ARK:Survivor Evolved Guides
Fun and Interesting Ark Facts!
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Fun and Interesting Ark Facts!
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ARK: Mod Package Guide
All info on all the mods we use in this cluster!
How we Actually Breed these Super Leveled and Stated Creatures!
Tips and Tricks for some of the more unique Builds you see on the cluster!
How to cook custom recipes, with several examples, and a 2022 Kibble chart and some really old legacy ones. Just for funs.
If you want to see lore explained. Here's your Sign!
How to make and use .PNT files in Ark Survival!
And other interesting information about ARK!
Mindwipes if DONE ON the EVENT MAP do NOT have a Cooldown limit. So, Take a Mindwipe with you to the Event Map use it and then transfer back to your map to craft. When done crafting, Gather a new mindwipe up and transfer back to Event Map and take it there. You will now be able to Play normally again.
FLOATING CEILINGS: We have a setting turned on where our Ceilings will float with out support in the game. Hence the Many floating bases you see here.
NO PIPELINES TO WATER NEEDED: We have set S+ to have an endless water supply. Just put your water piping together in your base, no clip an S+ intake to the end piece (NO IT DOES NOT NEED WATER) and you will be fully irrigated. You can also use S+ Beehives to water crops in a 50 Foundation ARC around them.
Ladders act as Elevators: Our S+ ladders will teleport you to the top of the section they are attached to.
RAFT Building: You will need to use the S+ conversion table to convert one S+ foundation to a Vanilla Foundation. Then lock it to the raft and then you can use S+ regular structures from there to keep it all connected.
DROPPED EGGS: Here on THE PACK we have a mod that stops dropped eggs from interfering with any egg laying mechanics of the wild Wyverns, Drakes, and Deino's! When the egg inters your or your dino's inventory the blueprint path changes from base ark code to a new one, and when dropped it no longer creates an impediment for the wild dinos to spawn eggs.
HOW TO GET WYVERN/DRAKE EGGS: Wyverns have an event that is triggered on unstasis (when they are rendered by a player). They then check the last time they spawned an egg. If this time is greater than 6000 seconds (100 mins) they will then check for a nearby nest spawn point. If it finds one it will spawn an egg with the same stats and colors that it has. Both genders of wyverns will spawn an egg, they don't have to be in mating pairs. Once it has spawned an egg it will reset its egg spawn timer so it will not spawn another for 45 minutes, it also checks within a radius of 3000 UE4 units (50 foundations) and will reset any other wyverns timer in that area to 45 minutes also.
This same mechanic is very similar in any "stolen EGG" dino.
The best way to gather "stolen" eggs then, is to make two separate passes through the nesting areas. Pass one is to gather all the eggs and consume the low levels. Kill all low level dinos! Leave the area... (means de-render it), wait about 30 mins, and re-enter the nesting area. You should have new hopefully higher leveled eggs in nests.
These creatures are Unique to any cluster that uses JP"S Server Tweaks. Jp made several that were designed for OUR use. These creatures can be moved to any other ARK in our Cluster.
Alpha Ankylosaurus - Spawn as 1/20th Ankys Bionic Quetz - Spawn as 1/10th Quetz Bionic Giga - Spawn as 1/10th Giga Bionic Mosa - Spawn as 1/10th Mosa Bionic Trike - Spawn as 1/20th Trikes Styracasaurs - Spawn as 1/20th Trikes Stygimoloch - Spawn as 1/20th Pachys Brachiosaurs - Spawn as 1/10th Brontosaurs Jennari Jerboas - Spawn as 1/10th Jerboas Royal Otters - Spawn as 1/10th Otters YuniCorns - Spawn as 1/20th Unicorns (So Unicorns are 1/20th of Equus... so this makes Yunicorns a very RARE spawn at roughly 1/40th of the population.
Several ARK maps have unique creatures that only exist on that map. These will not be able to transfer to another map in the Dino tab, nor in a Cryopod. If your creature in a Cryopod presents as a raptor head when you look at the icon. It is NOT transferable. It will no longer deploy on any map. You will need to dispose of the cryo.
Valguero - Ice Golem Chalk Golem
Extintcion Titans can not be transferred into Genesis
Ebenus Astrum - Akoya Wyvern (The 'White Wyvern') Samudra Wyvern (The 'Black Wyvern') Majungasaurus Monolonodingdongalongasaurus Battle Island Creatures. Velox fliers of any kind. (Any riding winged creature)
Hope - The Hope Rideable Vulture The Hope Phoenix Some Hope Ice Wyverns will not transfer as an egg or as a Dino.
