ARK: Mod Package Guide
Our chosen mods and what they do for us!
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Our chosen mods and what they do for us!
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The PACK Gaming Ark Cluster Presents: Cannon Servers Mod Package This is for use on all the CANNON MAPS. To Subscribe to all the mods we use please see the Maroon hyperlink above ⬆️!
And Contains all these mods:
JPs Ark Server Tweaks - This mod adds: Color Variations for Dinos - Flyer Speed Levels - Stacked Resources - Super Spyglass (Source by Orionsun) - Reusable tools and weapons (Working grapple hook gun) - Super Tranqs (JP's Tranqs Table) - Suicide Potion (Green Bottle in your engrams) - Uploadable Element and Trophies!(All element and some trophies PRE CI, are a unique new blueprint and thus transferable!) - Leeds/Alpha Leeds don't attack rafts - Additional Dinos = For a full list, see the Maroon hyperlink above ⬆️!
Structures Plus (S+) - This mod provides: Complete Building overhaul including: Unique Building Features found in only a few other mods; Quality of Life Features with automation and other life hacks; Integrated Resource Pulling to make life in the shop easier!; For Documentation click HERE:
Dino Storage v2 - This is a small mod designed to store dinos as items, similar to a pokeball! By removing tamed dinos from the world, it allows you to maintain a large library of stored dinos without hurting server performance! See our Players Handbook BELOW for more information!
eco's RP Decor - Furniture and Decor Crafting Desk with over 400 items. Craft decorative furniture and tons of other items for your RP (Role Play) servers! All items can be picked up. (Hold "use" key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of materials used to create it. Engram cost: 0 Level needed to learn engram: 1 All items have HP
Death Recovery Mod (v1.13) - This mod provides a personal Gravestone that will help you recover your lost items (from death). Craft and place your personal Gravestone to use after you have died. I recommend placing it within a reasonable proximity to a bed. Once activated any objects found on all of your corpses or your death caches will be returned to your inventory.
Overflow handling of objects has been added. So when recovering lost items if you fill up before recovering everything the overflow will be placed in a cache at your feet. There is a 30 sec cool-down between usages to prevent spamming which could create performance issues. When items are found a new affect, Flame of Recovery will occur letting you know the stone has started to recover items. Flames will last 5 seconds (longer then it takes to actually recover items). If no flames show up then no items were found, so nothing will be recovered.
This mod adds 3 new items to the game. Teleporter Place these around the map and Teleport between them (after a short delay) by bringing up the Teleport UI (E). Only friendly Teleporters or ones that have been set to "Public" via the radial menu will appear in the UI list. The list shows the custom name you gave the Teleporter along with its coordinates. The Teleporters have 3 different "bubble" sizes that can be set from the radial menu. Can be favorited which will make them appear first in the UI list. Can retrieve items from your corpse. Can find your dinos. Remote Teleporter Use this personal device to Teleport to any friendly or Public Teleporter from anywhere on the map. Creates a Teleport bubble at your current location, after a short delay Teleports conscious players and dinos to the chosen location. You can leave the bubble before it fires to only Teleport a friend/dino. Functions exactly like the regular Teleporters but bubble size can not be changed. Awesome Dino Tracker Use on a dino and you will be able to Teleport that dino to your location from a remote using right click or a Teleporter using the radial menu. Respects the tribe governance settings. If the dino has no personal owner it can be "claimed" by a tribe member from the radial menu. Dinos with Trackers can be "Uploaded" which will remove them from the world. Can be spawned back in using the "Find Dino" feature.
Ascension4All Remake - Provides admins a token to give for the first three Ascensions. Island Overseer, Rockwell Aberration, and Extinction King Titan.
Eventmap - Eventmap WIP. This map is an Eventmap for ARK Clusters. You can use the given Areas and Features or just start your own event.
Modded Maps - Are created by Mod developers, and are also additions to the main game by adding whole new worlds sometimes complete with their own lore and storyline.
Amissa Mod Package Canon Mod pack including the Amissa Mod Map.
Ebenus Astrum Mod Package Canon Mod pack including the Ebenus Astrum Mod Map.
Hope Mod Package Canon Mod pack including the Hope Mod Map.
Olympus Mod Package Canon Mod pack including the Olympus Mod Map.
Event Map (is included in the Canon Mod Package)
Lethal has a video guide for this mod: See the link Above!
This mod has a huge amount of configuration, so some features may be disabled or generation rates changed on other servers. If you are setting up your own server, adding to single player, or just want more in depth details, definitely check out the official complete guide.
Guide to the key features in the Dino Storage V2 mod which I found most useful. While the mods manual provides a great deal of information, these are the features I found the most useful as a player.
These are the items that can store dinosaurs, very much like Poké Balls. You can store your dino into an empty one, and then throw it back out! Plus you don't need to worry about feeding your trapped dinos! And mating interval timers will continue to count down while trapped.
