The map Crystal Isles, formerly known as ISO: Crystal Isles, is a free, official, non-canonical DLC expansion map for ARK: Survival Evolved.
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The map Crystal Isles, formerly known as ISO: Crystal Isles, is a free, official, non-canonical DLC expansion map for ARK: Survival Evolved.
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Every new creature in Crystal Isles holds a surprise, from the explosive Tropeognathus to the glowing Crystal Wyvern. Furthermore, Crystal Isles adds a new boss called the Crystal Wyvern Queen. The Crystal Wyvern Queen spawns minions called the Crystal Wyvern Heir.
An island constantly engulfed in darkness and thunder known as Eldritch Isle with floating water bubbles and an abundance of rare resources.
A massive cluster of floating islands known as Apotheosis.
An enormous bee hive in the form of a cave filled with honey and home to Giant Worker Bees and Dire Bears.
Bogs filled with rotting corpses that inflict a Torpor-inducing debuff.
Crystal Isles Dino Collection adds back in those otherworldly crystal creatures with even more joining the collection! From the creators of the original crystal isles mod who have strived to bring back these wonderful and bright mythical creatures! All dinos may be captured and transferred to any map in our cluster.
Crystal Ankylo
Liquefied Bronto
Desert Elemental
Crystal Argent
Liquefied Element Orb
Ember Pegasus
Crystal Basilisk
Liquefied Griffin
Ember Yutyrannus
Crystal Crafter
Liquefied Jerboa
Grand Embertross
Crystal Crowned Otter
Liquefied Mega Raptor
Crystal Deinonychus
Liquefied Mega Rex
Crystal Doed
Liquefied Mega Wyvern
Crystal Drake
Liquefied Quetzal
Crystal Golem
Liquefied Raptor
Crystal Griffin
Liquefied Rex
Crystal Magamasaur
Liquefied Spino
Crystal Mammoth
Liquefied Stego
Crystal Megachelon
Liquefied Thylacoleo
Crystal Moth
Liquefied Trike
Crystal Paracer
Liquefied Wyvern
Crystal Snow Owl
Crystal Spine Otter
Crystal Stygimoloch
Crystal Therizinosaurus
Crystal Unka Dragon
Crystal Whelp
Here you will find Places Like the Community Center, and refinery locations. Those noted have Open Transmitters, and all are part of the Teleport System.
Crystal Isles Community Center
Artifact of the Brute The Great Valley
Artifact of the Clever Cave Entrance Bloodfall's Hallow
Artifact of the Clever Bloodfall's Hallow
Artifact of the Crag Wander's Hope
Artifact of the Cunning The White Shoals
Artifact of the Depths Water Cave
Artifact of the Depths Water Cave Entrance
Artifact of the Destroyer The Great Valley Entrance
Artifact of the Destroyer The Great Valley Entrance
Artifact of the Devious Desert Wyvern Hive
Artifact of the Devourer Northland Entrance
Artifact of the Gatekeeper Central Oasis
Artifact of the Hunter Wander's Hope
Artifact of the Immune The Great Forest
Artifact of the Lost Northland
Artifact of the Massive Copper Peaks
Artifact of the Pack Cave Entrance Apotheosis
Artifact of the Pack Apotheosis
Artifact of the Shadows Eldritch Isle
Artifact of the Skylord Tundrafalls
Artifact of the Stalker The Great Forest North
13.8| 24.4
Artifact of the Strong Tundrafalls
Artifact of the Strong Tundrafalls Cave Entrance
All content on this page has been accumulated from several places including the Wiki, The PACK Admin Team, the DomiNATION Admin Team, and Players from both clusters.
Crystal Crafter Bench.
Craft the saddles, and Taming Supplies for the CI Dino Mod.
YouTube Harv's Corner Crystal Isles Dino Addition Mod Review
Added Dino Spawns for this Server.
All dinos may be captured and transferred to any map in our cluster.
Steam Workshop
The PACK Gaming
Canon Servers Mod Package
Please download the mod package prior to joining the server!
Ark: Survival Evolved PvE Rules
Click here to go to our ARK:Survival Evolved Rules!
Crystal Isles
Landmarks and Resources!
Crystal Isles
ARK Survival Evolved Wiki
Ember Pegasus
Crystal Megachelon
Liquefied Griffin
Crystal Griffin
Crystal Mammoth
Crystal Argent
Crystal Stygimoloch
Crystal Otter
Liquid Alpha Rex
Ember Yutyrannus
Crystal Magamasaur
Crystal Drake
Crystal Moth
Crystal Basilisk
Desert Elemental
Crystal Isles