Conan Exiles PvE Servers
We have Exiled Lands, Isle of Siptah & Savage Wilds. Find your perfect Conan Exiles Experience! Sands? Pirates? or Savages?
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We have Exiled Lands, Isle of Siptah & Savage Wilds. Find your perfect Conan Exiles Experience! Sands? Pirates? or Savages?
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OUR MOTTO! ALL MAY ENTER HERE WITHOUT PREJUDICE! This applies to All Races, All Creeds, and All Genders. All are Welcome!!!
We are an adult gaming community, and we are looking for quality players to join our adventures. We host three PvE Conan Exiles Servers. Exiled Lands, Isle of Siptah, and Savage Wilds! We are Beginner friendly, with a Helpful and active admin team! We strive to create a playing environment that fosters Community, and personal growth. We have chosen a limited but satisfactory grouping of QoL mods that provide the best overall playing experience for your CONAN experience, and a structured rule package that enhances Quality of life, we try to provide the best environment to build the base of your dreams, but also balanced with the knowledge that load times are important too!
Last of all, BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER! We are all adults here and know how to act. Let's make a happy, safe place to enjoy the games we love to play!
Location: Loulan Plateau, within a magical construct. Possibly Created by Thoth Amon.
The Exiled Lands is a vast region, where people convicted of crimes they may or may not have committed are brought. The Exiled Lands are filled with dangerous creatures and ruins of an ancient civilization.
Many races of current Hyboria, long ago Thuria, and of the Cataclysmic times all abide, not necessarily in peace within the Exiled Lands. Some races from prehistory exist here as well. There are also some from outside the realm of history, perhaps stolen from a different timeline by the powerful sorceries of Thoth Amon as well. These new races bring with them new concepts for those of the Hyborian age.
The player is crucified in the Exiled Lands and wakes up after being rescued by Conan the Barbarian (who has long since gone, leaving you all alone). The player is unable to leave the boundaries of this mysterious land due to a bracelet around their wrist - if removed - instant death.
The PACK Exiled Lands Server is PVE, with 3x XP, and Harvest, our Level Cap is 300. Attributes Cap at 120 points total. Knowledge Caps at 2100 points.
Mod Package: Pippi, ModcontrolPanel, Stacksize plus, AOC, EEWA, KPL, Beyond Stations, Fashionista, IQOL, LBPR, LBPR Add on, Decay Away, and UnlockPlus.
For more information, please see The PACK Gaming Conan Exiles, Exiled lands info page.
Location: A jungle island off the shores of Stygia, south of Khemi.
Whilst passing a strange and storm-wracked Isle just south of the Docks of Khemi, a fierce and violent maelstrom engulfs your ship. Tossed and battered for hours in a relentless sea, sky full of whirling clouds and eerie screams, the ship breaks apart. You and a handful of other Exiles arrive at the island shipwrecked and exhausted, with nothing but the scraps on your back.
The Black Tower Your eyes are drawn towards the center of the island, where a dark tower looms above the landscape. The violent storm that swirls around it seems to gather strength and unspeakable horrors stalk within. As you travel inward into the jungles, you cross other castaways, and soon it is revealed that they are on the island of the sorcerer Siptah, his abode is The Black Tower. Siptah himself, a victim of his own sorcery, has become a lich, and is protected by a man bat with taloned claws at the end of wings, taller than a human.
The Pool of the Grey Ones - A desolate city of the undead to the south on the Island of Siptah. Rumors say there is are statuettes, hidden in an ancient temple, in the ruins of this forsaken city. The Largest is carved form a huge pearl, it is the ultimate treasure of all times. This unholy city, hidden for 3000 years, Cursed by a Priest of Ibis, to protect the statuettes hidden therein, from the ravages of the advancing Acheron Army. Those unfortunate soldiers whom now guard the city as the undead. Whilst the last Ibis priests, twisted by the curse, preform unholy rituals at the pools.
The Forge of the First Men - The remnants of the humans that were enslaved by the Elder Races, these peoples have degenerated into a primitive state. They wear crudely forged metal armor and use Hardened Steel weapons. Some of them have grown to ogre-like sizes, but otherwise resemble their smaller cousins. Most likely of Lemurian or Meruvian stock from before the Cataclysm.