When you first craft them you will get a stackable version. So firstly you need to use E "Convert" to get a single empty trap.
With an empty (white) soul trap equipped, left click while aiming at a nearby dino to trap it. Then with a full trap left click to throw it out.
The icon of an occupied trap will show the dino it contains (although many mod dinos just show a "?" unfortunately), and the color indicates its gender; pink for female, blue for male, and orange if it doesn't have a gender. If you hover over it in your inventory the tooltip will display various details about the contained dino.
Equip: In your inventory you can use the "E" Use key to equip a soul trap without moving it to your hotbar, as with tools.
Drop: If you want to drop a soul trap without releasing the dino, use the "O" Drop key in your inventory. This can be useful for passing dinos to other players.
Equip an empty soul trap: If you are holding an occupied soul trap, hold the "R" Reload key switch to an empty one.
Equip a specific soul trap: If you are holding any soul trap, and want a specific dino, press the "Ctrl" Melee key, then select the dino to equip from the radial menu.
Simply shoot any tame you own to soul trap it from a distance! Soul traps are not consumed if you miss. Since this just needs a single click, has a lot more range, and stays nicely in the hot bar, the soul gun is a very useful utility as soon as you are able to get it. The range and ease of spamming also makes this ideal to try and save a dino that is being killed, especially if you would not be able to get close safely to try and ride it or use a basic soul trap.
Equip a specific soul trap: As when holding a soul trap, the "Ctrl" key will show a radial menu allowing quick selection of any occupied soul traps currently in your inventory.
Sure you put your trapped dino somewhere but can't find it? With the soul finder equipped the Left Mouse Button (Primary Attack) will bring up a GUI allowing to search for souls nearby, except for those currently held within a player's inventory.
The second screen lists all the found souls and is searchable. Hovering over a soul will display on the right information about it, in addition to the normal soul trap information it lists the name of the inventory currently storing it. Clicking on any soul will instantly transport it to your personal inventory.
An incredibly useful item. As well as providing storage, you don't need to worry about feeding your trapped dinos! Contains 300 souls in one unit.
Additional Soul Terminal Options Selecting a soul in the terminal enables a few additional buttons in the center panel. Transfer Soul: Send the selected soul to another Soul Terminal. Destroy Selected Soul: Destroy the selected soul, has a warning against accidental use. Newborn auto trap: to catch younglings born to live birth creatures and any that hatch accidently. Must have at least 150 traps in inventory, Also will not trap over 150 babies at a time.
Used during the Month they correspond to, We Dress our servers up with special holiday mods. So we can have EXCITING Happy Holidays in ARK! Available on the servers October through December.
S+ Generator
takes 4 pieces of Element a day.
S+ Mutator
No Breeding Neutered Dinos
No Mutation Stacking Pulse
No Variant Changes
Omni Gun
No Breeding Neutered Dinos
S+ Cloner
No Cloning Neutered Dinos.
No cloning Clones.
S+ Incubators
Allowed per tribe = 6
S+ Crop Plots, including S+ Tek Crop Plots
Allowed per tribe = 50
S+ Gacha Gavagers
Allowed per tribe = 10
S+ Transmutator, disabled.
S+ Propagator, disabled
S+ Incubator and S+ Ammo Box had the engrams changed to facilitate learning the engram on our servers.
Blocked Features: No Breeding in the terminal No passive resource collection No Mating buffs while in cryo. No boss trapping No corrupted Trapping No Unclaimed Dinos trapping.
If your RP Sink is not snapping to things:
ARK Hallows Eve Created by RedDwarf Mod ID: 1167006915 This mod provides several new Halloween-themed items, costumes, decorations, buffs, creatures, etc. Additionally, this mod contains most of the "Fear Evolved" content (which has been modified and expanded) so that players can decorate their bases for Halloween and goof off with their friends. Items in this mod are meant to be spooky and fun, with heavy nods towards Harry Potter, Army of Darkness, Willy Wonka, the Peanuts Halloween Special, and Steven King's "IT". Enjoy! Autumn Feast Created by RedDwarf Mod ID: 1207997302 This mod provides a fun and easy way to kill Super Turkeys, Dodos, Terror Birds, and Argents -- and cook them into giant feasts for your whole tribe! Collect feathers and wishbones to unlock the Chieftain Hat and the "Turkey" emote. This mod also adds tamable/breed-able regular turkeys (not the "super" turkeys) so that you can have turkey whenever you want. Enjoy! Holiday Delight Created by RedDwarf Mod ID: 822564503 Why farm mistletoe for weeks just to build a Christmas tree? Ho-ho-ho, that's no good! Holiday Delight offers all of the cosmetic holiday event items in a single crafting station, for free! Create as many decorations as you'd like, and go crazy this holiday season. The "Crafting Wreath" also serves as a music player! Listen to the "Winter Wonderland" theme while you decorate! Volume can be adjusted via config settings, or you can adjust the in-game music slider.