Exiled Land Server Pippi Info.
The PACK Gaming Pippi Settings for the Exiled Lands.
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The PACK Gaming Pippi Settings for the Exiled Lands.
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Our Server is set up with a variety of different travel methods for everyday use. We employ the core game Obelisk's where possible, or use Mod items like Pippi Portals, EEWA Waypoints, Savage Wilds Caravans, and Professions and Mastery's pocket jaunt. There will be Portal hubs, and specific modded items at each Server Hub's Local for using the different travel methods.
⇞ = Obelisks - Are Vanilla Portals of movement across the Exiled Lands map.
◎ = Pippi Warps are laid out in a progression, WHITE, YELLOW, PURPLE, GREEN, BLUE, GOLD. Pippi warps are set to use PIPPI Bronze as a currency, and vary according to the Difficulty of the location of the warp. Our Patreon's receive special tags that allow access to a special Portal hub where certain levels of warps are free.
℗ = Waypoints - All players must have found the Waypoint, as well as have 100 CE Bronze coins (per trip) and opened Iron tools, to access the waypoint they are attempting to teleport to.
©= Caravans - Specific to Savage Wilds. Caravan's are much like Waypoint's. They cost 100 CE Bronze (per trip), and you must have found the Caravan before you attempt to use it.
Dungeon Warps and Portals - In Most cases the teleport used will drop you near the beginning of the Dungeon and not in it. And Admins may place these warps in a safe spot so those with lessor rigs will not INSTA DIE.
◎Thespian Job: Warp Specialist 3rd class: Server Standard Warps - FREE TO ALL
◎THE Beach - Starting AOC area- /warp BEACH ◎The AOC Hall - The AOC Hall - Has Waypoint - AOC Hall - /warp AOC ◎Perilous Valley Entrance (LEVEL 60-300) - E11 | ℗Waypoint - Perilous Valley -|- /warp Perilous ◎Desert - The edge of the Desert - /warp desert ◎Savana - The edge of the Savana - /warp savana ◎Dafari - The Summoning Place - /warp darfari ◎The City of Seperamu - /warp Relic ◎EL Server Hub - Open to All - /warp HUB - Has Waypoint - /warp Hub EL ◎Patreon Warp HUB - Open to Patreon Members Only - /warp pathub ◎EL Server Traders Hub - Open to All - /warp tradehub (wip) ◎EL Server Arena - Open to All - /warp arena (wip)
◎Thespian Job: Warp Specialist 2nd class: Pippi Warps and EEWA Waypoints (100 bronze) The below are free for Patreons Via the Warp Specialist in the EL Server Hub (UPStairs), the AOC faction hall(Near the entry), and the EEWA Perilous Valley Village(By the table with recipies on it).
⇞The UnNamed City - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - The Archives -|-/warp deadkings ⇞The Black Keep - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - Bridge of the Betrayer -|- /warp Keep ⇞The Temple of Frost - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - The Icy North -|- /warp frost ⇞Volcano Obelisk - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - Crossroads of Lava -|- /warp Volcano ⇞Shattered Springs - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - The Way to the Petrified Tree -|- /warp Springs ⇞The Dregs - Vanilla Dungeon - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - Home of the Abomination -|- /warp dregs ⇞The Mounds of the Dead - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - The Undead Amongst Us -|- /warp Cimmerain ◎WhiteBat - ℗Waypoint - Here Lies the WhiteBat - /Warp WhiteBat ◎The City of Asgarth ℗Waypoint - New Asgarth -|- /warp Vanir ◎The Wine Cellar - /warp cellar ◎The Scorpion Den - /warp Scorpion ◎The Well of Skelos - /warp skelos ◎The Barrow King - /warp king ◎Warmaker's Sanctuary - /warp warmaker ◎The Midnight Grove - /warp grove ◎Hanuman's Grotto - /warp apeman ◎Gallaman's Tomb - /warp Crocodile ◎Buccaneer's Bay | /warp bounty | N7
◎Warp Specialist 1st. class: AOC The below are free for Patreons Via the Warp Specialist in the EL Server Hub (UPStairs), the AOC faction hall(Near the entry), and the EEWA Perilous Valley Village(By the table with recipes on it).
∳Goreclaw Deep - /warp Goreclaw ∳Forsaken Mountain - /warp Forsaken ∳UNDERWATER CAVERN/BOBBY - /warp bobby ∳The PASSAGE - /warp Passage ∳THE UNDERWORLD - /warp Underworld
◎Warp Specialist 1st. class: EEWA The below are free for Patreons Via the Warp Specialist in the EL Server Hub (UPStairs), the AOC faction hall(Near the entry), and the EEWA Perilous Valley Village(By the table with recipes on it).
