OUR MOTTO! ALL MAY ENTER HERE WITHOUT PREJUDICE! This applies to All Races, All Creeds, and All Genders. All are Welcome!!!
Last of all, BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER! We are all adults here, and know how to act. Let's make a happy, safe place to enjoy the games we love to play!
ASA Content Roadmap Update
Get ready for the next chapter in the ARK universe, ARK: Lost Colony drops this November, with pre-orders starting in April, when you’ll be able to enhance your immediate survival with early access to new gameplay systems and exclusive content. 2025 Releases!
February 12th. 2025: ASA - Astraeos, Official Partner DLC
March 2025: ASA Unreal Engine 5.5 update
April 2025: Free Ragnarok Ascended, Bison (Free Creature), and a Fantastic Tame
August 2025: Free Valguero Ascended with a community-voted free creature, and Fantastic Tame
November 2025: Lost Colony’s launch
With the ongoing work throughout the year, we want to take a bit more time to give the Genesis Ascended remaster the love and attention it deserves, and we’re now looking at:
2026 Releases!
April 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 1 & Bob's True Tales Part 1
August 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 2 & Bob's True Tales Part 2
December 2026: Free Fjordur Ascended with a community-voted free creature
3 Fantastic Tames spread throughout the year
Over the course of the year, we’ll be sharing juicy details, sneak peeks, and reveals about all of this and more in our crunches, so stay tuned for more news!
The PACK ASA Roadmap
April - RAGNARÖK Our Next map! And will become our hub map for the cluster. With a large CC, and Big Boss arena. & Rockwell pit.
August - Maybe add Valguero (We will decide if we really want Valguero closer to its drop date.)
November - LOST COLONY
We will vote after Lost Colony for a Mod map that is 75% - 100% playable. I do not want to put the burden of a pay 2 win map on our cluster for our players.
ASA PVE Cluster Index
There are two ways to get the mod for the servers.
Just load into ASA, go to the server browser, find The Pack servers, Click Join on the one you want, it opens a menu with a list of all the mods, Click Join and it will then install all the mods before loading into the server. If it times out, repeat the process. After all the mods are installed you can just join.
Add one by one from the Quick List below, (this is a bit tedious by the way).
We will remove These mods on March 1st. 2025
1025966 | Transferable Element, Tributes and Trophies
939764 | More Rideables 939228 | Quality of Life Plus
Quick List of Mods
Click on a Mod's Card to go to the Curse Forge Page.
IN DEPTH Reviews of our Major Mods.
Arkitect Structures Remastered
Arkitect Structures Remastered is an "expanded vanilla" structure mod, this will be a pure structure mod. No fancy automated collectors, mutators, etc. It adds new structure parts such as steep and shallow roofs, and new cosmetic variants. In some cases it adds new snap points like stacking foundations and new functionality like automatic doors. All ASR Glass parts except Window Panes provide Greenhouse effect. Wood Glass, Stone Glass, Adobe Glass, Metal Glass, Tek Glass, and Greenhouse tiers all provide the greenhouse effect.
If a skin is applied to an ASR structure part, the only ASR variant that will work is the default one. The other ones are now prevented to minimize funky issues with the way skins work.
Tier Variants:
Thatch Structure
Wood Structure
Wood-Glass Structure
Stone Structure
Stone-Glass Structure
Adobe Structure
Adobe-Glass Structure
Metal Structure
Metal-Glass Structure
Tek Structure
Tek-Glass Structure
Greenhouse Structure
Crafting Benches:
There are 3 crafting benches, you still only need one bench at any given time. Higher level benches can craft everything from the lower level benches. ASR Crafting Benches can now convert Vanilla structure items into their ASR counterparts, and vice-versa. The crafting costs of the Vanilla and ASR items must match exactly (they do by default). The item has to exist in both Official and ASR to convert.
