These rules are not comprehensive and use of loopholes to violate the spirit of these rules is subject to enforcement. Failure to follow these rules will result in being removed from the community! Please follow all of the RULES found here!
We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. We endeavor to Update in game and in Discord when there are significant updates.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ASE Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
❝Your presence in this server implies accepting these rules, including all further changes. We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. ❞
Personal Responsibility & Tribal/Clan Membership
Please read through and consider the spirit of the rules, not just the specific wording. And make sure your clanmates are also aware of them as their actions can affect you. Any infraction by a player will most likely have repercussions for the entire clan. If you’re not sure your clanmates will abide by the rules you might want to reconsider your membership in that tribe/clan. And if you do not plan on playing on a specific server any more it is often best to also leave your tribe/clan there.
Admin Involvement in Tribal Affairs
If you do not understand how to Merge, OR Join your tribes ASK! ADMINS CAN ASSIST, and or give valuable information to help you prevent loss of tames, or buildings. If you have merged or joined and lost your builds, unfortunately we cannot assist with recovering most buildings ownership.
Admins rarely get involved in intra-tribal(things going on inside a tribe) issues and or inter-tribal(things between two tribes) issues. UNLESS the altercations escalate to the stage of griefing or harassment.
Hacks & Exploits
Hacks and exploits are not tolerated. This is a BAN first, ask questions later mater.
Real-Money Trading (RMT) - GAME items, creatures, or services must only be exchanged for other items, creatures, or services within the game. Trading for real-world currency (real money) is not an accepted form of trading and is forthwith prohibited on our cluster.
Hacks are uses of third-party programs that inject code and modify aspects of the game to provide unfair advantage against other players. Utilizing such will lead to action taken against your access to our servers and flags added to your Steam ID.
Exploits are uses and abuses of game mechanics to obtain an unfair advantage over other players including creating a detrimental play experience through reduced server or game performance.
2. Infractions
We work on a "3 Strikes Method"
Strike One: You and your Tribe/Clan get a warning. This can be Slept tames to Us removing the offending objects or tames. And a Sign informing you of the offense.
Strike Two: We have to talk to you about a new rule or you broke the same one again. You can have creatures or buildings removed up to a Temp BAN. Temp Bans are 3 to 5 days without access to the servers.
Strike Three: We are done, and you are Perm Banned.
Furthermore, If someone is a participant of our Discord, and/or a Player on our Servers, A ban on Discord may also be pursued on the Server Cluster.
We do not issue warnings ahead of Admin intervention.
Hacking, or using Exploits and other situations deemed as extreme will be met with a permanent ban on the first offense.
Our team will get back to you using the private thread provided. Please make sure you provide the best information you can at the time of your report. This means relaying as much information as you can to help our team investigate. This includes, but is not limited to, screenshots, videos, timestamps, names of characters and guilds, and a good description of the issue. To get a "CCC" use the command /whatsmyccc in any Discord Channel. You will receive a message with instructions.
We won’t be able to refund or return any loss of property caused by an infraction.
3. Harassment - Griefing
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
If you experience Harassment / Griefing / or observe inappropriate content in-game, please be aware that there are tools in some games to help you improve your experience such as muting. If your game does not have Muting, please fill out a ticket in our Discord (#Support-Tickets)
We Allow coarse humor, rough language, and or content. If this is not for you, Thank you for your interest, but we may not be the BEST FIT for you.
There are some offensive and defamatory chat and user-created content of racial, overtly sexual, hateful, illicit, Terrorist and criminal glorification, or of other nature DEEMED NOT PERMITED. This extends to character names, guild names, in-game signs, any other type of communication in Server.
Personal threats, doxing, stalking. Please also make sure to get in touch with the local authorities in such similar cases.
Our admin team considers all the above action types of Harassment . If reported to admins, you will receive up to a 5 day ban . Continued Harassment of this type will lead to a The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.
Do not trespass into a base not your own, unless by accident. Nor visiting or hanging around in a base NOT yours. If someone asks you to leave, DO SO.
Do NOT, join a tribe or ask others to merge with you, for the sole purpose of stealing from the other player.
Do not, in any form, harm or kill another P. Character. (Dragging and drownings, feeding a player to the wildlife, or other forms of killing P. Characters.) Unless specifically told to do so by one of The PACK Staff.
