An Event Map -designed by - Exilog
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An Event Map -designed by - Exilog
Last updated
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Please Subscribe to the Event Map so you may join us when we do Events for the ARK Cluster!
This Mod is included in the The PACK Gaming Clusters CANON mod pack.
This map is The Event Map for our Cluster. This map provides us with an area that we can host events and or pvp challenges for you our players. Some features built into the map are:
A Colosseum.
A world buff that prevents Hunger and Thirst.
You may learn all the engrams for all the dlc's here if you do not happen to own one of the paid dlc's
A Water Arena.
A Jousting Arena.
A little town (WIP) with little market for ambience and maybe role play or open pvp.
This Map is still a W(ork) I(n) P(rocess). Things will move and change periodically. Some Things the Mod dev is planning on adding in the near future.
add more decor
a labyrinth area
this map is created by the team
Areas of PROHIBITED BUILD: Players may not build on the Event Map. Also do not Claim any claimable dino left on the map.
Currently on Hiatus as we move the event from Lost Island to the Event Map and new Buildings.
Vendors will have TBD
SALE DAYS are usually Saturday 10am. EST to 6pm EST. Roughly every other MONTH. Admins will be available on the night before, and on and off during the event date as their schedule permits.
Please be sure to join the Traders Village Alliance to VEND items and or dinos. Only those that are registered as Vendors may build in the confines of the Traders Village Base area.
Vendors are encouraged to bring a crafting ALT over to the Event Map to be in your VENDORS TRIBE. Do not Destroy any prebuilt items in the Traders Village unless owned by your Vendors tribe.
All tames being bartered should be CLIPPED and Stored in soul traps securely inside the storage area for your tribe. You may bring them to the map during the day before a Traders event. All items being Bartered should be stored securely when no Event is Going on.
The Site is Designed in a Cart Wheel Shaped Design.:
Level One - 3-4 story tall shops: Designed to display smaller dinos and Dino dermis. This area is intended for those that are trading in Dinos.
Level Two - 2 Story shops. This Section will house any shops dealing with gear, blueprints and resource trading. Small shoulder pet shops can be placed here.
Wheel Hub Inn - Small food Kiosks and the The Music Stage where we will have music and events presented by Players during the event.
The Village Bank (located near Front entrance) is available for all vendors and players to request a lockbox to place currency for trades and other items in.
Please join the appropriate voice channel in our discord ON EVENT DAYS, This allows us to better control and handle the event.
Sales and Deals are solely at the discretion of the Vendor and the player engaged in the trade. The PACK GAMING Admin team is not responsible for loss of items or tames due to any trade or deal made during or after the event.
Please see the event rules at: The Pack Traders Village Days.
The Arena, The Jousting Lane, The Blood Raffle Arena, The Fishing Pond, The Village Battle Royale, and the PokeBall challenge Arena are all here on this map. Along with the main repository for the high level blueprints. (Baring the Librarians Build on RAG). We hold Events of all sorts here during the non- holiday months. EVENT RULES: