ASA: PvE Servers Rules.
All rules found here will pertain to all of our current and future ARK Servers. Please read and familiarize yourself with them. UPDATED 1/14/25
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All rules found here will pertain to all of our current and future ARK Servers. Please read and familiarize yourself with them. UPDATED 1/14/25
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The PACK uses extended rates (12 RL Days for Dinos), all structures and tamed dinosaurs WILL auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every 7-10 days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures.
It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle {in ark this means 5 foundation stones in a circle around you}) In ASA Dinos will disappear at day 13. Instead of going claimable.
Any tribe that is fully inactive (24 days of no log ins) will be dino/structure wiped by admins. Please advise the admin team of prolonged (over 12 days) absences if you are not abandoning your base. To show your own auto-decay timer. Face the structure and press the H button to see the auto-decay timer. This represents the next time you or someone in your tribe must log in, or the structure will be destroyed.
Points to Remember!
Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers.
LOOTED Bases 24-48 hour rule - Signed equipment claimed 24 to 48 hours prior, are subject to return to the PREVIOUS owner should they log back in.
Players are to settle these ownership issues themselves. Admins do not get involved in interactions between tribes unless griefing is noted.
Do not enter into an area that admins are clearing! Admins are using commands and equipment that can destroy your character and tame you are riding.
DO NOT destroy/claim/or remove parts of ANY ADMINS, OWNERS, or Community Buildings, EVEN IF DECAYED! You will be banned.
To show your own auto-decay timer. Face the structure and press the H button to see the auto-decay timer. This represents the next time you or someone in your tribe must log in, or the structure will be destroyed.
Tamed Dinosaur (including Raft, Motorboat, Skiff, Zeppelin, Sir-5rM8): Upon reaching full decay timer(13 days) the server will delete them.
Tamed Dinosaur in a cryopod: as long as the lifetime of the cryopod and the container it's stored in.
B+ Tek building pieces 30 days decay, 35 Auto Destroy.
B+ Thatch building pieces 4 days decay, 7 Auto Destroy.
B+ Stone building pieces
18 days decay, 21 Auto Destroy.
B+ TEK "Utilities" on the ground : 60 Days
B+ Adobe building pieces 12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Greenhouse building pieces 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ Tek Dedicated Storage: 80 days
B+ Wood building pieces 12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Metal building pieces 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ "Utilities": 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
There are some exceptions to the above times for certain items.
Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars may have a shorter timer. (usually 24 hours or less at our settings)
Only vaults and Tek Dedicated Storage will last longer than the foundation they sit on. The decay timer for a vault will reset whenever it falls.
All other structures will be destroyed when the foundation they sit on is destroyed.
DO NOT destroy/claim/or remove parts of bases, NAMED any of the following variations:
<name> (ADMIN);
<name> (OWNER);
<name> {Owner/Admin};
"The PACK"**Admin {Community Buildings}
You will be banned!
Tribal Cap limit = 250 Active and awake dinos.
Tribal Stored Dino Cap limit = 1800 Cryoed Dinos. PER TRIBE - PER MAP
Our cluster has set the normal Server Dino Cap = 5000. (Smaller Dino Cap Maps may impose a different Tribal Cap Arrangement)
Beetles, & snails may be on a hitching post inside a built double wall enclosure. Limit to same gender to stop overpopulation explosions.
Fish in an enclosed pond with no connection to any other running water, may wander. Limit of 20 overall wandering pets in such a situation.
Otters, with no connection to any other running water, use a 4x4 of metal walls snapped together to make a pen, may wander. Limit to 10 same sex in a pen. If breeding occurs move the two genders pens further apart.
Dodos, use a 2x2 of metal walls snapped together to make a dodo pen. Limit to 10 same sex in a pen. If breeding occurs move the two genders pens further apart.
Wandering Dinos that escape, and are not retrieved within a decay cycle (12 days) will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!
Defensive settings allowed = Neutral, and attack my target. No other settings are approved for Defensive Dinos. Be aware ASA has a Aggressive glitch after Resets. Keep them hitched.
Do not use a Dino leash as your only base radius, it will NOT stop them from moving outside the ring during a server reset.
NO CARNIVORS on WANDER! These will sometimes go rouge on resets or server crashes, and phase your walls.