STEALING someone's PASSIVE tame is GRIEFING. Do not steal any Dino that someone else is in the process OF knocking out, Or, In the process of PASSIVE TAMING! Or, one they point out that they are about to tame. Flying in at the last moment in the middle of Passive taming and feeding the last bite IS GRIEFING.
Our admin team considers all the above action types of GRIEFING . If reported to admins, you will receive The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.
4. Auto-decay and Claiming
The PACK uses extended rates (12 RL Days for Dinos), all structures and tamed dinosaurs WILL auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every 7-10 days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures.
It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle {in ark this means 5 foundation stones in a circle around you})
Any tribe that is fully inactive (24 days of no log ins) will be dino/structure wiped by admins. Please advise the admin team of prolonged (over 12 days) absences if you are not abandoning your base.
Points to Remember!
Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers.
LOOTED Bases 24-48 hour rule - Signed equipment claimed 24 to 48 hours prior, are subject to return to the PREVIOUS owner should they log back in.
Players are to settle these ownership issues themselves. Admins do not get involved in interactions between tribes unless griefing is noted.
Do not enter into an area that admins are clearing! Admins are using commands and equipment that can destroy your character and tame you are riding.
DO NOT destroy/claim/or remove parts of ANY ADMINS, OWNERS, or Community Buildings, EVEN IF DECAYED! You will be banned.
Schedule of item decay and auto-decay periods.
To show your own auto-decay timer.
Face the structure and press the H button to see the auto-decay timer. This represents the next time you or someone in your tribe must log in, or the structure will be destroyed.
Auto Decay 0-20 Days
Auto Decay 20-30 Days
Auto Decay over 30 Days
DINO's are CLAIMABLE in 12 Days.
S+ Greenhouse building pieces timeout in 15 days, auto decays in 23
S+ WOOD items (boxes, Storage cabinets, Smithy, Stone forge) timeout in 16 days, auto decays in 35 days.
S+ Thatch building pieces timeout in 4 days, auto decays in 6.
S+ Metal building pieces timeout in 16 days, auto decays in 24.
S+ METAL items (boxes, vaults, Fab, chem bench) timeout in 32 days, auto decays in 48 days.
S+ Adobe building pieces timeout in 8 days, auto decays in 12.
S+ Tek building pieces timeout in 20 days, auto decays in 30.
S+ TEK items (any tek machinery) timeout in 60 days, auto decays in 75 days.
S+ Wood building pieces timeout in 8 days, auto decays in 12.
S+ TEK items not on a built surface, timeout in 75 days
S+ Stone building pieces timeout in 12 days, auto decays in 18.
Strange Decay & Auto decay timers:
S+ firepits, Sleeping bags, all types of spiked fences, DO NOT AUTO DECAY, they do reach a state of demo ready.
Dinosaur in a trap/cryopod: is as long as the lifetime of the container it's stored in.
Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars less than 24 hours.
Only vaults and Tek Dedicated Storage will last longer than the foundation they sit on. The decay timer for a vault will reset whenever it falls.
All other structures will be destroyed when the foundation they sit on is destroyed.
DO NOT destroy/claim/or remove parts of bases, NAMED any of the following variations:
<name> (ADMIN);
<name> (OWNER);
<name> {Owner/Admin};
"The PACK"**Admin {Community Buildings}
You will be banned!
5. Dino Rules:
Tribal Cap limit = 500 Active and awake dinos.
Tribal Stored Dino Cap limit =2000 Trapped/Cryoed Dinos.
(Smaller Dino Cap Maps may impose a different Tribal Cap Arrangement)
NOTE: Current Conflict between two of our mods. Jp's Tweaks and Dino Storage is negating the ability to leave dinos on wander. Temp Fix - Use the S+ Vivarium to place your snails, Frogs, Beavers together it will speed up paste production.
Beetles, snails, oviraptors, Dodos may be on “wander” while tethered to a hitching post. Limit to same gender to stop overpopulation explosions.
Outside of these acceptable use guidelines, NO OTHER DINOS can be set to wandering!
Defensive settings allowed =Neutral, and attack my target.
No other setting is approved for Defensive Dinos.
ALL DINOS NOT ENCUMBERED and on AGGRESSIVE, running loose outside base walls, will be SHOT ON SIGHT. NO EXCEPTIONS and no RECOMPENSE.
