ASA: PvE Servers Rules.

Coming soon!

1. COMMON SENSE Guidelines

  • The PACK Gaming has several different game platforms and servers. These come as a free service to all our players but come with certain rules and strict enforcement. We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason.

  • These rules are available in each of The Pack server’s Global posts most of the time. Ignorance of the rules will not be considered during intervention and does not give grounds for an appeal.

  • These rules are not comprehensive and use of loopholes to violate the spirit of these rules is subject to enforcement. Failure to follow these rules will result in being removed from the community! Please follow all of the RULES found here!

  • We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. We will put a note in the Message of the Day on Specific servers when there are significant updates.

2. Personal Responsibility & Tribal/Clan Membership

  • ❝Your presence in this server implies accepting these rules, including all further changes. We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. ❞

  • Please read through and consider the spirit of the rules, not just the specific wording. And make sure your clanmates are also aware of them as their actions can affect you. Any infraction by a player will most likely have repercussions for the entire clan. If you’re not sure your clanmates will abide by the rules you might want to reconsider your membership in that tribe/clan. And if you do not plan on playing on a specific server any more it is often best to also leave your tribe/clan there.

Admin Involvement in Tribal Affairs

  • If you do not understand how to Merge, OR Join your tribes ASK! ADMINS CAN ASSIST, and or give valuable information to help you prevent loss of tames, or buildings. If you have merged or joined and lost your builds, unfortunately we cannot assist with recovering most buildings ownership.‌

  • Admins rarely get involved in intra-tribal(things going on inside a tribe) issues and or inter-tribal(things between two tribes) issues. UNLESS the altercations escalate to the stage of griefing or harassment.

3. Infractions

3A. We work on a "3 Strikes Method"

  • Strike One: You and your Tribe/Clan get a warning. This can be Slept tames to Us removing the offending objects or tames. And a Sign informing you of the offense.

  • Strike Two: We have to talk to you about a new rule or you broke the same one again. You can have creatures or buildings removed up to a Temp BAN. Temp Bans are 3 to 5 days without access to the servers.

  • Strike Three: We are done, and you are Perm Banned.

Furthermore, If someone is a participant of our Discord, and/or a Player on our Servers, A ban on Discord may also be pursued on the Server Cluster. We do not issue warnings ahead of Admin intervention. Hacking, or using Exploits and other situations deemed as extreme will be met with a permanent ban on the first offense.

3B. Reporting Infractions

To report players, clans, or specific exploits on any of our servers

  • Please contact us through our Discord(, and fill out a ticket in our Discord (#Support-Tickets)

  • Our team will get back to you using the private thread provided. Please make sure you provide the best information you can at the time of your report. This means relaying as much information as you can to help our team investigate. This includes, but is not limited to, screenshots, videos, timestamps, names of characters and guilds, and a good description of the issue. To get a "CCC" use the command /whatsmyccc in any Discord Channel. You will receive a message with instructions.

  • We won’t be able to refund or return any loss of property caused by an infraction.

4. Harassment - Griefing

Treat others as you would like to be treated. If you experience Harassment / Griefing / or observe inappropriate content in-game, please be aware that there are tools in some games to help you improve your experience such as muting. If your game does not have Muting, please fill out a ticket in our Discord (#Support-Tickets)

Section 4A Harassment:

  • We Allow coarse humor, rough language, and or content. If this is not for you, Thank you for your interest, but we may not be the BEST FIT for you.

  • There are some offensive and defamatory chat and user-created content of racial, overtly sexual, hateful, illicit, Terrorist and criminal glorification, or of other nature DEEMED NOT PERMITED. This extends to character names, guild names, in-game signs, any other type of communication in Server.

  • Personal threats, doxing, stalking. Please also make sure to get in touch with the local authorities in such similar cases.

  • Do not trespass into a base not your own, unless by accident. Nor visiting or hanging around in a base NOT yours. If someone asks you to leave, DO SO.

  • Our admin team considers all the above action types of Harassment . If reported to admins, you will receive up to a 5 day ban . Continued Harassment of this type will lead to a The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.

