration Cave
cheat SetPlayerPos 80563.86 -308249.70 -8273.87
Artifact of the Strong Cave Entrance:
(Strong) Aberration Cave Entrance (Artifact) NO BUILD
cheat Setplayerpos 76463 -351764 2053 87.37 -59.06
Last updated
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