The PACK Isle of Siptah Server is PVE, with 3xXP, and 3x Harvest, our Level Cap is 300. Attributes/120; Knowledge/2100.
Mod Package: Pippi, ModcontrolPanel, Stacksize plus, KPL, Beyond Stations, Fashionista, IQOL, LBPR, LBPR Add on, Decay Away, and UnlockPlus. We will be adding the mod Professions to the Isle of Siptah, with Races and Job Classes that fit the lore of the Isle, to enhance the Game play value.
For more information please see The PACK Gaming Conan Exiles, Isle of Siptah info Page.
AGE: Post Great Cataclysm, Pre Lesser Cataclysm
Following the cataclysm that ends the Thurian Age, Atlantis, Lemuria, The Pictish Isles, and the mysterious Isle of Mu all sink beneath the sea.
But ... many exiles of these lands escape the destruction, and find means of joining their continental trading colonies on what is left of the Continent of Thuria. Thuria itself is torn and battered, with race wars and tectonic activity sundering and reshaping the lands.
Many of the exiles of what became known as the Cataclysm, either evolved into other races, or devolved and then, re-evolve back into civilized races. Many a skilled military, or an artistic culture faded into the annals of history.
During this Pre-Hyborian time, there are many new races evolving, as well as some others of ancient Pre Thurian times coming to the fore. Of interest are the Hyperboreans, the Hyrkanians, and Clan Culann. Some eventually evolve into various races we see in the Hyborian age today! We will see more of these Pre Hyborian times cultures as the tales of Savage Wilds, unfolds.
The PACK Conan Savage Wilds Server is PVE, with 3xXP, and 3x Harvest, our Level Cap is 300. Attributes/120; Knowledge/2100.
Mod Package: Pippi, ModcontrolPanel, Stacksize plus, KPL, Beyond Stations, Fashionista, IQOL, LBPR, LBPR Add on, Decay Away, UnlockPlus, and Map Savage Wilds. We will be adding the mod Professions to Savage wilds, with Races and Job Classes that will fit the lore of this unique map, to enhance the Game play value.
This is the Sister Site to The PACK Gaming Website. The Conan Exiles Universe contains our Interactive maps for the three Servers, and LORE/JOBS/RACES for the IOS and Savage Wilds Servers.
CE COINS - The PACK uses CE Bronze Coins as a currency, as well as your Pippi Wallet. AOC uses AOC Tin Coins as a currency. We do except deposits of CE Gold and CE Silver coins into your Pippi Wallet, but we do not allow you to exchange them from your Pippi Wallet back into anything but CE Bronze Coins. (Done at a thespian) Use /convert "type" "amount" , and it is set to a 24h cooldown. All Players can convert CE Bronze, however only PATREON's may convert CE Silver and CE Gold.
PIPPI COINS - 1 Pippi Gold = 100 CE Gold coins; 1 Pippi Gold = 100 Pippi Silver; 1 Pippi Gold = 10,000 Pippi Bronze; 1 Pippi Silver = 1,000 CE Silver Coins; 1 Pippi Silver = 100 Pippi Bronze; 1 Pippi Bronze = 10,000 CE Bronze Coins
AOC COINS - Your AoC Master of Coin Will handle most AOC coin exchanges. We allow deposits of AOC Tin Coins into your Pippi Wallet, and will allow withdrawals from your Pippi Wallet in AOC Tin Coins. (Done at a thespian)
Pippi Payday & Taxman - Pippi Payday is enabled at 1 Pippi gold per 24 hours. Pippi Taxman requires 0.10% taxes on your Pippi Wallet every 168 hours
NPC Coins Loot - Coin loot is set to 100% to drop 100 CE bronze, 15% to drop up to 3 CE Silver and 10% to drop up to three CE Gold, 35% for 100 Pippi bronze, 15% for up to 3 Pippi Silver, and 10% for up to 3 Pippi Gold. AoC coins match Pippi Rates, and LBPR tokens have a 1:1 Ratio.
All NPCS, Elite Creatures, and Legendary Creatures - will give a mixture of NPC Coin Loot. Other Mod tokens may be added per Map basis, along with a mix of random keys and special items.