Section 4B. GRIEFING.

  • Do NOT, join a tribe or ask others to merge with you, for the sole purpose of stealing from the other player.

  • Do not, in any form, harm or kill another P. Character. (Dragging and drownings, feeding a player to the wildlife, or other forms of killing P. Characters.) Unless specifically told to do so by one of The PACK Staff.

  • STEALING someone's PASSIVE tame is GRIEFING. Do not steal any Dino that someone else is in the process OF knocking out, Or, In the process of PASSIVE TAMING! Or, one they point out that they are about to tame. Flying in at the last moment in the middle of Passive taming and feeding the last bite IS GRIEFING.

  • Our admin team considers all the above action types of GRIEFING . If reported to admins, you will receive The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.

5. Hacks & Exploits

Hacks and exploits are not tolerated. This is a BAN first, ask questions later mater.

Real-Money Trading (RMT) - GAME items, creatures, or services must only be exchanged for other items, creatures, or services within the game. Trading for real-world currency (real money) is not an accepted form of trading and is forthwith prohibited on our cluster.

Hacks are uses of third-party programs that inject code and modify aspects of the game to provide unfair advantage against other players. Utilizing such will lead to action taken against your access to our servers and flags added to your Steam ID.

Exploits are uses and abuses of game mechanics to obtain an unfair advantage over other players including creating a detrimental play experience through reduced server or game performance.

6. Auto-decay and Claiming

6A. It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on.

All structures and tamed dinosaurs auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every few days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle {in ark this means 5 foundation stones in a circle around you}) In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle) Our settings are extended to x2 the normal settings. On our servers, auto-decay timers follow these rules:


6B. Claiming ~ Decayed Bases:

  • DO NOT destroy/or remove parts or tames of ANY ADMINS, OWNERS, or Community Buildings, EVEN IF DECAYED! You will be banned. DO NOT DEMO -CLAIM A BASE NAMED any of the following variations: <name> (ADMIN); <name> (OWNER); <name> {Owner/Admin}; The PACK {Community Building}; Traders Village {Community Building}; The Events Team {Community Building} TO SEE IF A TRIBE IS AN ADMIN TRIBE, CLICK HERE!

  • You may demo any NON Owner/NON - Admin base that the majority of the building mats (OVER 75%) are decayed. DO NOT Break just a few walls or floors to take the resources, DINOs.

  • Please remove as much of the decayed items as you can if you are claiming a decayed base! (This is a recommendation not a requirement)

  • Admins will not remove normal decayed items (Wood or Metal Tier items) So a player can build there.

  • LOOTED Bases 24-48 hour rule - Signed equipment and Dinos claimed 24 to 48 hours prior, are subject to return to the PREVIOUS owner should they log back in. Players are to settle these ownership issues themselves. Admins do not get involved in interactions between tribes unless griefing is noted.



  • Server Dino Cap =


  • Do NOT leave Tamed /Claimed Dinos all over the map! These will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!

  • Wandering Dinos that escape notice, are not tagged, or are not retrieved within a decay cycle (?) will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!

  • Dinos on a Defensive setting, that go rogue, will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!


  • You must be able to physically reach the Dino, to Claim it.

  • Do NOT Claim through Walls and Floors.

  • DO NOT CLAIM Dinos below Level 150.

  • NO UNCLAIMING DINOS at the CC's, trap and place in the donations bin. Do not unclaim dinos in the wild to circumvent the Tribal dino cap in breeding! And or the SERVER DINO CAP max.


NO CARNIVORS on WANDER! These will sometimes go rouge on resets or server crashes, and phase your walls. Velonasuars, and other "Turret" dinos are acceptable if you follow the encumbered rule below. ALL DEFENSE DINOS should be "Tagged" for fast retrieval if they escape.

  • It must be encumbered to the point it cannot walk in any direction.

  • Do not use a Dino leash, it will NOT stop them from moving outside the ring during a server reset.

  • You may enclose a moschops in a 1x1 box and while riding it, whistle all Defense dinos to the moschops as a dependable tether. Use a leash as a second ring to hold them inside the aura of the moschops whistle.