Primitive Crafting Bench - The existing ASR crafting table has been renamed to Primitive Crafting Bench. Can craft everything except Greenhouse, Metal, and Tek tiers. 35 Inventory Slots. 1x crafting speed. Learned at level 4. Costs a little more than a small storage box
Advanced Crafting Bench - Can craft all ASR parts except Tek. 100 Inventory Slots. 2x crafting speed. Learned at level 30
Tek Crafting Bench - Can craft all ASR parts including Tek. Requires Tek Power. 300 Inventory Slots. 4x crafting speed. Has Prerequisite engram, the official Tek Replicator engram (there is a new ini setting to change or even remove the PreReq)
Personal Crafting item - craft this and use it to gain the ability to craft ASR Thatch, Wood, Stone, and Adobe tier parts in your player inventory. You must still unlock the engrams for these tiers. This item just gives people the option to craft these lower tiers on their person instead of running back to a crafting table. Using the item again, or removing it from your inventory will remove the “fake engrams”. To help avoid disconnects caused by having too many items in the player inventory, the item cannot be uploaded. This will serve as a reminder to the player to drop the item and remove the fake engrams first.
Unique Items in the Mod:
ASR Structure Tray - put one or more Trays on your hotbar, open them and select ASR structure parts from the menu to quickly equip parts without juggling things on and off the hotbar or searching through the player inventory. Only shows ASR structure parts, and only if you have them in your inventory. If you enable Creative Mode the menu will show and equip all ASR parts.
AntiGrav Foundations - Tek Tier only. Square and Triangle. Build in the sky. Expensive to craft, by default. Has its own engram entry so it can be overridden or hidden.
ASR Televator - Teleporting Elevator. Square and Triangle. Teleports you up or down to other Televators. Maximum range between Televators is 50 walls in either direction. Jump to go up, crouch to go down. Build any size and shape elevator you want. No weight restrictions. Has its own engram entry so it can be overridden or hidden.
ASR Propulser - Similar to the Jump Pad from Genesis. Pick a direction and launch yourself! Propulser Field protects you from fall damage. Has its own engram entry so it can be overridden or hidden. Has INI option disable the Propulser Field.
ASR Small/Large Hitching Posts - Stone tier auto-hitching posts for your tames. Small has a 3 foundation range, Large has a range of 10 foundations. Hitching prevents them from moving even while set to wander. To hitch a tame, dismount it within range of the hitching post and the tame will auto-hitch to the post. To unhitch a tame, mount the tame or open the tame's wheel menu. You can also manually hitch and unhitch all tames at a hitching post via the wheel menu on the post.
Floating Foundations for Wood/Stone/Metal/Tek tiers. Square and Triangle. They can place on water and will snap down into water. They cannot be placed outside of water or on platforms such as rafts. Regular ASR foundations and parts in general will snap to them. They are found as a new option on the regular ASR foundation items.
Personal Glass Settings Defaults. In the Glass Settings menu you can now save “Personal Defaults”. When you do this, every ASR glass part you place will automatically set itself to those glass settings.
“Laser Level” feature for ASR square foundations and vertical pillars. The Level can be used when starting a new build to check if an area is flat enough or big enough for your building. In placement mode, toggle it on and off with the Drag key (default G on PC) or Left Thumbstick button (console/controller players). After placement, toggle it on by looking at the structure and accessing the wheel menu.
All B+ structures have adjustable sizing when placing the structure, also adjustable sound and light levels via the structures radial menu. Anything with a vanilla counterpart is now crafted with the vanilla item, no need to learn additional engrams. See instructions below
Vanilla Counterpart unlocks B+ variantHow this Works:
Learn the vanilla engram
Craft the item (example here: the Smithy)
Put vanilla item in toolbar and begin to Place item,
To access the B+ variant, click "R" on the keyboard for the variant menu.
Choose Vanilla or B+ and set the item in place.
REMINDER most updates to the mod will require that you toPICK up B+ Variants, and REPLACE them!
B+ Features
Pull system:
Resource pulling from nearby containers and dinos, simple UI with craft pull, repair pull and manually pull items. To prevent pulling from a container rename the container and add * at the start. Compatible with Visual Storage Containers.