The Defensive Dino must be encumbered to the point it cannot walk in any direction. "Turret" dinos are acceptable if you follow the encumbered rule. You may enclose a moschops in a 1x1 box and while riding it, whistle all Defense dinos to the moschops as a dependable tether. Use a leash as a second ring to hold them inside the aura of the moschops whistle while inside a Base wall.
ALL DINOS THAT ARE NOT ENCUMBERED and on AGGRESSIVE will be SHOT ON SIGHT. NO EXCEPTIONS and no RECOMPENSE. Outside of these acceptable use guidelines, NO OTHER DINOS can be set to wandering
Do NOT leave Tamed /Claimed Dinos all over the map! These will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense! You have one full decay cycle to recover your tame or they will be deleted by an admin.
NO UNCLAIMING DINOS at the CC's, trap and place in the donations bin. Do not un-claim dinos in the wild to circumvent the Tribal dino cap in breeding!
All male animals that you do NOT want to breed with others need to be clipped or kept out of the range of the female breeders. Overpopulations will be met with Deletion of all juveniles found.
Players seeking bred dinos - Please be respectful of breeders who do clip before sale. We have had unscrupulous players on the cluster clone and sell such dinos as their own line. It is a personal choice for the Breeder so please respect them in the choices they make.
Cloning of Clones, and Neutered Dinos is prohibited. Most settings are set so this should be impossible, but some players have circumvented the settings. This is a BAN OFFENSE. If caught you will be banned and all cloned illegal dinos will be destroyed.
Please remember that there are other players sharing the server with you. Restricting others’ access to content is not allowed beyond of course grabbing a spot for your base. This includes using building items to provide yourself with an unfair advantage at claiming loot crates, artifacts and OSD's. If you wish to reign supreme on the map and hog all the resources and enemies, please consider single player.
All Building rules are designed around a Solo Player Or a multi-player tribe. No personal bases if you are part of a tribe on the same MAP.
Building tile = a tile is any building piece, or object you can "Place" in your base. Building tile counts should be under 3000 units.
One Base. - You/Your tribe are/is allowed one 100 x 100x36 Building tiles. THIS allotment includes all FENCE LINES and the Buildings that form the BASE inside that FENCE LINE.
Outpost Base: 50 x 50 x 36 Building tiles. Must be in a different biome than the Main base. Follow all Building Specifics, but adhere to the smaller size Allotted. (Not Applicable to SE.)
EXTINCTION Unique Outposts: A Smaller Footprint such as our outpost size of 50 x 50 Building tiles, can be extended Above the 36 Building tiles limit to 48 Building tiles high. Check with an admin about footprint size and limits.
No Abuse of the claim system where building tiles are placed/spammed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to the POI of the map, or a base location. Render Distance Rule - Space between NON Allianced Bases is 75 building tiles. Please, Players should ask the other tribe first before bringing it to an Admin. Admin intervention is the last step.
Obelisks (do not build on the Obelisk Platform, do not leave dinos on the platform over 48 hours) You may build on the surrounding Plateaus for easy water access.
Resources in groups of 5 nodes or more, or mixed resource nodes of 7 nodes or more.
No building within 100 Building tiles of any Protected Resource Area.
Resource Caves that supply a unique resource, No building/basing and no camping the resource.
Supply Drops; Artifact Caves; Loot Crate Caves:
Supply Drops - All players must have a way to the supply drop area on foot with unlocked gates. Respect others when doing a loot run and if you see a person landed next to one, fly to the next. Stealing a drop out from others is considered Griefing and will be met with disciplinary actions.
Cave Loot crates are a first come first serve opportunity, Do not block them or Camp them. Artifact caves (no camping artifacts)
Lore notes (you must leave a path to the note)
Waterways deep enough for a raft. Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the outside.
Do not Block the Aberration Waterfalls into the other zones.
Do not block the Extinction City Terminals! All players must have a way to the City Terminal area on foot with unlocked gates.
Walkways/Aerial Ramps:
Walkways, and Aerial Ramps that provide the only means to travel to other areas of the map, Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the outside of an base or outpost. This includes Aberration and Extinction.
Bi-Level Builds - including Ocean Bases and Tree Platforms.
Bi Level buildings Divide the total height between Ground Level building height, and top of the Build on the Raised Section height. Max possible is 36 building tiles. One staircase build is allowed.
Ocean Bases - 50 x 50 x 36 building tiles. Divided above and below water line, follow the Bi-Level Builds rule.
