7DTD PvE Server Rules.
All rules found here will pertain to all of our current and future Servers. Please read and familiarize yourself with them. UPDATED 5/10/2023
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1. General Server Guidelines!
7DTD - Dictionary
LCB - Land Claim Blocks Block - any building tile Deadzone - Area around a players build that prevents new spawns of resources. Collective - Group of Players in an Alliance that all play out of one crafting base. Alliance - Group of Players Allianced as friends that play in a loose group.
The PACK Disclaimer and Players Notice!
These rules are not comprehensive and use of loopholes to violate the spirit of these rules is subject to enforcement. Failure to follow these rules will result in being removed from the community! Please follow all of the RULES found here!
We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. We endeavor to Update in game and in Discord when there are significant updates.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or Guilds for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. Palworld is in an Alpha state and we are unable to Admin Spawn Items, and Pals.
❝Your presence in this server implies accepting these rules, including all further changes. We reserve the right to modify these rules in any way we deem necessary and at any moment, at our own discretion, it is your responsibility to check for them. ❞
Personal Responsibility & Tribal/Clan Membership
Please read through and consider the spirit of the rules, not just the specific wording. And make sure your clanmates are also aware of them as their actions can affect you. Any infraction by a player will most likely have repercussions for the entire clan. If you’re not sure your clanmates will abide by the rules you might want to reconsider your membership in that tribe/clan. And if you do not plan on playing on a specific server any more it is often best to also leave your tribe/clan there.
Admin Involvement in Tribal Affairs
Admins rarely get involved in intra-tribal(things going on inside a tribe) issues and or inter-tribal(things between two tribes) issues. UNLESS the altercations escalate to the stage of griefing or harassment.
Hacks & Exploits
Hacks and exploits are not tolerated. This is a BAN first, ask questions later mater.
Real-Money Trading (RMT) - GAME items, creatures, or services must only be exchanged for other items, creatures, or services within the game. Trading for real-world currency (real money) is not an accepted form of trading and is forthwith prohibited on our cluster.
Hacks are uses of third-party programs that inject code and modify aspects of the game to provide unfair advantage against other players. Utilizing such will lead to action taken against your access to our servers and flags added to your Steam ID.
Exploits are uses and abuses of game mechanics to obtain an unfair advantage over other players including creating a detrimental play experience through reduced server or game performance.
2. Infractions
We work on a "3 Strikes Method"
Strike One: You and your Tribe/Clan get a warning. This can be Slept tames to Us removing the offending objects or tames. And a Sign informing you of the offense.
Strike Two: We have to talk to you about a new rule or you broke the same one again. You can have creatures or buildings removed up to a Temp BAN. Temp Bans are 3 to 5 days without access to the servers.
Strike Three: We are done, and you are Perm Banned.
Furthermore, If someone is a participant of our Discord, and/or a Player on our Servers, A ban on Discord may also be pursued on the Server Cluster. We do not issue warnings ahead of Admin intervention. Hacking, or using Exploits and other situations deemed as extreme will be met with a permanent ban on the first offense.
Reporting Infractions
Please contact us through our Discord, (https://discord.gg/RJVVraV), and fill out a ticket in our Discord (#Support-Tickets)
Our team will get back to you using the private thread provided. Please make sure you provide the best information you can at the time of your report. This means relaying as much information as you can to help our team investigate. This includes, but is not limited to, screenshots, videos, timestamps, names of characters and guilds, and a good description of the issue. To get a "CCC" use the command /whatsmyccc in any Discord Channel. You will receive a message with instructions.
We won’t be able to refund or return any loss of property caused by an infraction.
3. Harassment - Griefing
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
If you experience Harassment / Griefing / or observe inappropriate content in-game, please be aware that there are tools in some games to help you improve your experience such as muting. If your game does not have Muting, please fill out a ticket in our Discord (#Support-Tickets)
We Allow coarse humor, rough language, and or content. If this is not for you, Thank you for your interest, but we may not be the BEST FIT for you.
There are some offensive and defamatory chat and user-created content of racial, overtly sexual, hateful, illicit, Terrorist and criminal glorification, or of other nature DEEMED NOT PERMITED. This extends to character names, guild names, in-game signs, any other type of communication in Server.
Personal threats, doxing, stalking. Please also make sure to get in touch with the local authorities in such similar cases.
Our admin team considers all the above action types of Harassment . If reported to admins, you will receive up to a 5 day ban . Continued Harassment of this type will lead to a The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.
Do not trespass into a base not your own, unless by accident. Nor visiting or hanging around in a base NOT yours. Do not shoot rockets or use TNT on some ones base. If someone asks you to leave, DO SO.