B+ Structure Settings
All vanilla building tiles (doors, walls,ceiling as examples) have a B+ variant. Additional Support set to 30 tiles. No foundations Required. Enabled Placement of equipment on platforms.
B+ Omni Tool
Simply hold reload to change functions - Transfer tool, Inventory Assistant (removes items automatically) Advanced Transfer - Settings are saved client side (can change map and retain settings, can lose tool and retain settings), Dedicated storage upload, Dino scanner that Allows Location and provides a simple map of the co-ords. No stats or Traits available. (does require B+ Transmitter), Gene Scanner - Can Add/Remove genes with an upgrade mode when you combine the same traits, can now transfer maps and keep stored traits (must carry B+ Omni Tool over to the new map).
B+ Multi Tool
Simply hold reload to change functions - Pickup/demo structures, Dino mode (Make Chibis, kill, spay, follow, claim), Repair items.
B+ Storage
Wood, Metal and Tek tiers, can set whitelists of items - use a preset list or a custom list, when you add an item to the inventory it will get added to the list and you can set it if it's accepted. Has a consolidate all, to pull all resources from nearby structures and a blacklist to block structures it pulls from. Add power to increase spoiling timers. Can also set a custom display name for the container.
B+ Storage Intake
Wood, Metal and Tek tiers, sends items from player inventory into the storage as long as there is a whitelist enabled for the item.
B+ Tool Selector
Simply equip tools/weapons from your inventory quickly and without using quick slot space, press G (Consoles L2/LT and Triangle/Y) to bring up the radial wheel. Select the config option to customize your list (reads tools that are currently in your inventory)
Transferable Element Can be crafted in the B+ Grinder
List of Items (not exhaustive)
B+ Air Conditioner - No sound or particles
B+ Ammo Box - Distributes ammo to surrounding turrets, holds 10000 units, and has a range of up to 30 tiles.
B+ Argentavis saddle - Has all B+ modded engrams
B+ Auto Crafter - Crafts items from the crafting station inserted in the inventory, crafts the maximum amount of items instantly, no crafting XP is given
B+ Beehive - Add Rare Flowers to produce honey.
B+ Beer Barrel - Faster crafting speed, can accept power to increase crafting speed even more, larger inventory
B+ Bio Grinder - Has a mode change, to use vanilla grind box or custom dome (use at your own risk of losing dinos), adjustable resource return
B+ Charge Injector - Protects from nameless, requires charge batteries
B+ Charge Station - Charges batteries from light pets
B+ ChemBench - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter. Also can use power instead of gasoline.
B+ Compost bin - More inventory space and faster. Can accept power and crafts faster.
B+ Cooking Pot - More inventory space and faster. Also connects directly to water and burns wood slower.
B+ Crafting stations - All the vanilla crafting stations have a B+ variant, some can take power for additional crafting speed. They have a 300 slot inventory and a 3 - 5 crafting rate. The Tek Replicator has a 1000 Slot inventory and a 10 crafting rate
B+ Crop plots - 500% greenhouse effect, seamless variants, square and triangle, all with snapping
B+ Crystal Cracker - Automatically cracks crystals, can send to B+ Grinder or B+ Dedicated Storage.
B+ Dedicated Linked Box - Just like the dedicated storage but links to storage’s with the same resource.
B+ Dedicated Storage - Consolidate button with blacklist of structures, 1000 slots, accepts Fertilizer Allows spoil items.
B+ Dedicated Storage Intake Pole - Removes items from player and dino inventory and sends to B+ Dedicated storage.
B+ Dedicated storage interface -Attaches to Dino platform saddle and it will transfer items from Dino inventory to dedicated storage, no range limit.
B+ Dino Scanner - Allows Location and provides a simple map of the co-ords. No stats or Traits available.
B+ Display Counters - Display counters that show the quantity of an item in surrounding containers and dinos, simply put an item inside. Can withdraw the stack remotely from the container by clicking on the display.
