ARK Survival Evolved DLC June 12th. 2022
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ARK Survival Evolved DLC June 12th. 2022
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Explore a cold and hostile Norse-inspired archipelago in ARK's newest official community map, featuring four new creatures for you to collect! Fjordur contains over 140 square kilometers of new biomes, new challenges, and rewarding discoveries!
Traverse a fantastical multi-layered wonderland with a frosty Nordic theme. Four unique islands, Vardiland, Vannaland, Bolbjord and Balheimr, and the mystical realms; Jotunheim, Vanaheim, and Asgard, offer elaborate cave systems resplendent with Scandinavian ruins and vast monolithic entrances. Take a well-trodden hallowed path to pay respects at the immense and sacred world tree, Yggdrasil. Vestiges of ancient dwarven kingdoms harken to a lost era, the remnants of which lend an awe-inspiring history to the world of Fjordur. This beautiful and mythic world invites Survivors to a deeply forested land of bygone wonder and exploration!
Only survivors worthy enough to surpass the ultimate test and defeat the mighty Fenrir are able to wield the lightning-imbued hammer, Mjolnir. This first of its kind skin includes additional abilities worthy of Thor, himself!
Steinbjörn & Minion Rubble Bear
Frostmourne reference can be found in Jotunheim cave
Gollum reference can be found in mount doom and redwood cave
Jormungandr reference can be found in deep sea area
Helms Deep reference can be found on Vannaland
White Tree of Gondor reference can be found in a castle near the Skadifjord
Dvergheimr is a reference to Moria
Shimmering Halls are a reference to Erebor
Fjordur has custom supply drop optics
Fjordur has 3 realms which can be visited via the Portal Cave
Fjordur has custom made boss arenas
Thylacoleo's on Fjordur does spawn on the ground in the redwoods instead on trees. Fjordur has custom redwoods
Elder Scrolls reference can be found in Drengrheimr (looks nearly identical to Bleak Falls Barrow)
Fjordur has a single explorer note from EXT Chronicles on SE in the Manticore Arena
Fjordur shares many features with Genesis 1:
Both are simulations
Both have separated biomes
Both have a Skyrim reference
Aberrant Megalania, unlike other unique Fjordur content can be transferred to other maps.
The abb artifacts can be used to hijack the tek cave in Asgard and gain access to Mjolnir, Asgard Shield and desert titan terminal for a day (week on a server).
How do you get to the alternate realms? By teleporting via the Portal Cavern located at 40/57
Where do you find blue gems not in the radiation? In the Frozen Fortress (Yeti) snow cave
Where do you find gas for making Hazmat suits? On Volcano Island (Sulfur Pools) or Biolum Caverns
The PACK (Admin)
Asgard Secret Terminal
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
Asgard Terminal [[Hati & Skol Dungeon]]
[[Hati & Skol Dungeon]]
Beiygjaheimr Cave [[Megapithecus Dungeon]]
[[Megapithecus Dungeon]] To summon the boss, you will need Steinbjorn Relic Artifact of the Brute Artifact of the Devourer Artifact of the Pack
Dvergheim Cave [[Dragon Dungeon]]
[[Dragon Dungeon]] To summon the boss, you will need Hati Relic Skoll Relic Artifact of the Cunning Artifact of the Immune Artifact of the Skylord Artifact of the Strong
Jotunheim Blue Obelisk
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
Jotunheim Cave [[Steinbjörn Dungeon]]
[[Steinbjörn Dungeon]]
Lindbjord Forest Cave [[Beyla Dungeon]]
[[Beyla Dungeon]]
Midgard Blue Obelisk Terminal
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
Midgard Green Obelisk Terminal.
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
Midgard Red Obelisk Terminal.
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
The Hidden World Portals
The Hidden Worlds
Asgard Terminal
The Hidden Worlds
Jotunheim Terminal
The Hidden Worlds
Vanaheim Terminal
The Overgrown Grave Cave [[Broodmother Dungeon]]
[[Broodmother Dungeon]] To summon the boss, you will need Beyla Relic Artifact of the Clever Artifact of the Hunter Artifact of the Massive
Vanaheim Terminal
[[Fenrisulfr]] To summon Fenrir, you need to have a minimum survivor level of 55 and trophies for the Island bosses you defeated around the map.
Fjordur Public Resources
Metal Crystal and Gems [Do NOT Build area]
Fjordur Public Metal Mtn-2
Metal, OBS, & Runestones [Do NOT Build area]
Fjordur Public Crystal
Below Helmsdeep in a cavern Crystal and Cave dinos.
◉Fjordur Public Metal, Oil, Obs.
32.2 | 67.4
Above Helmsdeep with OIL, OBS, Metal [Do NOT Build area]
◉Fjordur Public OIL, Metal and Obs.
Cave with OIL, Metal and Obs. [Do NOT Build area]
Fjordur Public Crystal & Oil
Crystal and Oil [Do NOT Build area]
Living Lake Public Beaver Pond
Beaver Pond & dams (Vardiland Beaver Lake) [Do NOT Build area]
◉Fjordur Public OIL, Metal and Obs.
Cave with Metal, OIL, Obs, and Crys. [Do NOT Build area]
Sulfur Pools Public Area
Gigantic Sulfur Pool area. [Do NOT Build area]
Fjordur Public Metal Mtn.
Side of a MTN covered in metal nodes [Do NOT Build area]
Balheimr Tar Pits.
Balheimr Volcanic Isle stone pathway above the tar pits. [Do NOT Build Area]
Caverns of Time - Lunar cave UNDERWATER
Red, Blue, Green Gems [Do NOT Build area] [[AB Dinos Spawn]
Faheimr (Biolum Chamber)
Red, Blue, Green Gems [Do NOT Build area] [[AB Dinos Spawn]]
◉ Fjordur Public Metal & Oil
Metal and Oil [Do NOT Build area]
Quiet Pond Public Beaver Pond
Beaver Pond & dams (Vanaland Beaver Lake) [Do NOT Build area]
Spawns For MIDGARD. (The small insert of the dots represent the whole map, but show as the AREA when you are in other REALMS)
Spawns For ASGARD. (The small insert of the dots represent the whole map, but show as the AREA when you are in other REALMS)
Spawns For JOTENHEIM. (The small insert of the dots represent the whole map, but show as the AREA when you are in other REALMS)
Spawns For VANNAHEIM. (The small insert of the dots represent the whole map, but show as the AREA when you are in other REALMS)
All content on this page has been accumulated from several places including the Wiki, The PACK Admin Team, and Players from The Pack cluster.
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