Do NOT leave Tamed /Claimed Dinos all over the map! These will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!
Dinos on a Defensive setting, that go rogue, will be Deleted at The Pack Admins discretion. With no recompense!
NO UNCLAIMING DINOS at the CC's,trap and place in the donations bin.
Do not un-claim dinos in the wildto circumvent the Tribal dino cap in breeding!
Dino Storage terminal breeding and terminals space allows [300 slots] only. Only two terminals per Tribe. D.S. Terminals will only pick up 150 newborns per terminal at a time. You must sort them out to continue breeding when using the NEWBORN Capture feature.
No Wander Breeding! IT is PREFERED when you are manually setting mating, that you use the MATING setting button only to mate dinos. (So wandering is not such an issue.) Use a hitching post for all breeding to stop incidents of dinos wandering out of bases.
All male animals that you do NOT want to breed with others need to be clipped or kept out of the range of the D.S. Terminals Pulse. (I recommend trapping any that you don't want to breed and keeping in a tek storage in your main base for Instant use creatures.)
Clipping - we ask that you high level breeders please clip dinos, so abuse of your bloodlines do not occur. It is personal choice though and we will not enforce mandatory clipping.
Cloning of Clones, and Neutered Dinos is prohibited. Most settings are set so this should be impossible, but some players have circumvented the settings. This is a BAN OFFENSE. If caught you will be banned and all cloned illegal dinos will be destroyed. If in a tribe, other players that reap the benefits will lose any dinos so made. NO recompense.
Players seeking HIGH LEVEL bred dinos - Please be respectful of breeders who do clip before sale. We have had unscrupulous players on the cluster clone and sell such dinos as their own line. It is a personal choice for the Breeder so please respect them in the choices they make.
The PACK Guidelines for Solo / Consolidated / Jawa’ed / Heirloom Bloodlines.
Definitions -“Seed” - 2 High end bloodline males and 5 high end females from the Bloodline in question.
“Valid Screenshots”- Screenshots of a recent (last two weeks) discussion with partners showing any screenshots with dinos current stats
“A Solo Owner Bloodline” - is one in which a singular person was responsible for all mutations in that line, or was given ownership of said bloodline from the previous owner who relinquished ownership of the line.
“Collective Breeding” - is any agreement between different players to help breed a stat or color for a specified Dino Bloodline. Either owned by a tribe or a solo player.
“Jawa’ed Bloodlines” - are bloodlines over level 450 unclipped that have been fairly claimed via our “Jawa clause”. Other rules and restrictions apply, please see Jawa Clause HERE!
The PACK Guidelines for Solo / Consolidated / Jawa’ed / Heirloom Bloodlines.
Being offline for over 30 days.
Your work can be placed in a CC’s safe box and you can reclaim the Dinos and Blueprints from your base within 12 days. Please Notify the admin team ASAP! Otherwise your base will be considered “Abandoned” see Guideline #3 Below.
Offline over 30 days WITH notice for the Admin team.
Your dinos and base blueprints will be moved to the Event map where they will be kept in storage for up to six months for you. With continued notice this can extend up to a year. After a year or anytime you have not reached out to us for at least 3 months, they can and will be disposed of.
Offline over 30 days WITHOUT notice for the Admin team.
“Abandoned bases”. Or Banned solo players.
Your work is now forfeit and will be clipped/distributed/incinerated as the admins see fit. If there are Collective Bloodline Dinos we will follow the Guideline #4 to distribute them...
Collective Bloodline Dispute - Dispute or Failure to follow the above mentioned Collective Breeding Guidelines will default the bloodline to everyone having full ownership of whatever progress has been made upon dissolution of partnership. “Seed” groups of dinos of the Player who Defaulted will be distributed to all those that have valid screenshot proof of Dino Bloodlines.
Banning a player of a Collective breeding group, results in a “Seed” of that player's work, to all other collective members with valid proof.
Jawa’ed Bloodline Dispute - If a dispute arises within 12 days of a player claiming a bloodline in a Jawa'ed situation, the dinos and resulting progeny (If there is valid proof of dino ownership, see (Valid Screenshots) will be confiscated by admins and the injured parties involved all given a “Seed” of the dinos to start over.
Solo / Consolidated / Jawa’ed / Heirloom Bloodlines Full Definitions.