B+ Doors and Gates - Auto open function and tribe ally unlock function.
B+ Dye Station - Makes dyes
B+ Element Catalyzer - Craft element, requires placement in element
B+ Fabricator - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter.
B+ Farmer - Collects fertilizer and distributes it to crop plots.
B+ Firepit - More inventory space and faster.
B+ Forge - More inventory space and faster.
B+ Fridge - Smaller, more inventory space and longer spoiling times.
B+ Gacha Food Distributor - Distributes anything inside to B+ Gacha Gavengers
B+ Gacha Gavenger - Holds Gacha's and allows force feeding, distance between Gacha's doesnt affect moods. When reduced in size the Gacha's size is also reduced to fit.
B+ Garage - Faster crafting, more inventory (adjustable via mod settings), increased health, adjustable size
B+ Gardener - Collects crops from crop plots.
B+ Generator - Can toggle Tek skin can use fuel or element.
B+ Healing station - Heals players and dinos in a vicinity (10 foundations), requires Medical Brews
B+ Hitching post - Hitch dinos, Tek variant speeds up achatina resource production
B+ Human Trough - Just add food, a water source and power, it will auto feed and water you within a certain distance.
B+ Incinerator - Instantly destroys items put inside
B+ Incubator - Incubates eggs faster than the hatchery
B+ Industrial Cooking Pot - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter. Also connects directly to water.
B+ Industrial Forge - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter. Added send to storage button (supports B+ Storage and B+ Dedicated Storage)
B+ Industrial Grill - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter.
B+ Industrial Grinder - Smaller, more inventory space, faster and quieter. Also returns more resources. Added send to storage button (supports B+ Storage and B+ Dedicated Storage)
B+ Inventory Assistant - Scans all inventory items and adds them to selectable list
B+ Laboratory - Send to storage button
B+ Leash - Keep dinos locked into a area
B+ Lights - Torches, Omni, Multi and Tek, adjustable brightness, gives greenhouse effect
B+ Mannequin - Can swap loadouts (need to fix how the hotbar is accessed, can access both but the hitboxes overlap)
B+ Mega Lab - Faster crafting, more inventory (adjustable via mod settings), increased health, adjustable size
B+ Metal Tranq Arrow - Used in the compound bow, requires bio toxin to create
B+ Mortar and Pestle - More inventory space and faster.
B+ Mutator - Assign Gender, Swap Gender, Allow Breeding, Pause Aging, Growth Pulse, 25 element per charge.
B+ Nanny - 100 slots, 30 foundations range, 100% imprint. feeding start 25% Hunger. (hopefully this stops dead baby Gigas.)
B+ Oil Rig - More inventory space and faster.
B+ Planet Shield - Stops meteors
B+ Plant Species X Turret - advanced targeting systems, can use the B+ Multi Tool to copy and paste settings.
B+ Power Pole - Extends the distance of power, has range mesh to show how far it will see and send the power, built with the standard generator
B+ Preserving Bin - Faster crafting speed, can accept power to increase crafting speed even more and does not require thatch when powered, larger inventory
B+ Pressure Plate -
B+ Repair Station - Can repair items, can set to wireless repair and automatic resource pulling
B+ Seeds - Rare Flowers - Grow your own Rare Flowers,
B+ Seeds - Rare Mushrooms - Grow your own Rare Mushrooms
B+ Seeds - Sap - Grow your own Sap
B+ Smithy - Smaller, more inventory space and faster.
B+ Steam Forge - Can run on tek power, faster crafting, more inventory (adjustable via mod settings), increased health, adjustable size
B+ Storage Container Large - More inventory space.
B+ Tek Cooking Pot - Produces twice the output for the same recipe, does not require water
B+ Tek elevator - Elevator that instantly teleports you to the elevator above or below, through ceilings or floors.