∳Ancient Cave Entrance (LEVEL 120-220) - C10 - /warp a-cave ∳Meruvian Camp (LEVEL 200+) - G10 - /warp meruvian ∳Council of Wolves Camp (LEVEL 200+) - C13 - /warp wolves1 ∳Second Council of Wolves Camp (LEVEL 200+) - D14 - /warp wolves2 ∳Council of Wolves Construction Site (LEVEL 260+) - E13 | ℗Waypoint - Council of Wolves /warp wolves-op ∳Overtaken Tower of BATS (LEVEL 220-300) F5 - /warp nobatshere ∳The Wraithwoods (LEVEL 220+) - M4 - /warp spooders
These are EEWA Waypoints only! They cost 100 bronze at the Waystones.
⇞Dagon's Eye - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - The God's Unblinking Eye ⇞Upper Staging Area - OBELISK |℗Waypoint - Search Ye for a Passage ⇞The Sinkhole - OBELISK | ℗Waypoint - Where Lies the Dragon ℗Wreck of the Martyr | O6 ℗Eastern Barrack | L7 ℗Sandswept Ruins | ℗Deathwhisper Ruins | ℗Hanuman’s Grotto Outlook | ℗Telith’s Island | ℗Bin-Yakin’s Seal | H10 ℗Mek-kamoses’s Spire | ℗Chaosmouth | ℗Shaleback Hollow | ℗The Spawning Pools | ℗The Jawbone | ℗King’s Niche |
The PACK Gaming CE Economy
CE COINS - The PACK uses CE Bronze Coins as a currency, as well as your Pippi Wallet. AOC uses AOC Tin Coins as a currency. We do except deposits of CE Gold and CE Silver coins into your Pippi Wallet, but we do not allow you to exchange them from your Pippi Wallet back into anything but CE Bronze Coins. (Done at a thespian) Use /convert "type" "amount" , and it is set to a 24h cooldown. All Players can convert CE Bronze, however only PATREON's may convert CE Silver and CE Gold.
PIPPI COINS - 1 Pippi Gold = 100 CE Gold coins; 1 Pippi Gold = 100 Pippi Silver; 1 Pippi Gold = 10,000 Pippi Bronze; 1 Pippi Silver = 1,000 CE Silver Coins; 1 Pippi Silver = 100 Pippi Bronze; 1 Pippi Bronze = 10,000 CE Bronze Coins
AOC COINS - Your AoC Master of Coin Will handle most AOC coin exchanges. We allow deposits of AOC Tin Coins into your Pippi Wallet, and will allow withdrawals from your Pippi Wallet in AOC Tin Coins. (Done at a thespian)
Pippi Payday & Taxman - Pippi Payday is enabled at 1 Pippi gold per 24 hours. Pippi Taxman requires 0.10% taxes on your Pippi Wallet every 168 hours
NPC Coins Loot - Coin loot is set to 100% to drop 100 CE bronze, 15% to drop up to 3 CE Silver and 10% to drop up to three CE Gold, 35% for 100 Pippi bronze, 15% for up to 3 Pippi Silver, and 10% for up to 3 Pippi Gold. AoC coins match Pippi Rates, and LBPR tokens have a 1:1 Ratio.
All NPCS, Elite Creatures, and Legendary Creatures - will give a mixture of NPC Coin Loot. Other Mod tokens may be added per Map basis, along with a mix of random keys and special items.
AIR DROP Enabled - Every 2 hours up to 4 Bats will take off and Fly over the Exiled Lands. These Bats will drop a Payload in specific spots. Which will last for 30 mins. All Payloads are marked on the Live game map. Have fun hunting for the Payloads and grabbing some free items.
Pippi Kits available on ALL our servers. To see all kits available on your server type /list kits
/kit loyalty
- Daily AOC loyalty Token, Chance for a second one - Free and has a 24 hour cooldown.
/kit pat-loyalty
- A Patreon Daily kit of AOC loyalty Tokens, Chance to get up to 4! - Free and has a 24 hour cooldown.
/kit starter
- A selection of iron tools and weapons, some wraps , and some apples and a waterskin. One time use.
/kit cookies!
/kit female_glam -
bra, tights, boots, and a small backpack! (USE THESE WITH shift + I AND DROP IN THE SLOTS.)
/kit male_glam
- Shirt, pants, boots, and a small backpack! (USE THESE WITH shift + I AND DROP IN THE SLOTS.)
/kit emotes
- Console only EMOTES! for you and your pet! Single use per server.
/kit music
- The MusiqBox - For 10 Gold receive a music box to place in your base. Single use per server.