  • No other setting is approved for Aggressive setting.



Only Beetles, snails, oviraptors, fish in an enclosed natural pond, otters in an enclosed pen in a pond, Dodos, are allowed on wander under the below specified rules.

  • Beetles, & snails may be on “wander” while enclosed in a greenhouse build. Limit to same gender to stop overpopulation explosions.

  • Fish in an enclosed pond with no connection to any other running water, may wander. Limit of 20 overall wandering pets in such a situation.

  • Otters, if the pond is contained within a 4x4 or 5x5 set of moonpools with the top edge of the water's surface, may wander. Limit to 10 same sex in a pen. If breeding occurs move the two genders pens further apart.

  • Dodos, use a 2x2 of moonpools snapped together to make a dodo pen. Limit to 10 same sex in a pen. If breeding occurs move the two genders pens further apart.

  • Outside of these acceptable use guidelines, NO OTHER DINOS can be set to wandering


We are implementing breeding rules Please also obey the “Tribal Cap LIMITS” outlined below!

  • Our cluster has set the normal Server Dino Cap =

  • ?Active and awake dinos. ?Cryoed Dinos. For a total of ? all together PER TRIBE - PER MAP (Smaller Dino Cap Maps may impose a different Tribal Cap Arrangement)

  • IT is PREFERED when you are manually setting mating, that you use the MATING setting button only to mate dinos. (So wandering is not such an issue.)

  • All male animals that you do NOT want to breed with others need to be clipped or kept cryoed.

  • Clipping - we ask that you high level breeders please clip dinos, so abuse of your bloodlines do not occur. It is personal choice though and we will not enforce mandatory clipping.

  • Players seeking HIGH LEVEL bred dinos - Please be respectful of breeders who do clip before sale. We have had unscrupulous players on the cluster clone and sell such dinos as their own line. It is a personal choice for the Breeder so please respect them in the choices they make.

  • Transferring a dino to breed, when you transfer females, they will have a 24 hour cool down, they cannot breed, nor can you swap them to males to breed them.

  • Cloning of Clones, and Neutered Dinos is prohibited. Most settings are set so this should be impossible, but some players have circumvented the settings. This is a BAN OFFENSE. If caught you will be banned and all cloned illegal dinos will be destroyed. If in a tribe, other players that reap the benefits will lose any dinos so made. NO recompense.

8. Server Building Restrictions

Please remember that there are other players sharing the server with you. Restricting others’ access to content is not allowed beyond of course grabbing a spot for your base. This includes using building items to provide yourself with an unfair advantage at claiming loot crates, artifacts and OSD's. If you wish to reign supreme on the map and hog all the resources and enemies, please consider single player.

8A. Building Regulations:

  • All Building rules are designed around a Solo Player Or a multi-player tribe. No personal bases over the tribe limit of ONE Main and ONE outpost PER MAP.

  • No Massive constructions or over-use of memory intensive items leading to loss of performance both on client and server-side. This means excessive full sized 80 x 80 x 36 square boxes either on the ground, tree, water or aerial.

  • No Abuse of the claim system where blocks are placed/spammed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to resources and building spots. This includes camping any artifact, high level loot drop.

  • No Blocking of content in the game. Such as artifact caves, dungeons, obelisks, Lore notes & resources (5 nodes or more), Rivers and streams deep enough for a raft, Walkways and Causeways that provide the only means to travel to areas of the map.

  • ONE Main Base Build per ARK Map: You/Your tribe is/are allowed a 80 x 80 foundation square. Maximum height is 36 walls. THIS allotment includes all FENCE LINES and square meterage of the Buildings that form the MAIN BASE. If you don't need the full area please make it smaller.(Aerial, Tree and Ocean bases are covered in Section 8B.)

  • ONE Outpost base per ARK Map: You are allowed a 20 x 20 foundation square. Maximum height is 36 walls. Outposts may be either Attached to the main base, or stand alone builds. (Tree and Ocean Outposts are covered in Section 8B.)