B+ Tek Forcefield - Mod option enable corrupted dino protection; modded dino protection
B+ Tek Forge - Instantly crafts 1:1 ratio
B+ Tek Fridge - refresh the spoil time for all items, auto fill water containers
B+ Tek Gas Collector - Collects gas balls from gas veins
B+ Tek Generator - Adjustable fuel usage intervals
These Items are Disabled:
These items are either overly OP for our cluster, OR we already have systems in place that make them redundant.
Runic Wyverns are enigmatic creatures, boosted by long lost survivor tek that resembles magic! Painted circuitry-like designs containing element boosted nanobots make these Wyvern not only vibrant, but stronger & more maneuverable than the ones typically found on Arks! Featuring a higher damage resistance, better melee damage, augmented special attacks & greater maneuverability among other things, these Wyvern are an excellent tame for survivors looking for a robust battle mount able to travel longer distances quickly!
New features every few updates!- The last few updates have added costumes for the originals, QoL, a new Runic Shrine structure, and has added the first boss to the mod! The spooky, Halloween themed Runic Ghost Wyvern! There's still lots more Runic Wyvern to come, so check back every once in a while!
Wyvern Diving- By flying up & then pitching down, survivors are able to enter a dive on their Wyvern, which greatly increases their velocity, allowing large distances to be covered in a short amount of time!
Wyvern Barrel Roll- By pressing c while flying or in a dive, survivors will be able to perform a barrel roll attack, leaving enemies hit with a debuff, depending on your Wyvern type! Flame Wyverns will leave a target on fire, Venom Wyverns will apply torpor at an increased rate, Spark Wyverns will apply a 4 sec stun, & Glacial Wyverns will apply a slow effect!
Better Maneuverability- Wyverns are lithe, streamlined creatures & as such, these Wyvern have a tighter turning radius, allowing for better mobility both in the air, in a dive, & on land, including mid-air backup.
Vibrant Colors- Dangerous plants & animals are often bright colors to ward off predators or intimidate prey; it's no different with these tyrants of the sky! If you see one of these, be prepared to fight or run! These colorsets were hand designed to make beautiful looking wyverns!
Particle VFX- All Runic Wyverns have a small amount of shiny particle effects they give off to give them that extra 'Special' feel!
Knock Out Tames- Find a Wyvern in colors you like? These guys are knock out tames so you can claim your favorite one! (Use Kibble, Raw Prime Meat, or Wyvern Milk for best taming results!)
Increased Resilience & Damage- These Wyvern have increased resistance to damage & higher base melee attack, which only increases with careful & nurtured breeding. Imprint buff gives an extra boost to damage resistance & melee attack stat.
Enhanced Special Damage- Boosted by RuneTek™️, these Wyverns attacks have been augmented to do more damage once tamed, scale with melee, & have additional effects such as torpor on the Venom Wyverns' attacks, armor melting flames for the Flame Wyvern, a stun effect on the Spark Wyverns' lightning & a stamina drain & movement speed debuff for the Glacial Wyvern!
Armor Chip- Small, basic circuitry that can be implanted under your Wyverns' scales & integrates with their RuneTek™️ to add a bit of armor. Can be augmented & upgraded to different quality & armor value, just like saddles.
Loot- Runic Wyverns drop their equivalent Apex loot drops (Wyvern Talons) & also resources useful to any survivor! On harvest, Flame Wyverns will drop Sulfur, Venom Wyvern drop Rare Flowers, Glacial Wyverns drop Crystal & Spark Wyverns drop Absorbent Substrate!
Costumes!- Runic Wyverns have some really neat costumes that will change their appearance slightly to be a bit more flashy! Use the Runic Wyvern Shrine for all your costume needs! Costumes are paintable too!
Passenger Seat- Once tamed, you'll be able to have a friend along for a ride!
Levels- Since Runic Wyverns are knock out tames, they can spawn AT your max dino level for your difficulty setting- NOT ABOVE, like Vanilla Wyverns. Their level brackets are setup to favor the mid to higher end of your max level settings.