Amissa - Amissa Wyverns (fire, lighting, poison, mountain and shadow) Macaw Argent Parrot Chicken
Due to EPIC Launcher restrictions of NO mods. We do not provide crossover play between PC and Epic launcher. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If at a future date Epic provides mod support, we will reconsider our options.
If you are launching the game directly from the GeForce NOW application (clicking on the game image), then the game will boot up before the mods will have a chance to download. Please open those specific games in the 'Manage Steam' mode. To do this, open the GeForce NOW application and click on your username in the upper right hand corner. From there you will see a drop down menu, and select 'Manage Steam.'
Once you have started a session and have an instance of Steam launched, make sure you install the mod(s) you want to play. Once installed, the mods should start downloading.
Do note that you will need to GO to 'Manage Steam' each and every time you want to launch a game with Steam Workshop mods.
Dododex multipliers are set for OFFICIAL maps only. Our unique settings for our server will not register properly in the app. For this reason we advise in using it as a ROUGH guide only. Not as absolute fact of what it will take to tame something. We also have unique items here from a Mod that negates most of the issues in taming. Jp's Narcotics. and the manufacture of Extraordinary kibble is very easy. The Narcotics can knock out most things with 10 arrows or less. The darts even faster. Extraordinary kibble is easy to make with the ECO RP cooker and most maps have an open Indy cooker in the workshop. Just BYOB your foodstuffs.
Anti Meshing Barriers (Skybox - Ground mesh layer-etc.) This includes the deaths while using a teleporter. These incidents will not produce a bag or recoverable items in the death recovery system.
Server Restarts, and Server Crashes (Not Client Side Crashes) Server Restarts, and Server Crashes will have a 5 to 14 min. Rollback to the save Prior to the restart, or the last save before the Crash. All Data collected between the Save time stamp and the restart or Crash will be erased. This means if you transfer in or out just before a RESTART your information and what you have pulled out of the terminal will be deleted. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or dinos.
Client Crashes that result in death. In most cases will be recoverable in the Death Recovery mods, unless you pass the 30 min Death cache decay limit. When you transfer: Keep in mind that your data goes into the Steam Cloud network and The Pack Gaming Owners and Admins have no way to recover this data. DO NOT TRANSFER from 20 MIN. Prior to a RESTART, and wait 20 Min. AFTER a Restart to Transfer again. So that data is properly transferred and not lost.
There have been reports of players losing their character by using the transmitting-feature. This is often caused by Steam cloud error, client crash, server rollback/maintenance (restarts), or client buffer overload issues, when attempting to download or upload before the next server save, so use this feature at your own risk. If you attempt to upload after the 5 min. to restart warning from a server, and you lost your character on the server you transferred TO, the game will still force you to create a new character as if you do not have any on the server despite it existing. Please return to the server you uploaded from to regain your character. This is the Anti-duping technology intended to prevent duping of characters.
Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to ARK cloud have a 24-hour time limit in multiplayer. Ensure you are set to download them into another server before the timer runs out, or else your items will decay in your upload when the timer goes past 0.
Transferring a dino to breed, when you transfer females they will have a 24 hour cool down, they can not breed nor can you swap them to males to breed them. Males will still have a 24 hour period that if you gender swap them in the S+ Mutator, they will not change gender. You will have to wait for 24 hours to change them.
Community Centers: Are a admin built, complete Shop so that you can get things done that you do not have access to in your base yet. Forges, Fabs, and Replicators are available. There is always an open Teleporter, and open Transmitter at each CC. Usually there is free gear, free dinos in cryo, and some free resources to be had. We ask that you remember that you got a helping hand, and PAY it FORWARD! By donating to the CC when your in a position to do so!
Refineries: Are a platform near a especially rich source of Metal, Obsidian or crystal, and or Oil, they have fabs and forges, Open Transmitters, and teleport pads.
Event Bases: These are large platforms set up near a section where we do a event over and over. Island , Ragnarok, and Gen-1 have notable ones. You will find an open teleport /transmitter on these and sometimes a Refinery.
Admin's Bases: Most of our Admin's that have a base separate from THE PACK BASES on maps will have an open area you can teleport from and open transmitters. THE PACK ADMIN BASES: will have sections you can use as a shop, and Open Teleport pads and teleporters.
The Pack Teleport Web: Each map has a web of open teleport pads scattered over the map. They are unlocked so you can recover dinos or death-caches in the case of death. You will find an Admin owned teleport at the beginning of an artifact cave or Dungeon. And in Resource rich areas. Sometimes just a feature of the map that is popular. We try to keep one at the easiest spawn point on the map too.