SOLO Owner Bloodline’s
A Solo Owner Bloodline is one in which a singular person was responsible for all mutations in that line, or was given ownership of said bloodline from the previous owner who relinquished ownership of the line. All Players should have control over their work. If a player wants to give their work (a breed line) away to someone else, that is up to them. But they lose control over it at that point.
Any new owner of a “SOLO Owner Bloodline” should then add either color mutations, or at least a 20 - 30 base line level increase in the bloodline (including color mutations and stat mutations). Players should not sell this line as their own until they reach the quantified increase. (Players can say it is a “Blended Line” until they have put in the requisite levels.
Collective Breeding
Collective Breeding is any agreement between different players to help breed a stat or color for a specified Dino Bloodline. Either owned by a tribe or a solo player. Collective breeding should be discussed beforehand by all partners involved. Fully discuss with each other expectations of participation and ownership level of the dinos upon project completion. Failure to discuss those terms then defaults the line to everyone having full ownership of whatever progress has been made upon dissolution of partnership. And “Seed”s of the bloodline will be shared equally between all Collective members with valid proof. See Guideline #4 in The PACK Guidelines for Solo / Consolidated / Jawa’ed / Heirloom Bloodlines.
Jawa’ed Bloodlines
Are bloodlines over level 450 unclipped that have been fairly claimed via our “Jawa clause”. Other rules and restrictions apply, please see Jawa Clause HERE! If you Jawa a line over Level 450, following the Jawa rules, its fair spoils. Though the last owner can log in and claim them back in a civil manner in 48 hours. Any new owner of a “Jawa’ed Bloodline” should then add either color mutations, or at least a 20 - 30 base line level increase in the bloodline (including color mutations and stat mutations). Players should not sell this line as their own until they reach the quantified increase. (Players can say it is a “Blended Line” until they have put in the requisite levels.
Heirloom Bloodlines
Bloodlines that are over a RL year and a half old or older. These are some bloodlines that exist from the dawn of The Pack Cluster, Most are under Alphy’s control, But some such as the 950 Denios, and the 650 Alpha Ankylo, the level 700ish Mantis all were solo players work that they chose to give the bloodlines out to those that have the time to continue to make upgrades to the Bloodlines. Other examples that are interspersed through many a bloodline are the 128 hp stat in Tek Rexs, and Tek Gigas, (mostly outbred now). Any new owner of a “Heirloom Bloodline” should then add either color mutations, or at least a 20 - 30 base line level increase in the bloodline (including color mutations and stat mutations). Players should not sell this line as their own until they reach the quantified increase. (Players can say it is a “Blended Line” until they have put in the requisite levels.
6. Server Building Restrictions
Please remember that there are other players sharing the server with you. Restricting others’ access to content is not allowed beyond of course grabbing a spot for your base. This includes using building items to provide yourself with an unfair advantage at claiming loot crates, artifacts and OSD's. If you wish to reign supreme on the map and hog all the resources and enemies, please consider single player.
Building Regulations:
All Building rules are designed around a Solo Player Or a multi-player tribe.No personal bases if you are part of a tribe on the same MAP.
Building tile = a tile is any building piece, or object you can "Place" in your base. Building tile counts should be under 3000 units.
One Base. - You/Your tribe are/is allowed one 80x80x36 Building tiles. THIS allotment includes all FENCE LINES and the Buildings that form the BASE inside that FENCE LINE.
Outpost Base: 40x40x36 Building tiles. Must be in a different biome than the Main base. Follow all Building Specifics, but adhere to the smaller size Allotted.
(Not Applicable to SE.)
EXTINCTION Unique Outposts: A Smaller Footprint such as our outpost size of 50 x 50 Building tiles, can be extended Above the 36 Building tiles limit to 48 Building tiles high. Check with an admin about footprint size and limits.
No Abuse of the claim system where tiles are placed/spammed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to the POI of the map, or a base location.
Render Distance Rule - Space between NON Allianced Bases is 75 building tiles. Please, Players should ask the other tribe first before bringing it to an Admin. Admin intervention is the last step.
Obelisks (do not build on the Obelisk Platform, do not leave dinos on the platform over 48 hours) You may build on the surrounding Plateaus for easy water access.
Resources in groups of 5 nodes or more, or mixed resource nodes of 7 nodes or more.