Wyvern Milk- When knocked out, female Runic Wyvern will drop 4 Wyvern milk. Once tamed, they will produce up to 4 milk over a 2hr period!
Crystal Wyvern- These shimmering, crystalline Runic Wyvern can transform into other types by eating a specially crafted crystal snack! Different types have different abilities too! Passively Tamed at player level 40 with the same items as other Runic Wyvern!
Bosses!- Currently there is one boss in the mod (Ancient Runic Ghost Wyvern) & at least two more are planned for the future!
Spawn Locations:
While only Spawning only on Scorched Earth. All Runics can be transferred to any other map, EXCEPT Aberration.
Runic Flame Wyvern spawn:
Scorched Earth: SE_DinoSpawnEntriesBadlands
Runic Spark Wyvern spawn:
Scorched Earth: SE_DinoSpawnEntriesBadlands
Runic Venom Wyvern spawn:
Scorched Earth: SE_DinoSpawnEntriesGreenDesert
Runic Glacial Wyvern spawn:
Scorched Earth: SE_DinoSpawnEntriesGreenDesert
Runic Crystal Wyvern spawn:
Scorched Earth: SE_DinoSpawnEntriesBadlands_C
Augmented Attacks
Runic Wyverns' bites will have different effects depending on the type of Wyvern!
Runic Flame Wyvern has a gash (Allosaurus) on bite, & Flame Breath
Runic Venom Wyvern has a better torpor (Manticore torpor) on bite, & poison spit for ranged
Runic Spark Wyvern has a health regen when eating corpses (Argy), & stunning lightning beam for ranged
Runic Glacial Wyvern has a stamina drain (Bees, Ants), & slowing Frostbreath
Runic Ghost Wyvern bite has the bloodrage (Charca) when pressing C/R3/RBS, & Witherflame projectile which weakens enemy defenses & burns their health for ranged
Runic Crystal (Quartz) Wyvern has a Windburst that pushes back & holds enemies in place for a short time. When pressing C/R3/RBS on the ground, will fire a projectile which leaves dust in it's wake & spawn a tornado where it hits, dealing AoE damage
Runic Crystal (Ruby) Wyvern has a Bloodbane breath, which damages enemies & returns that damage as healing to the Ruby Wyvern. When pressing C/R3/RBS on the ground, it will sacrifice 20% of it's current health (can't use below 50% health) to gain a large damage boost for 25sec (30 sec cooldown)
Runic Crystal (Emerald) Wyvern has a Crystal Barrage projectile that pierces armor & does heavy damage to it. When pressing C/R3/RBS on the ground, the Emerald Wyvern will use Shimmering Shell, buffing itself & others around it with a 75% damage reduction for 25sec (30 sec cooldown)
Runic Crystal (Sapphire) Wyvern has a Hydroblast breath of superheated, corrosive water that damages a percentage of the victims' health & stamina. When pressing C/R3/RBS on the ground, the Sapphire Wyvern will use Deluge, spending some of it's special resource, Stored Water, to give it & allies around it, a healing buff for 30sec(35 sec cooldown)
Server Settings:
Server Difficulty = 7
Harvest = 3x
Taming = 15x
Experience gained = 4x
Loot crate quality = 2x
Fishing quality = 3x
Breeding = 15x
Egg Hatch = 15x
Baby Mature = 15x
Server Dino Cap = 5k
Tribal Dino Cap = 250 AWAKE Per Tribe Per Map.
Tribal Dino Cap in Storage = 1800 Stored Per Tribe Per Map. (Soulpods)
You will find your tribal Dino cap in the center of your inventory screen. (Your total cryochamber count will not show in any screens. You will have to keep track via folders and checking your storage inventories)
Other Server Settings
Character Levels
In ARK: Survival Ascended as of January 2025, the maximum player level is 195: survivors start at level 1, 104 levels can be gained normally, 60 gained by defeating all the end-game Ascension bosses currently in the game, 10 gained from collecting all Explorer Notes on all available canon maps, 5 by levelling up a Chibi, 15 for collecting all of the Bob's Tall Tales explorer notes on Scorched Earth, Aberration, and Extinction.