  • No building within 75 tiles of another build. Please, Players should ask the other tribe first before bringing it to an Admin. Admin intervention is the last step.

  • PLEASE SEE Section 8C: Prohibited Areas below for a full list of NO BUILD Places in ASA.

8B: Specifics Allowed:

  • Ocean Platforms or Floating Foundations (water)-As a MAIN BASE - 4 Platforms linked together. With no more than 36 walls high "divided" between above and below water line, if on a lake. No more than 48 walls high "divided" between above and below water line, if used as an Ocean base.

  • Ocean Platforms or Floating Foundations (water)- AS a OUTPOST - 2 Platforms linked together. With no more than 36 walls high "divided" between above and below water line, if on a lake. No more than 48 walls high "divided" between above and below water line, if used as an Ocean base.

  • Tree Platforms: You are allowed a 80 x 80 foundation square or the equivalent, top height of a tree platform (ground to top/48 walls).

  • Mobile Bases (Platform Saddles & Rafts) are acceptable to use for farming and other tribal needs but when NOT in use they need to be parked near the Tribes Main base or Outpost. NOTE: Platform saddles count as 20 dinos in the Dino Cap Limits. Stryders are Considered Platform Saddles. And Skiffs, Rafts and Motorboats once built on do as well.

  • Building in/on Ruins ARE allowed but do not block any entrance to other Areas. Please stay as close to the allowed base/outpost size as possible.

  • Cave building - Caves that are less than 40 x 40 tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE. Caves over 80 x80 tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE caves. You must be Allied to build in a over 80 x80 cave. Do not build in any cave with restrictions put forth in the Prohibitive Build Areas for your map.

  • TAMING PENS and spike fence walls -Those connected to a base by gates and within the base or outposts size allotments are considered part of such base/outpost. Those left in the wild have a 48 hour limit before an admin removes them. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!

8C: Prohibited Areas:

Island Prohibited Areas:

  • Penguin Island[[Organic Polymer Farming]]

  • Hidden Lake[[Protected Beaver Spawn]]

  • Underwater Resource Caves [[Resource Area]] ​

  • Oil Fields area [[Resource Area]]

  • Silica Pearls lake [[Resource Area]]

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • All Caves on Island have building prevention enabled.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

SE Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe. ​

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • All Caves on SE have building prevention enabled.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Time will not be spent to carefully remove only offending pieces. All constructions belonging to the owner (player or clan) will be destroyed. There will be no refunds of materials or inventories.

9. BORKED Transfers, Client or Server Crashes, Players Deaths.

The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos. Client Crashes that result in death. In most cases will be recoverable in the Death Recovery mods, unless you pass the 30 min Death cache decay limit. We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason.

  • Anti Meshing Barriers (Skybox - Ground mesh layer-etc.) This includes the deaths while using a teleporter. These incidents will not produce a bag or recoverable items in the death recovery system.

  • Server Restarts, and Server Crashes (Not Client Side Crashes)will have a 5 to 14 min. Rollback to the save Prior to the restart, or the last save before the Crash. All Data collected between the Save time stamp and the restart or Crash will be erased.

  • Server Restarts (after updates and in the mornings) If you transfer in or out just before a RESTART your information and what you have pulled out of the terminal will be deleted. When you transfer: Keep in mind that your data goes into the Steam Cloud network and The Pack Gaming Owners and Admins have no way to recover this data.

  • DO NOT TRANSFER from 20 MIN. Prior to a RESTART, and wait 20 Min. AFTER a Restart to Transfer again. So that data is properly transferred and not lost. If you attempt to upload after the 5 min. to restart warning from a server, and you lost your character on the server you transferred TO, the game will still force you to create a new character as if you do not have any on the server despite it existing. Please return to the server you uploaded from to regain your character. This is the Anti-duping technology intended to prevent duping of characters.

  • Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to ARK cloud have a 24-hour time limit in multiplayer. Ensure you are set to download them into another server before the timer runs out, or else your items will decay in your upload when the timer goes past 0.

10. Special Patreon Perk Rules!

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