We ask you the player to keep in mind these are owned by The Pack and if you come across one that is demo ready or an oil well or water well that is demo ready, you take a SS or a "ccc" of it and drop in #admin-support in our Discord.
Wipes are only done when a save is corrupted or a mod errors and requires a full map wipe. Some instances of a modded map becoming a Free DLC have also created a wipe instance. Instead of wipes, our admin team relies on an app called ARK Save Viewer, which allows the Ark Admin team to completely refresh a map in roughly four to six hours. All maps are "SWEPT" (our term for the ASV/Admin cleaning) in a rough schedule of every Six weeks. All dinos not claimed or abandoned are either trapped for donations, or deleted from the maps. Any tribe that in fully inactive (30 days of no log ins)will be structure wiped. Keeping our maps mostly clean and ready for new players.
All structures and tamed dinosaurs auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every few days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle {in ark this means 5 foundation stones in a circle around you}) In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle) Our settings are extended to x2 the normal settings. On our servers, auto-decay timers follow these rules: Structures plus uses a TIER TABLE: Tier 1 WOOD Tier 1 WOOD STORAGE Tier 2 METAL Tier 2 METAL STORAGE Tier 3 TEK Tier 3 TEK STORAGE
Schedule of item decay and auto-decay periods.
DINO's are CLAIMABLE in 12 Days.
S+ Thatch building pieces timeout in 4 days, auto decays in 6.
S+ Adobe building pieces timeout in 8 days, auto decays in 12.
S+ Wood building pieces timeout in 8 days, auto decays in 12.
S+ Tier 1 WOOD items (boxes, Storage cabinets, Smithy, Stone forge) timeout in 16 days, auto decays in 35 days.
S+ Stone building pieces timeout in 12 days, auto decays in 18.
S+ Greenhouse building pieces timeout in 15 days, auto decays in 23
S+ Metal building pieces timeout in 16 days, auto decays in 24.
S+ Tier 2 METAL items (boxes, vaults, Fab, chem bench) timeout in 32 days, auto decays in 48 days.
S+ Tek building pieces timeout in 20 days, auto decays in 30.
S+ Tier 3 TEK items (any tek machinery) timeout in 60 days, auto decays in 75 days.
S+ Tier 3 TEK machinery will drop and reset timers.
S+ Tier 3 TEK items not on a built surface, timeout in 75 days
Strange Decay & Auto decay timers:
S+ firepits, Sleeping bags, all types of spiked fences, DO NOT AUTO DECAY, they do reach a state of demo ready.
Tamed Dinosaur in a soulpod/cryopod: is as long as the lifetime of the container it's stored in.
Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars less than 24 hours.
Only vaults and Tek Dedicated Storage will last longer than the foundation they sit on. The decay timer for a vault will reset whenever it falls.
All other structures will be destroyed when the foundation they sit on is destroyed.
Currently on Hiatus as we move the event from Lost Island to the Event Map and new Buildings.
Vendors will have TBD
SALE DAYS are usually Saturday 10am. EST to 6pm EST. Roughly every other MONTH. Admins will be available on the night before, and on and off during the event date as their schedule permits.
Please be sure to join the Traders Village Alliance to VEND items and or dinos. Only those that are registered as Vendors may build in the confines of the Traders Village Base area.
Vendors are encouraged to bring a crafting ALT over to the Event Map to be in your VENDORS TRIBE. Do not Destroy any prebuilt items in the Traders Village unless owned by your Vendors tribe.
All tames being bartered should be CLIPPED and Stored in soul traps securely inside the storage area for your tribe. You may bring them to the map during the day before a Traders event. All items being Bartered should be stored securely when no Event is Going on.
The Site is Designed in a Cart Wheel Shaped Design.:
Level One - 3-4 story tall shops: Designed to display smaller dinos and Dino dermis. This area is intended for those that are trading in Dinos.
Level Two - 2 Story shops. This Section will house any shops dealing with gear, blueprints and resource trading. Small shoulder pet shops can be placed here.
Wheel Hub Inn - Small food Kiosks and the The Music Stage where we will have music and events presented by Players during the event.
The Village Bank (located near Front entrance) is available for all vendors and players to request a lockbox to place currency for trades and other items in.
Please join the appropriate voice channel in our discord ON EVENT DAYS, This allows us to better control and handle the event.
Sales and Deals are solely at the discretion of the Vendor and the player engaged in the trade. The PACK GAMING Admin team is not responsible for loss of items or tames due to any trade or deal made during or after the event.
Please see the event rules at: The Pack Traders Village Days.