No building within 100 Building tiles of any Protected Resource Area.
Resource Caves that supply a unique resource, No building/basing and no camping the resource.
Supply Drops; Artifact Caves; Loot Crate Caves:
Supply Drops - All players must have a way to the supply drop area on foot with unlocked gates. Respect others when doing a loot run and if you see a person landed next to one, fly to the next. Stealing a drop out from others is considered Griefing and will be met with disciplinary actions.
Cave Loot crates are a first come first serve opportunity, Do not block them or Camp them. Artifact caves (no camping artifacts)
Surveillance Cameras. Should NOT be used for "camping" any Artifact, High Quality Loot drop, and or OSD's. It is allowed to place one or two in the "void", or aimed at a nearby loot drop in gen 2 for checking the hourly rotation in the void.
Lore notes (you must leave a path to the note)
Waterways deep enough for a raft. Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the outside.
Do not Block the Aberration Waterfalls into the other zones.
Do not block the Extinction City Terminals! All players must have a way to the City Terminal area on foot with unlocked gates.
Walkways/Aerial Ramps:
Walkways, and Aerial Ramps that provide the only means to travel to other areas of the map, Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the outside of an base or outpost. This includes Aberration and Extinction.
Special Building Specifics Allowed:
Use the S+ Water Intake that wirelessly connects water to taps.
Bi-Level Builds - including Ocean Bases and Tree Platforms.
Bi Level buildings Divide the total height between Ground Level building height, and top of the Build on the Raised Section height. Max possible is 36 building tiles. One staircase build is allowed.
Ocean Bases - 50x50x36 building tiles. Divided above and below water line, follow the Bi-Level Builds rule.
Tree Platforms: You are allowed a 50x50x36 building tiles encompassing Ground buildings to the Roof of the Tree Platform. Follow the Bi-Level Builds rule.
Mobile Bases (Platform Saddles & Rafts) are acceptable to use for farming and other tribal needs but when NOT in use they need to be parked near the Tribes Main bases.
Platform Saddles have specific build limits built in. And count as multiple tames in your base count. Types of Mobile Bases: Water Craft, Platform saddles.
Building in/on Ruins - Please do not block any entrance to artifacts. Please stay as close to the allowed base/outpost size as possible.
Cave building -
Caves that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE.
Caves over 60 x60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE.
You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x60 cave. Do not build in any cave with restrictions put forth in the Prohibitive Build Areas for your map.
Small Island building - Islands (includes: aerial, atoll, & space) that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE.Islands over 60 x 60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE Islands. You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x 60 Island. Do not build on any Islands with restrictions put forth in the Prohibitive Build Areas for your map.
Enclosed Valleys - Enclosed Valleys that are less than 30 x 30 building tiles are SINGLE/SOLO TRIBE. Enclosed Valleys over 60 x60 building tiles are MUTIPLE TRIBE areas. You must be Allied to build in a over 60 x60 area.
EXT City Shelves and Aerial Walkways
Please stay as close to the allowed base/outpost size as possible. Base perimeters need to leave a dino gate width passage around the base.
Automation farms. - Limited all types of crop plots (Including the TEK PLOTS) to a total of 50 per TRIBE. Gavagers are limited to 10 gavagers per tribe/per map. You will be unable to add more gavagers or crop plots when you hit your limit. Ded. Storage maxes out at 100,000k items. Please do not have multiple dedicated per resource item!
Awesome teleport pads and S+ teleport posts - are restricted to 3 each per tribe. Do not use them for non base teleporting, unless on a limited time basis of 24 hours or less. ( Put it down and use it for things, then pick it up! Those left with no valid base in render will be deleted.) There is a teleport web on all maps to Public Resource sites.
TAMING PENS and spike fence walls -Those connected to a base by gates (but jut out so that base defense animal's do not attack your taming) and are within the base size allotments and are considered part of such base/outpost.
Those left in the wild have a 48 hour limit before an admin removes them. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!
7. Prohibited Areas per ASE Map
Time will not be spent to carefully remove only offending pieces. All constructions belonging to the owner (player or clan) will be destroyed. There will be no refunds of materials or inventories.