/kit wallpaper
- For 5 Gold receive 5 pippi wallpaper that your can use anywhere in your base. 24 hour cooldown
/kit flag
- For 5 Gold receive 4 pippi Flaggi that you can use anywhere in your base. 24 hour cooldown
/kit heal
- For 1 Gold receive 10 Aloe Wraps & 10 aloe potions for an instant heal and use in battle in an emergency. 1 hour cooldown.
/kit repair
- 5 Gold gets you 2 weapon repair kits and 5 armor repair kits. AND 2 ADV. weapon repair kits and 5 ADV. armor repair kits. Has a 48 Hour cooldown.
/kit leg_rpr
- 10 Gold gets you 2 Legendary repair kits and 5 Legendary Armor repair kits. 48 Hour cooldown.
/kit myth_rpr
- 20 Gold gets you 2 Mythical repair kits and 5 Mythical Armor repair kits. 48 Hour cooldown.
/kit (BD)Mastery
- 100 Pippi gold, Req. Lv. 43 and all vanilla benches opened. Journal of Mastery allows the player to make the Beyond stations in the Master Version. Comes with a free (Bd) Smoker. Single use per server.
/kit (BD)Religion
- 100 Pippi gold, Req. Lv. 53 and all vanilla benches opened. Journal of Religions allows the player to make the Beyond stations Religious Altar that has All Vanilla Religions in one bench! Single use per server.
(BD)AoCMagiks - 100 Pippi gold, Req. Lv. 43 and all vanilla benches opened. Journal of AOC Magic Altar allows the player to make the Beyond stations AOC Magic Altar that has All AOC magics in one bench! Single use per server.
/kit (BD)MiniStations
- 100 Pippi gold, Req. Lv. 53 and all vanilla benches opened. Journal of Mini Stations allows the player to make the Beyond stations in the Mini Version. Single use per server.
/kit (BD)MiniMastery
- 100 Pippi gold, Req. Lv. 63 and all vanilla benches opened. Journal of MINI Mastery allows the player to make the Beyond stations in the Mini Master Version. Single use per server.
Scattered throughout the world are Thespians,
some give quests, some are vendors.
Dialogue Thespians
will give quests, some are assigned to teleport you to sites in the World.
Professional Merchants
will purchase your excess goods for a minimal amount of pippi currency. These will also sell some of the same items allowing those that do not have the skills or levels yet to acquire better gear or weapons and their repair kits.
There are also Player Owned Social Merchants
that will be personal stores for each clan. These will be found in the Traders Oasis City
built by the admins, accessed by the /warp TOW
Pippi command.
WORK IN PROGRESS! Our servers were wiped for the 3.0 Update All Social merchants, and Dialogue Thespians on all three servers must be replaced. This will take time, Please be patient.
Under construction. Social Merchants disappear when placed on non player foundations. We are working on ways to fix this issue, with out disabling decay.
These Thespians are located all over the Exiled Lands. Marked with a Portal Icon on your map to make locating them again easier. (Portals to quests, are disabled to all but server owners.)
Fosh - The Abolitionist. No taking slaves! Offers companions, (Maybe even a rare Funtimes companion)
Narue - The Slave Trader. Takes slaves and pets in quantity and gives back some coin.
◎Warp Specialist 1st. class: AOC Teleportation Specialist
Tru - AOC LOYALTY Vendor - Passes out the Packs AoC loyalty tokens. 24 hour timer.
AOC Faction Teacher 120- AOC FACTION MASTERY - Training for those over lv. 120
AOC Faction Teacher 210- AOC FACTION MASTERY - Training for those over lv. 210
Strider - AOC PROFESSION MASTERY - Training for those that have mastered their first AoC Profession and want a second, or even a third. MIN Level to start the quests = 60.
The Immortal - Quest for the Calamity artifacts. Has a very good prize at the end. 😉
◎Warp Specialist 1st. class: EEWA - EEWA Teleportation Specialist
Ebony - Nether Furnace
NO NO - end of Nu Nu's quest line !
A group of beast quest thespians from CE, AOC, and EEWA - coming soon!
Actiller - The Kinscourge Quest - Repeatable 7 days due to the loot value.
Elmira - Demonic Spider Quest - Repeatable 24 hour.
Daemion - Abysmal Remnant Quest - Repeatable 24 hour.
Brunhilda -The Heart of Wood Quest - Repeatable 24 hour.
Sheba - The Scorpions Den Quest - Repeatable 48 hours
Atali - The Heart of Ice Quest - Repeatable 48 hours.
Cpt. NoHair AOC Beasts - Akuma's Head Quest - Repeatable 24 hours.