AIR DROP Enabled - Every 2 hours up to 4 Bats will take off and Fly over the Exiled Lands. These Bats will drop a Payload in specific spots. Which will last for 30 mins. All Payloads are marked on the Live game map. Have fun hunting for the Payloads and grabbing some free items.
Our Server is set up with a variety of different travel methods for everyday use. We employ the core game Obelisk's where possible, or use Mod items like Pippi Portals, EEWA Waypoints, Savage Wilds Caravans, and Professions and Mastery's pocket jaunt. There will be Portal hubs, and specific modded items at each Server Hub's Local for using the different travel methods.
⇞ = Obelisks - Are Vanilla Portals of movement across the Exiled Lands map.
◎ = Pippi Warps are laid out in a progression, WHITE, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE, GOLD. Pippi warps are set to use PIPPI Bronze as a currency, and vary according to the Difficulty of the location of the warp. Our Patreon's receive special tags that allow access to a special Portal hub where certain levels of warps are free.
℗ = Waypoints - All players must have found the Waypoint, as well as have 100 CE Bronze coins (per trip) and opened Iron tools, to access the waypoint they are attempting to teleport to.
©= Caravans - Specific to Savage Wilds. Caravan's are much like Waypoint's. They cost 100 CE Bronze (per trip), and you must have found the Caravan before you attempt to use it.
⁂= Professions Jaunt ability - a magic keystone that allows you to travel to specific admin placed items on the map. (When Professions is added to IOS, and SW)
Dungeon Warps and Portals - In Most cases the teleport used will drop you near the beginning of the Dungeon and not in it. And Admins may place these warps in a safe spot so those with lessor rigs will not INSTA DIE.
Purges are mysterious entities. The thought behind them was that the stronger your fortifications and the danger-level of the area, the bigger and more powerful a purge would happen.
The purge is an event that happens periodically where creatures and/or humans from the surrounding area bands together and mounts an attack on a player outpost. The area where you build determine what type of monsters will spawn from the purge, whereas the server settings determine the difficulty of the purge.
Purges focus on the first stone placed in a build. And if there has been active building of over 2000 tiles at a build. If a Purge is not able to find anywhere to spawn, it will spawn inside the 'building' it wants to go to. This occurs if something's build on an island, the water, a mesa, top of a tree, or something that isn't on the regular ground. If there is a gate with defending walls/barricade, it will still spawn inside the base compound after the thralls defended 2-3 waves of attack.
When a purge starts, it checks the area to see what purges are available, how many tiers each of those purges have and then starts a purge of a specific difficulty from those two factors. The upper bound difficulty of a purge is determined by the server setting; it doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to have a high-level purge. But it does increase the chance for it.
Players / clans gain purge points by completing activities. Different activities grant different amounts of purge points and once a certain threshold has been passed (by default 75% of your bar, or 42000 purge points.) the player/clan is eligible for a purge. Once a purge happens, the purge meter is reduced to zero for that clan.
Purge Score Table
Log On - A player in the clan logs in. - 100
Timer Tick - A player in the clan is online when the timer ticks - 62.5
Kill Human - A player in the clan kills a player - 200 Not applicable on our Servers. (IE PVE)
Kill NPC - A player in the clan kills an NPC - 200
Place Building Tiles - Any building piece is placed by a player in the clan. - 200
Offline Timer Tick - If no player in this clan has been online for 4 hours, Tick starts deducting points instead of adding. - (-62.5 points per tick)
If you open up your inventory, you’ll see a bar beneath your character. This is the Purge Meter. As you play the game (gather resources, build, kill NPCs, explore the word) it will start to fill up. Once it reaches the first line you can be attacked by a Purge. It won’t happen automatically when you go over the threshold, but as long as your Purge activity score is above it, there’s a chance for it to happen. Keep in mind that it’s always a chance, not a guarantee.
The system works on a periodic scoring system. If anyone in a clan performs an action in that period – e.g. kill a player, build something etc., then that event is added to the list of events that have been performed in that period. The amount of times an action is performed, and the amount of players that perform it, is irrelevant. A clan that kills 1 NPC will receive the same score as a clan that kills 1000. Every update cycle, the Purge events are added together and the score is added to the Purge meter. All Purge events are then cleared for the start of the next period. All players within a clan share the same Purge Meter. A logged-out player is considered a clan in the database.