8. Unexplained Deaths, Client Crashes, and Server Issues.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
Player Deaths
Merging into Anti Meshing Barriers
(Skybox - Ground mesh layer-etc.) This includes the deaths while using a teleporter. Some caves now have the Ground Mesh protection turned on and trying to teleport into a cave will cause a Player Client Crash. And Usually a death.
Deaths while AFK. Are not always explained in the tribes logs. Most times we can not define what happened. Occasionally some Deaths will be recoverable in the Death Recovery mods, unless you pass the 60 min Death cache decay limit.
Deaths while logged out.
Are not always explained in the tribes logs. Most times we can not define what happened. Occasionally some Deaths will be recoverable in the Death Recovery mods, unless you pass the 60 min Death cache decay limit.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
Client Side Crashes
Any type of Client Side Crash can create a loss of saved data for the player. As well as Player deaths and dino deaths while you were handling the crash. These incidents will not produce a bag or recoverable items in the death recovery system.
Admin's have no access to the Servers ARKData.sav files and can not replace a players file in the server. However YOU the PLAYER can Save your Clients Save data. Go to: ....\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK\ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini
Make a copy of the WindowsNoEditor File, store that some place outside the ARK Files. (I would make a File called Game Saves and add a folder for each game done this way)
When ARK deletes your Character or settings again, just copy this file and put it into the ARK Game in the original Folder. This will not replace all things that are deleted in all cases, but will help with some settings and data loss.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
Boss Battles on Modded Maps
Involve Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to the ARK cloud. This can be very unreliable on a Modded map, and many times you are booted and your dinos are left behind to die.
Unfortunately we can not recover dinos lost this way, they are often treated like they were sent into mesh and hit a anti mesh barrier. Again we can not retrieve any dinos form this.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
Server Crashes /Server Restarts/Transfer Errors
Server Crashes will have a 5 to 14 min. Rollback to the save Prior to the restart, or to the last save before the Crash. All Data collected between the Save time stamp and the restart / Crash will be erased.
Server Restarts will have a save 3 mins prior to a Restart. If you do not log out before that 3 min. Mark, you can loose some game data to the server resetting. Please always try to get to a safe stopping point before the 5 min Restart warning!
Transmitter Lags and Logging out:
When you move items to fast from Transmitter inventory to your inventory, you can occasionaly get a black screen while your client is trying to access the Steam Cloud. It will eventually give you a Failed message and a box to click out of the screen.
Logging out can clear this before the box shows up, but you should take about 30 seconds to let the server catch up and let you log back in or you loose your items and your character levels. If your at a level one, LOG OUT NOW and wait a full 60 seconds to let the Steam Cloud and Server update sync.
Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to ARK cloud have a 24-hour time limit in multiplayer. Ensure you are set to download them into another server before the timer runs out, or else your items will decay in your upload when the timer goes past 0.
Steam Cloud Errors involve Characters/Dinos/Items uploaded to the ARK cloud. If this upload is corrupted, Admins and Owners can NOT Access the data stored in the Steam cloud and your information is lost.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items or Dinos due to ARK Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
9. Specific ARK Features Rules
EXT Titans:
Titans (Kaijus) are NOT to be transferred off of the map they were captured on, and must be left on passive when not in use.
If you legit won your battle with King Kaiju! FIRST CONGRATULATIONS!
Tek Forges won legit are also tracked on our cluster. We ask that you provide this information to admins when you receive your trophy for the craft.
An Admin will in person, record the date, tribe, and location (CCC) of the forge when you get one. For our record keeping purposes.
TEK FORGES for Patreon Players.
You are eligible for one if you are a $40 patreon. (Full Monty Tier)
This is also a once a year perk. Meaning lets say you sign up this month for the $40 tier, and you want your tek forge, great you get one! However you will not be able to get another one until "This Month" of "Next Year". (IE. you get one in April of 2022, you may not get a second until April of 2023)
Prior months of patreon tiers do not count for this perk.
Do you need to stay at the $40 tier? No absolutely not and I would honestly rather you not! But we leave this tier there for the folks that really love our community, and want to see it continue to grow.
We will not for any reason replace the tek forge if something was to happen to it. Meaning if your base comes up for decay, or you place it on a foundation, and pickup the foundation destroy the forge, we won’t replace it. So be wise when placing it down, and picking things up around it to not destroy it. (Any tribe with a listed Tek forge that hits Demo-Allowed Will be Admin-demoed before auto decay happens. REFRESH your BASES!)