Tree Platforms: You are allowed a 50 x 50 x 36 building tiles encompassing Ground buildings to the Roof of the Tree Platform. Follow the Bi-Level Builds rule.
Mobile Bases (Platform Saddles & Rafts) are acceptable to use for farming and other tribal needs but when NOT in use they need to be parked near the Tribes Main bases. Platform Saddles have specific build limits built in. And count as multiple tames in your base count. Types of Mobile Bases: Water Craft, Platform saddles.
Building in/on Ruins - Please do not block any entrance to artifacts. Please stay as close to the allowed base/outpost size as possible.
Cave building -
Caves that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE.
Caves over 60 x60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE. You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x60 cave. Do not build in any cave with restrictions put forth in the Prohibitive Build Areas for your map.
Small Island building - Islands (includes: aerial, atoll, & space) that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE. Islands over 60 x 60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE Islands. You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x 60 Island. Do not build on any Islands with restrictions put forth in the Prohibitive Build Areas for your map.
Enclosed Valleys - Enclosed Valleys that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE. Enclosed Valleys over 60 x60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE areas. You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x60 area.
EXT City Shelves and Aerial Walkways
Please stay as close to the allowed base/outpost size as possible. Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the base.
Automation farms. -
Limited all types of crop plots (Including the TEK PLOTS) to a total of 50 per TRIBE. Please enclose your plant y stacks so we don't have so much aerial graphic artifacts.
We limit you to 10 pairs of Gacha. B+ Gavagers are limited to 10 gavagers per tribe/per map. You will be unable to add more gavagers or crop plots when you hit your limit.
Alternative Gacha Farm in the SCS terminal. ONE Terminal for a Gacha Farm per main base.
B+ Ded. Storage maxes out at 100,000k items. Please do not have multiple dedicated per resource item!
Awesome teleport pads and S+ teleport posts - are restricted to 3 each per tribe. Do not use them for non base teleporting, unless on a limited time basis of 24 hours or less. ( Put it down and use it for things, then pick it up! Those left with no valid base in render will be deleted.) There is a teleport web on all maps to Public Resource sites.
TAMING PENS and spike fence walls -Those connected to a base by gates (but jut out so that base defense animal's do not attack your taming) and are within the base size allotments and are considered part of such base/outpost. Those left in the wild have a 48 hour limit before an admin removes them. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!
Please do not build trains all over the map. A circular track around your base is allowed. But not impinging on open space used by all.
Your zepplin dock should be a part of your Base or Fob. Please take your zepplin home with you, they get lonely!
Battlerigs and Garages should be attached to your Base or Fob. Do not leave Battlerigs scattered over the maps. They will be deleted.
Time will not be spent to carefully remove only offending pieces. All constructions belonging to the owner (player or clan) will be destroyed. There will be no refunds of materials or inventories.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Ascension mechanics or Corrupted Players Clients.
Merging into Anti Meshing Barriers (Skybox - Ground mesh layer-etc.) This includes the deaths while using a teleporter. Some caves now have the Ground Mesh protection turned on and trying to teleport into a cave will cause a Player Client Crash. And Usually a death.
Deaths while logged out. Are not always explained in the tribes logs. Most times we can not define what happened. Occasionally some Deaths will be recoverable, unless you pass the 30 min Death cache decay limit.
Any type of Client Side Crash can create a loss of saved data for the player. As well as Player deaths and dino deaths while you were handling the crash. These will not produce a death cache. Admin's have no access to your Client's files and can not replace a players file in the server.
Server Crashes will have a 5 to 14 min. Rollback to the save Prior to the restart, or to the last save before the Crash. All Data collected between the Save time stamp and the restart / Crash will be erased.
Server Restarts will have a save 3 mins prior to a Restart. If you do not log out before that 3 min. Mark, you can loose some game data to the server resetting. Please always try to get to a safe stopping point before the 5 min Restart warning!
Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to ARK cloud have a 24-hour time limit in multiplayer. Ensure you are set to download them into another server before the timer runs out, or else your items will decay in your upload when the timer goes past 0.
Transfers - If a server has some transfer settings (Items or Dinos) disabled, you cannot enter maps without removing their gears/items first in another server.
Transfer Errors occur due to the Cosmetic panel in your inventory and may crash your client. Empty the items that can use Custom cosmetics into a storage, and you should be able to transfer without issues.