Do NOT, join a tribe or ask others to merge with you, for the sole purpose of stealing from the other player.
STEALING someone's fresh zombie kill is GRIEFING.
Please DO NOT do massive Damage to the buildings in the cities and towns, IE blow them to rubble.
Our admin team considers all the above action types of GRIEFING . If reported to admins, you will receive The PACK Gaming Server wide Ban.
4. Auto-decay
Wipes are only done when a save is corrupted or a mod errors and requires a full server wipe. Instead of wipes, our admin team relies on CSMN (a mod) that allows our 7DTD Admin team to set up reset quadrants so that POI are refreshed. All Servers are "SWEPT" (our term for the mod/Admin cleaning) in a rough schedule of every six weeks. Any tribe that is fully inactive (45 days of no log ins) will be structure wiped. Keeping our maps mostly clean and ready for new players.
It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on.
The PACK PVE | A21 | Servers. Land Claims last for 21 Days and are fully protected during those 21 days, At 21 days the claims are unprotected, and can be looted or removed by Admins.
You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about to properly render in all sections of the build in your players render radius. (Render radius 15 meters in a circle) In general, higher-tier structures will last longer than lower-tier structures.
Bedrolls: Bedrolls have a 15 block Deadzone around them and the bedroll will last for 45 days, before decay. Please refresh your bedrolls or remove then when done with an area.
Any tribe that is fully inactive (45 days of no log ins) will be structure wiped by admins. Please advise the admin team of prolonged (over 25 days) absences if you are not abandoning your base.
DO NOT destroy/claim/or remove parts of ANY ADMINS, OWNERS, or Community Buildings, EVEN IF DECAYED! You will be banned.
DO NOT DEMO -CLAIM A BASE NAMED any of the following variations: <name> (ADMIN); <name> (OWNER); <name> {Owner/Admin}; The PACK {Community Building}
5. Server Building Restrictions
Please remember that there are other players sharing the server with you. Restricting others’ access to content is not allowed beyond of course grabbing a spot for your base. This includes using building items to provide yourself with an unfair advantage at claiming loot, and thralls. If you wish to reign supreme on the map and hog all the resources and enemies, please consider single player.
Building Regulations:
No Blocking of content in the game, NO building in the POI's, or within the POI range of area in the game. No blocking streets and/or parts of towns or Cities.
No Abuse of the claim system where LCB or blocks are placed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to resources and building spots.
No building within the Deadzone range of another players build. All LCB must be at least 40 blocks apart unless players are in Alliances.
No Massive constructions or over-use of memory intensive items leading to loss of performance both on client and server-side. IE: TREES - Please limit placing tree plots so as to not create huge FPS Drop areas.
The PACK PVE | A21 | Servers - BUILD LIMITS:
You may have Only one (1) Crafting home base on the map. Players may only place one (1) land claim block (Afterwards called LCB). Which will claim 121 blocks. (that's huge!) Players may have an alliance of more than yourself. But only one LCB for the Collective's Crafting base. A HORDE base may be built for use of the Player/Collective. PLEASE Do not use an LCB. This must be refreshed every 21 days unless you move it for the next Bloodmoon.
6. NO Build Specifics
The PACK PVE | A21 | Servers - NO Build Specifics
NEW MAPS, The maps shown below have "NO BUILD AREAS marked in RED".
PLEASE BE AWARE! -Land Claim Blocks that are placed in City Regions or Any Prefabs (POI) on the map will be removed! NOT ALL POI's ARE IN CITY REGIONS, and those that are outside the cities are STILL OFF LIMITS to BUILD IN.
Time will not be spent to carefully remove only offending pieces. All constructions belonging to the owner (player or clan) will be destroyed. There will be no refunds of materials or inventories.
The PACK PVE | 125% XP | 125% Loot | A21 | QOL MODS
The PACK PVE | 150% XP | 150% Loot | A21 | QOL MODS
7. Specific Rules:
Client Side Crashes
Any type of Client Side Crash can create a loss of saved data for the player. As well as Player deaths and loss of inventory or vehicles while you were handling the crash. These will not produce a death cache.
The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items. Client Crashes that result in death. In most cases will be recoverable, unless you pass the 30 min Death cache decay limit. We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason.
Server Crashes
Server Crashes will have a 5 to 14 min. Rollback to the save Prior to the restart, or the last save before the Restart / Crash. All Data collected between the Save time stamp and the restart / Crash will be erased.
We are unable to provide any refunds to persons or clans for loss of items, resources, in-game properties and so on, regardless of the reason. The Pack Gaming is not responsible for replacing items, because of Game Glitches, Steam Cloud Errors, or Corrupted Players Clients.
Last updated
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