You must keep it locked. It is not for public use. Just your tribe only.
You MAY NOT Sell or TRADE the Tek Forge for any reason.
An Admin will in person, record the date, tribe, and location (CCC) of the forge when you get one. For our record keeping purposes.
9. Regarding moving a Tek Forge to other maps in the cluster. Please notify the Admin Team in our Discord. Please open a ticket. We will then assist you in moving the Tek Forge to a new home base. We love and appreciate all our Patreons! And decided as we are a small cluster this was the way to provide a much requested item, that is inherently HARD to get.
In lieu of one (1) of your monthly dinos for a calendar month. You can have your own Rhyniognatha!
Patreons will have access to a complete Maternity ward for the host dino. All provided on the Event Map (the only place we will do the Rhyniognatha Spawning). We will provide a level 210 female, a pheromone and the cravings.
You the Patreon will provide the host dino. Depending on if all the caving stages are met, the type of host you used, these factors will effect the stats you will get. The Pack does not grantee perfect Rhynio outcomes.
The New Bug will be registered and not available for the insurance. Patreons can only ask for one Rhyniognatha per year.
JP's Cryopods
ALL "WANDERING DINOS" should be "Tagged" for fast retrieval if they escape. Follow the below guidelines for your species!
ALL "WANDERING DINOS" should be "hitched" for fast retrieval if they escape. Follow the below guidelines for your species!
The Defensive Dino must be encumbered to the point it cannot walk in any direction.
"Turret" dinos are acceptable if you follow the encumbered rule.
ALL DEFENSE DINOS should be "Tagged" for fast retrieval if they escape.Do not use a hitching post for this setting (it stops the Dino from defending)
Do not use a Dino leash as your only base radius, it will NOT stop them from moving outside the ring during a server reset.
You may enclose a moschops in a 1x1 box and while riding it, whistle all Defense dinos to the moschops as a dependable tether. Use a leash as a second ring to hold them inside the aura of the moschops whistle while inside a Base wall.
Do Not Set any Defensive Dino on WANDER! These will sometimes go rouge on resets or server crashes, and phase your walls.
Aberration Prohibited Areas:
Keep the waterways clear for Boat traffic.
Do not lock Gas collectors.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
All Caves on AB have building prevention enabled.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
Crystal Isles Prohibited Areas:
(Crystal nodes are not included in this map as there are so many.)
PUBLIC OIL WELLS 61.26 -49.79
Do not build within 10 foundations or use a S+ tek trough near the Crystal Wyvern Nesting area.
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
Extinction Prohibited Areas:
Sunken Forest Beaver Lake- do not block the spawns in the middle of the lake. Build back from the water's edge.
Any city terminal must be treated like a public transmitter, you may be enclosed within a base, but that area must remain accessible to the public via a gate system.
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
" Fjordur Public Crystal & Oil 44.82|42.44 "Crystal and Oil[Do NOT Build area]"
"The Golden Caverns (Hall of Fame Rm and LOOT boxes)" 45.66|60.69"Patreon Gratitude Cave[Do not Build area [[POI]]
" Living Lake Public Beaver Pond 46.94|73.18 "Beaver Pond & dams(Vardiland Beaver Lake)[Do NOT Build area]
" The Snakepit 49.4|14.2 "[Do NOT Build Area] [[Artifact of the Brute]]
" Beiygjaheimr- 56.74|84.69 "[Do NOT Build Area][[Megapithecus Dungeon]][[Artifact of the Stalker]]
" The Over Grown Grave 57.31|65.77 [Do Not Build Area] - [[Broodmother Dungeon]]
Fjordur Public OIL, Metal and Obs. 58.38|78.39 "Cave with Metal, OIL, Obs, and Crys.[Do NOT Build area]"
"Nideshem Depths(labyrinth with puzzles and several traps)(UNDERWATER)" 71.8|01.2"[Do NOT Build area][[Artifact of the Massive]]
" Sulfur Pools Public Area 72.64|91.35 "Gigantic Sulfur Pool area.[Do NOT Build area]"
"Djuprjord The Forgotten Caverns(Pirate ship cave)" 76.83|65.60"[Do NOT Build area] [[Artifact of the Cunning]]
" Jotunheim Cave - 77.69|30.82"[[Steinbjorn Dungeon]] [[Artifact of the Void]] "