Once eligible, a Purge has a chance to occur while an eligible player(s) (or clan{s}) are online, and they will be chosen at random to receive a Purge. The system is set up to choose a player (or clan) at random. If you are on a dedicated server or local game, and you are the only one playing, the purge will only pick you. But on a server with, for example, 10 clans, 4 of which are above the threshold, you have a 25% chance to get it if you are among the 4.
Once the first Purge has ended, another eligible player (or clan) will be chosen to receive a Purge. This will continue until there are no more eligible players (or clans). There is a limit to the number of times that The Purge can be triggered per day.
AOC Building Items ONLY Available on Exiled Lands Server.
The Purge has 6 difficulty settings:
Resistant to Purge Levels 1-2. Used around the starter areas and can be resisted with T1 buildings. Tier 1 Buildings - Sandstone (Stone and Wood) Sandstone basic building can be unlocked with the Apprentice Mason recipe. Tier 1 AOC Wood items = equivalent to T2-T3 Core. Resistant to Purge Levels 2-3
Resistant to Purge Levels 2-3. Used in the center of the map and the swamp{EL} (can be resisted with T2 buildings) Tier 2 Buildings - Stonebrick (Bricks, Shaped Wood, Iron Reinforcement) Bricks building can be unlocked with the Journeyman Mason recipe. Tier 1 AOC Wood items = equivalent to T2-T3 Core. Resistant to Purge Levels 2-3
Resistant to Purge Levels 3-4. Used in highlands, frozen areas and volcano (you should have T3 buildings to resist them) Tier 3 Buildings - Reinforced Stone (Hardened Brick, Shaped Wood, Steel Reinforcements) Tier 1 AOC Wood items = equivalent to T2-T3 Core. Resistant to Purge Levels 2-3
Resistant to Purge levels 4-5. Used in highlands, frozen areas and volcano (you should have T3 buildings, ideally T4↟ to resist them) Tier 4 DLC Building items (Some of the heavy brick build stuff is rated T4) Some of our mods provide Tier 4 building items as well. Tier 2 AOC Brick Items = equivalent to T3-T4 Core. Resistant to Purge Levels 3-4.
Resistant to Purge levels 5-6. Used in Fringe or edges of the maps, along the highlands, frozen areas and volcano (you should have T4↟ buildings to resist them)(Anywhere near an AOC or EEWA npc camp, boss spawn point, or wildlife location!) Tier 3 AOC Core Metal building stuff. (Kronyum, Elvari, etc.) to T5-T6 Core. Resistant to Purge Levels 3-4.
Purge Level = 6 (allows for AOC and EEWA thralls) Purge Prep time = 10 mins. Purge Duration = 10 mins Requires # of Players to initiate = 1 Allow Building = Yes Purge Meter Trigger Value = 15000 (recommended) Purge Meter Update Interval = 20 mins. Initial Purge Delay = 15 mins.
Purge Level = 5 (Makes Siptah a bit more challenging) Purge Prep time = 10 mins. Purge Duration = 10 mins Requires # of Players to initiate = 1 Allow Building = Yes Purge Meter Trigger Value = 15000 (recommended) Purge Meter Update Interval = 20 mins. Initial Purge Delay = 15 mins.
Purge Level = 4 (There are several thrall classes that are unidentified as of yet. This map has no official purge map published) Purge Prep time = 10 mins. Purge Duration = 10 mins Requires # of Players to initiate = 1 Allow Building = Yes Purge Meter Trigger Value = 15000 (recommended) Purge Meter Update Interval = 20 mins. Initial Purge Delay = 15 mins.
Currently on PVE Unofficial servers, purges may not always work. This is not an intended feature.
The Purge can happen at any point and should trigger eventually, even if players are offline.
Sometimes a Purge doesn’t strike anyone on the server, even with full Meters, for several days. This is because the Purge targets a clan at random, and it may be a clan that is offline for a longer period of time than other more active players.
The Purge meter doesn’t tick up as intended on Unofficial dedicated servers. Funcom is working on this issue.
One notable difference with purges on Savage Wilds is that you will always have some human mobs with your purges, even if it is predominantly an 'animal' purge.
