SERVER - Prohibited Building Locations

ALL Servers, ALL Prohibited AREAS.

Time will not be spent to carefully remove only offending pieces. All constructions belonging to the owner (player or clan) will be destroyed. There will be no refunds of materials or inventories.


Island Prohibited Areas:

  • Penguin Island[[Organic Polymer Farming]]

  • Hidden Lake[[Protected Beaver Spawn]]

  • Underwater Resource Caves [[Resource Area]] ​

  • Oil Fields area [[Resource Area]]

  • Silica Pearls lake [[Resource Area]]

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • All Caves on Island have building prevention enabled.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Center Prohibited Areas

  • Floating Island LAKE[[Protected Beaver Spawn]]​

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

SE Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe. ​

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • All Caves on SE have building prevention enabled.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Aberration Prohibited Areas:

  • Keep the waterways clear for Boat traffic.

  • Do not lock Gas collectors.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • All Caves on AB have building prevention enabled.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Ragnarök Prohibited Areas:

(Other than specified metal node areas, Metal nodes are not included in this map as there are so many.)

  • The giant beaver dams

  • The Metal cave in the Canyons.

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Extinction Prohibited Areas:

  • Sunken Forest Beaver Lake- do not block the spawns in the middle of the lake. Build back from the water's edge.

  • Any city terminal must be treated like a public transmitter, you may be enclosed within a base, but that area must remain accessible to the public via a gate system.

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Valguero Prohibited Areas:

  • Any Cave that leads to the Fertile Chamber area.

  • Any Cave that leads to the Underground Ocean.

  • Within 10 Foundations of a Deinonychus Nesting Area.

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Genesis - 1 Prohibited Areas:

  • Caves in the Lunar Biome Caves in the Volcanic Region.


  • Ocean Metal Overlooks - Marked as NO BUILD with ADMIN BILLBOARDS.

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Crystal Isles Prohibited Areas:

(Crystal nodes are not included in this map as there are so many.)

  • PUBLIC OIL WELLS 61.26 -49.79



  • PUBLIC SULFUR AREA 48.1 X 57.2

  • Do not build within 10 foundations or use a S+ tek trough near the Crystal Wyvern Nesting area.

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Genesis - 2 Prohibited Areas:

  • No building ON Mission DISC areas or within 50 foundations in an arc around the Mission Disc areas.

  • No building on a bare spot or a structure with a Lore Cache, IF HLNA activates over a spot, do not build there.

  • No building on the Upper most bridges that span the TRENCHES. This includes the natural rock spans. Do NOT block these with Gates.

  • No building in the Tunnels that lead to SPACE. Do NOT block these with Gates.

  • No building in the Tunnels that lead to the UNDERSEA Area known as the SUMP. Do NOT block these with Gates.

  • Only one Admin approved TP within the render of the Rockwell Prime Dias.

  • Do NOT place S+ Harvester's in the Mutagen Field in Rockwell's Innards. ​

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Lost Island Prohibited Areas:

  • DarkFern Castle in the (redwoods).[41.5|53.9] {Home of Traders Village}

  • Lighthouse (Caves underneath)[20.3|23.8]

  • Snow Biome Castle Do not block the roadways [29.3|32.4]

  • Labyrinth Cave (Water Ent)[59.1|47.1]

  • Plains Crouch Cave (Artifact) [36.2|15.3]

  • Resource Cave 1 (This will be Refinery #1)[38.7|54.7]

  • Resource Cave 2 (This will be Refinery #2)[56.1|45.0]

  • Snow Cave 1 (Blue Obelisk Peak) Path to the Snow Biome Castle[27.5|33.1]

  • Watch Tower Cave (GAS) [21.0|23.9]

  • Beaver Bay [56.6|63.5]

  • Oil Wells #1 [83.3|48.7]

  • Oil Wells #2 [ ]

  • Oil Well #3[ ]

  • Oil Well #4[ ]

  • Crystal Cave [30.6|52.5]

  • Silica Pearls Bay [60.1| ]

  • Volcano Resource Field (Magmasaur spawn)[20.7|67.2]

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Fjordur Prohibited Areas:

  • " Broken Meadows Waterfall Cave- [[Desmodus Spawn]] 38.2|74.8

  • Fjordur Public Resources -03.87|73.97 "Metal Crystal and Gems[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "Drengrheimr (The Old Grave Cave) Behind a destructible rock. " 03.41|32.79 [Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Hunter]]

  • "Bear Caverns" 10.12|84.47 "[Do NOT Build area] [[Artifact of the Shadow]]

  • " Vanaheim Wyvern's Cave 12.77|65.06 [Do NOT Build Area] [[Poison Wyvern spawn]]

  • Asgard Terminal 20.5|37.2 "[Do Not Build Area][[Hati & Skol Dungeon]]

  • " The Snowglobe 20.60|8.74 [Do Not Build Area – [[Ferox Spawns]]

  • "Molten Caverns" 20.90|57.37"[Do Not Build Area - [[Artifact of the Clever]][[Artifact of the Massive]][[Artifact of the Pack ]]"[[Desmondus Spawns]]

  • "Secret Terminal(Asgard)" 25.0|10.8 [Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Chaos]]

  • Asgard Wyvern's Cave 29.71|8.31 "[Do NOT Build area][[Lightning Wyvern spawn]]"

  • "Marianna Caverns UNDERWATER"3.71|04.08"[Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Brute]][[Artifact of the Depths]][[Artifact of the Devourer ]]

  • " Fjordur Public Metal Mtn-2 30.38|52.89 "Metal, OBS, & Runestones[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "Forburg (Helms Deep) " 32.0|66.1[Fjordur Community Center]

  • Fjordur Public Crystal 32.11|69.02 Below Helms Deep in a cavern, Crystal and Cave dinos.