Fjordur Public Metal Mtn. 79.26|36.46 "Side of a MTN covered in metal nodes[Do NOT Build area]
" The Frozen Fortress 8.69|24.48 "[Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Skylord]][[Artifact of the Strong]]
" Balheimr Tar Pits. 80.46|80.80 "Balheimr Volcanic Isle stone pathway above the tar pits.[Do NOT Build Area]"
"Dvergheimr(The Old Kingdom)" 86.2|5.3"[Do NOT Build Area][[Dragon Dungeon]]"
"Caverns of Time - Lunar cave UNDERWATER "86.28|98.17" Red, Blue, Green Gems[Do NOT Build area][[AB Dinos Spawn]
"Faheimr (Biolum Chamber)" 86.8|12.8"Red, Blue, Green Gems[Do NOT Build area][[AB Dinos Spawn]]
" Fjordur Public Metal & Oil 90.02|45.14 "Metal and Oil[Do NOT Build area]
" Mount Doom Caverns 90.73|78.52 [Do NOT Build area [[Artifact of the Immune]] [[Desmondus Spawns]]
Quiet Pond Public Beaver Pond 93.06|32.74 "Beaver Pond & dams(Vanaland Beaver Lake)[Do NOT Build area]
" The Throat of Flames 95.88|80.64 "[Do NOT Build area] [[Magmasaur]] spawn]
" All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area. ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
Genesis - 2 Prohibited Areas:
No building ON Mission DISC areas or within 50 foundations in an arc around the Mission Disc areas.
No building on a bare spot or a structure with a Lore Cache, IF HLNA activates over a spot, do not build there.
No building on the Upper most bridges that span the TRENCHES. This includes the natural rock spans. Do NOT block these with Gates.
No building in the Tunnels that lead to SPACE. Do NOT block these with Gates.
No building in the Tunnels that lead to the UNDERSEA Area known as the SUMP. Do NOT block these with Gates.
Only one Admin approved TP within the render of the Rockwell Prime Dias.
Do NOT place S+ Harvester's in the Mutagen Field in Rockwell's Innards.
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
Island Prohibited Areas:
Penguin Island[[Organic Polymer Farming]]
Hidden Lake[[Protected Beaver Spawn]]
Underwater Resource Caves [[Resource Area]]
Oil Fields area [[Resource Area]]
Silica Pearls lake [[Resource Area]]
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
All Caves on Island have building prevention enabled.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
Lost Island Prohibited Areas:
DarkFern Castle in the (redwoods).[41.5|53.9] {Home of Admin's Village}
Beaver Bay [56.6|63.5]
Oil Wells #1 [83.3|48.7]
Oil Wells #2 [ ]
Silica Pearls Bay [60.1| ]
Volcano Resource Field (Magmasaur spawn)[20.7|67.2]
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Ragnarök Prohibited Areas:
(Other than specified metal node areas, Metal nodes are not included in this map as there are so many.)
The giant beaver dams
The Metal cave in the Canyons.
All Oil or Water wells should be UNLOCKED or in an admin's tribe.
No building within 200 foundations of any Public Refinery area.
ANY Cave or Ruin that has an artifact, lore note, rune stone, Do NOT Block the way to the item.
Specific Caves that have artifacts in them have building prevention enabled. Those that do not are free to build in.
If a Cave Falls into the following Resource node rule, or has special Dino Spawns you MAY NOT build in it.
Do not block Resource nodes (groups of 5 or more or including Metal, OBS, and Crystal nodes)
To Prevent Player loss of items.
Store all inventory in a storage chest near your log out point. Store Gear and hotbar items in a "Loadout Mannequin". Log out in a sleeping pod or locked onto a bed. If you need to AFK, make sure to set your settings for at least 30 mins AFK, and again store items and log out on a bed of some sort.
Second, let me outline how to use your trophies.
The boss trophies on our maps are transferable which means they are "modded" so they do not work in any recipe that calls for the trophy.
Admins will need to assist you, so please place a ticket for getting an legit head for your recipe
This perk will only be offered at the $40 tier.
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Hyperlinks are often in a card form in the website.
So clicking an image will often take you to a specific page for information.
Steam-links are often in a card form in the website.
So clicking on a server card will take you to the Server.