Wipes are only done when a save is corrupted or a mod errors and requires a full server wipe. Instead of wipes, our admin team relies on Pippi (a mod) that allows our Conan Admin team to completely refresh a map in roughly four to six hours. All Servers are "SWEPT" (our term for the mod/Admin cleaning) in a rough schedule of every four weeks. Any tribe that is fully inactive (30 days of no log ins) will be structure wiped. Keeping our maps mostly clean and ready for new players.
All structures and thralls auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every few days, your structures and thralls may disappear. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle {in Conan this means 5 foundation stones in a circle around you}) In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle) Our settings are extended to x2 the normal settings.
Information on the Professions mod we employ on IOS and Savage Wilds, including interactive maps for ALL THREE SERVERS - EXILED Lands, IOS, and Savage Wilds!
Greetings Exiles,
Chapter 3 is now out! Introducing a new mechanic we hope you get to love as much as we did creating it: Golem Shaping! Gather different parts and raise your golem in the new workbenches. Depending on which parts you use, you will be able to raise guardian golems that will follow you in your quests, or utility golems that will gather resources for you on demand! Take it one step further with the coatings to further customize your creations!
Chapter 3 also introduces a new encounter! A moon eclipse is looming over the nigh-time skies. Face Kurak and all the dark forces protecting him in his lair for rewards that will be worth your time!
Another big addition we are adding in Chapter 3 is a complete overhaul of the Journey System. We went back to the drawing board and redesigned the system from the ground up. New objectives, more meaningful paths, new UI, and even rewards to make your user Journey all the more meaningful and satisfying!
Construct your own Golem using different parts, specialize it in combat or utility to harvest materials for you! Apply coatings to add special effects and extra customization! New crafting benches, reagents, NPCs, loot and other goodies await in this free update!
For a long time we have wanted to improve the early experience in Conan Exiles, making it easier to learn the game without sacrificing any of the freedom.
With the Journey System redesign, we do this while also giving something new for veteran players to explore. It’s a new way to explore the world of Conan Exiles, and we can’t wait to hear what you think about it.
The new Journey System can be especially helpful for returning players, as it acts as a guide to the features now available in Conan Exiles. If you want to learn how to tame a horse – select the Outrider journey. If you want to learn sorcery – select the Sorcerer journey.
Journeys are represented by a card, within which a series of tasks are given. Most journeys have a prerequisite of some sort to begin it, after which you can select it and begin to progress through the tasks. Don’t forget that you can switch between the journeys at any time, to focus on learning what you want.
The night has retreated, replaced by a foreboding eclipse, amplifying catastrophic sorceries being conducted in the shadows.
A brilliant spear of light in the sky, Mek-kamoses Spire can be seen from a great distance. From this new hub, speak to the sorcerer himself and help him stop Kurak’s calamitous ritual. On this new adventure, you will eventually be transported face to face with Kurak in a brand-new encounter that will decide the fate of the Exiled Lands.
Mek-kamoses knows Kurak hides beneath the sands. He has fashioned a Transportory Stone for any adventurer willing to take on Kurak and attempt to return his head to Mek-kamoses.
Chapter 3 brings a brand new Battle Pass track, with 60 levels to progress through offering new and exciting rewards, including mannequins!
Whether you purchase the Battle Pass or not, you can follow the story (and receive free rewards) as you progress through it by completing challenges. Here are some highlights from the long list of cosmetic weapons, armors, decorations, pets, and more, that the Battle Pass and Bazaar have to offer:
Expanded Turanian Building Set (Bazaar)
Secret Passages, like a carpet-covered trapdoor (Bazaar)
Blood Crystal Weapons (Battle Pass and Bazaar)
Golem Shaping Armor Set (Battle Pass)
Turanian Mercenary Camel Pet (Battle Pass)
Golem Skin Variation (Battle Pass and Bazaar)
UnlockAllRecipes, Creative Mode, and LearnAllRecipes may prevent the Ignite spell on Mek-kamoses’ teleporter from appearing.
Conan guide to Thralls, Weapons, Armor, Tools & Thrall Recipes. Courtesy of Named T4 Thralls | Weapons | Armor | Tools | Thrall Bonus Recipes