  • Fjordur Public Metal, Oil, Obs. 32.2 | 67.4 "Above Helms Deep with OIL, OBS, Metal[Do NOT Build area]

  • " Fjordur Public OIL, Metal and Obs. 36.86|95.76 "Cave with OIL, Metal and Obs.[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "Lindbjord Forest Cave" 4.52|47.32"[Do NOT Build Area][[ Beyla Dungeon]]"

  • "The Hidden Worlds"40.90|57.40 Holds terminals used to teleport to other realms [Do not Build area] [[POI]]

  • Asgard Drake Nest 42.04|49.21 "[Do NOT Build Area] [[Rockdrakes spawn area]]

  • " Fjordur Public Crystal & Oil 44.82|42.44 "Crystal and Oil[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "The Golden Caverns (Hall of Fame Rm and LOOT boxes)" 45.66|60.69"Patreon Gratitude Cave[Do not Build area [[POI]]

  • " Living Lake Public Beaver Pond 46.94|73.18 "Beaver Pond & dams(Vardiland Beaver Lake)[Do NOT Build area]

  • " The Snakepit 49.4|14.2 "[Do NOT Build Area] [[Artifact of the Brute]]

  • " Beiygjaheimr- 56.74|84.69 "[Do NOT Build Area][[Megapithecus Dungeon]][[Artifact of the Stalker]]

  • " The Over Grown Grave 57.31|65.77 [Do Not Build Area] - [[Broodmother Dungeon]]

  • Fjordur Public OIL, Metal and Obs. 58.38|78.39 "Cave with Metal, OIL, Obs, and Crys.[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "Nideshem Depths(labyrinth with puzzles and several traps)(UNDERWATER)" 71.8|01.2"[Do NOT Build area][[Artifact of the Massive]]

  • " Sulfur Pools Public Area 72.64|91.35 "Gigantic Sulfur Pool area.[Do NOT Build area]"

  • "Djuprjord The Forgotten Caverns(Pirate ship cave)" 76.83|65.60"[Do NOT Build area] [[Artifact of the Cunning]]

  • " Jotunheim Cave - 77.69|30.82"[[Steinbjorn Dungeon]] [[Artifact of the Void]]

  • " Fjordur Public Metal Mtn. 79.26|36.46 "Side of a MTN covered in metal nodes[Do NOT Build area]

  • " The Frozen Fortress 8.69|24.48 "[Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Skylord]][[Artifact of the Strong]]

  • " Balheimr Tar Pits. 80.46|80.80 "Balheimr Volcanic Isle stone pathway above the tar pits.[Do NOT Build Area]"

  • "Dvergheimr(The Old Kingdom)" 86.2|5.3"[Do NOT Build Area][[Dragon Dungeon]]"

  • "Caverns of Time - Lunar caveUNDERWATER "86.28|98.17" Red, Blue, Green Gems[Do NOT Build area][[AB Dinos Spawn]

  • "Faheimr (Biolum Chamber)" 86.8|12.8"Red, Blue, Green Gems[Do NOT Build area][[AB Dinos Spawn]]

  • " Fjordur Public Metal & Oil 90.02|45.14 "Metal and Oil[Do NOT Build area]

  • " Mount Doom Caverns 90.73|78.52 [Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Immune]] [[Desmondus Spawns]]

  • Quiet Pond Public Beaver Pond 93.06|32.74 "Beaver Pond & dams(Vanaland Beaver Lake)[Do NOT Build area]

  • " The Throat of Flames 95.88|80.64 "[Do NOT Build area] [[Magmasaur]] spawn]"

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Amissa Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Ebenus Astrum Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Hope Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

Olympus Prohibited Areas:

  • All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.

  • No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.

  • ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.

  • Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.

  • If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.

  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

EVENTMAP Prohibited Areas:

  • Players may not build on the Event Map without express permission of an Admin Supervising them.



  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

  • Do Not block the lore sites for talking stones languages notebooks tomes recipes NPC or Ghosts

  • ON OR IN these caves: The Shattered Basin, Scuttler's Shortcut, Weaver's Hollow, Shaleback Hollow, Skittering Cavern, Cavern of Fiends, Sinner's Refuge, Gallaman's Tomb, Executioners Entrance, Hanuman's Grotto.

  • Blocking the way to any of the Jhil's Race Caves.


  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

  • Do Not block the lore sites for talking stones languages notebooks tomes recipes NPC or Ghosts


  • Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)

  • Do Not block the lore sites for talking stones languages notebooks tomes recipes NPC or Ghosts

  • Inside any of these POI: Some POI are too small and full of lore. The Volcano POI, Ruins of Xun'Sha POI, Last Refuge POI, No Man's Land POI.

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