Vanilla Element will NOT transfer on our Cluster. Instead you can stick the Vanilla Element into a dino's inventory and then pod the Dino and transfer with it. OR you can make transferable element in the B+ Grinder. (When B+ is added to the server)
Use the ASA Water Reservoir providing water in a range of 10 foundation units, and linking to sequential reservoirs in a range of 33 building tiles. Limit of 8 total Reservoirs in a line to your base. (these are outside your base walls) OR use the ASR water Tap that wirelessly connects water to taps.
No building within 100 building units of any Protected Resource Area.
The Volcano foundry at 41/36 and the surrounding resource nodes. No building within 100 building units of any Public Refinery area.
Do not build on the Obelisk Platforms.
No building near Resources in groups of 5 nodes or more, or mixed resource nodes of 7 nodes or more.
No building within 100 building units of any Protected Resource Area.
Do not lock Gas collectors.
Do not build on the Obelisk Platforms. You may build on the surrounding Plateaus for easy water access. SE CC at 49.08|12.69 Includes Wyvern trap, Hatchery, & TP / Transmitter.
Do not build on the Obelisk Platforms.
Center CC at (55.85|69.62)
No building near Resources in groups of 5 nodes or more, or mixed resource nodes of 7 nodes or more.
No building within 100 building units of any Protected Resource Area. ◉Tree sap Farm at at (83.62|45.47) ◉Silica Pearl Bay (PRA) (86.44|75.69) Run out onto the shallow shelf underwater. ◉Skull Mtn (PRA) (64.8|69.4) {Obsidian and a bit of Metal and Crystal} ◉Alphy's Favorite patch. Redwoods at (85.99|44.15) {{Rich Metal, Crystal, Flint}} ◉Oil Node bed. (87.43|78.96) Deep in the water under the end Waterfall Redwoods){{Underwater}}
No building in Artifact Caves
Protected Resource Areas: No building within 100 building units of any Protected Resource Area. ◉AB Refinery 46.7|61.8 (OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE) ◉Public Drake Teleport at 46.97|46.65 (OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE) ◉Public Reaper Trap at 81.1|58.6 (OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE)
Do not block Charge stations.
Aberration CC at 44.6|24.4 (OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE)
No building near Resources in groups of 5 nodes or more, or mixed resource nodes of 7 nodes or more.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item. ◉Artifact Of The Depths "Old Railway Cave" (Entrance) 48.3|27.2 ◉Artifact Of The Shadows "Hidden Grotto" (Entrance) 54.2|65.7 ◉Artifact Of The Stalker "Elemental Vault" (Entrance) 81.0|47.0
Protected Resource Areas: No building within 100 cubits of any Protected Resource Area. ◉Extinction Refinery 70.8|11.19 OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE ◉Sludge Basin 81.3|31.0 OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE ◉Extinction CC at 52.5|47.7 (OPEN TRANSMITTER HERE)
Restricted Areas:
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more)
Do not block the Extinction City Terminals! All players must have a way to the City Terminal area on foot with unlocked gates.
Walkways/Aerial Ramps that provide the only means to travel to other areas of the map, Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the outside of an base or outpost.
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED! These are Public Access.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them, will have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Protected Resource Areas: No building within 100 cubits of any Protected Resource Area. ◉ Ragnarök Community Center 22.0|33.8 Telepad and Transmitter here ◉Ragnarök Refinery 35.31|24.12 Telepad and Transmitter here ◉Ragnarök Wyvern Trap 21.7|71.5 Telepad and Transmitter here ◉OIl Well Field #P.R.Areas 80.37|60.07 Hot! Other Resources Nearby! DANGEOUS Wildlife! Telepad and Transmitter here. ◉Blk.Pearls #P.R.Areas 71.0|21.3 "UNDER WATER" Telepad and Transmitter here ◉The PACK Event Area 67.7|71.4 Telepad and Transmitter here ▣Rockwell Battle Site 67.90|74.71 ▣Giant Beaver Lake #P.R.Areas 23.3|45.2 Telepad ▣Silica Pearls #P.R.Areas 79.1|22.2 Telepad
Restricted Areas:
Do not block Resource nodes of 5 or more or of Silica, Blk Pearls, Obsidian, Crystal, and Sulfur nodes. (Metal nodes are not included in this map as there are so many.)
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them, will have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
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