Blueprint Max Capable:
MaxBlueprintItemQuality = 300 // For all items/blueprints.
MaxBlueprintDinoLevel = 400 // Only for Meks and Enforcers when spawned.
MaxBlueprintDinoQuality = 400 // Only for Mek/Enforcer blueprints and Enforcer spawner items
MaxBlueprintScoutQuality = 2000 // For Scout weapon and blueprint.
Creature Levels:
Dinos/Creatures spawn with a level of 5 to 210 in our arks.
The following dino/creatures are an exception:
(Other levels apply like every other dino based on difficulty setting however.)
The max dino level (without breeding) after taming and leveling is 372 on our servers. (i.e. 210 wild level + 74 level taming bonus + 88 domesticated level ups). There are a few exceptions to this rule:
Breeding Level Caps: On our servers, Creatures have NO hard-capped limit on breeding. Levels of 1750 to 1800 is possible (maxing all stats at 254 x 7 +1 =Maxed out dino of 1750) .
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have reached a Dino with 255 in each stat value. You realistically cannot add any more domestication level points into that specific stat. If done, the stat will revert to a LEVEL ONE DINO value in that stat. And you will lose all the value of months of breeding.
Dropped Eggs do not interfere with any egg laying mechanics of the wild creatures! When the egg enters your or your dino's inventory the blueprint path changes from wild egg code to a new one which includes the name of the entity that dropped it, and when dropped it no longer creates an impediment for the wild dinos to spawn eggs.
Auto Decay Settings
Our settings are set to buffed Vanilla Settings. Our Different QoL mods are extended beyond Vanilla by several days.
Any tribe that is fully inactive (over 24 days of no log ins) will be dino/structure wiped by admins. Please advise the admin team of prolonged (over 12 days) absences if you are not abandoning your base.
It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on. All structures and tamed dinosaurs auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every few days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about
Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers.
Auto Decay 0-20 Days
Auto Decay 20-30 Days
Auto Decay over 30 Days
Tamed Dinosaur (including Raft, Motorboat, Skiff, Zeppelin, Sir-5rM8):
Upon reaching full decay timer(13 days) the server will delete them.
Tamed Dinosaur in a cryopod: as long as the lifetime of the cryopod and the container it's stored in.
B+ Tek building pieces
30 days decay, 35 Auto Destroy.
B+ Thatch building pieces
4 days decay, 7 Auto Destroy.
B+ Stone building pieces
18 days decay, 21 Auto Destroy.
B+ TEK "Utilities" on the ground : 60 Days
B+ Adobe building pieces
12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Greenhouse building pieces
24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ Tek Dedicated Storage: 80 days
B+ Wood building pieces
12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Metal building pieces
24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ "Utilities": 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
There are some exceptions to the above times for certain items. Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars may have a shorter timer. (usually 24 hours or less at our settings)
Only vaults and Tek Dedicated Storage will last longer than the foundation they sit on. The decay timer for a vault will reset whenever it falls.
All other structures will be destroyed when the foundation they sit on is destroyed.
Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars decay in less than 24 hours.
Wipes are only done when a save is corrupted or a mod errors and requires a full map wipe. Some instances of a modded map becoming a Free DLC have also created a wipe instance.
Instead of wipes, our admin team relies on an app called ARK Save Viewer, which allows the Ark Admin team to completely refresh a map in roughly four to six hours. All maps are "SWEPT" (our term for the ASV/Admin cleaning) in a rough schedule of every Six weeks.
Helpful Guides to ASA Play
Wild Card presents: Ark: Survival Ascended
ARK: Survival Ascended is a next-generation remaster of our beloved ARK: Survival Evolved, harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5!
Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5! The definitive survival experience returns better than ever: design your Survivor, form a tribe, and tame, train, breed & ride dinosaurs within a living ecosystem. Watch your food, water, temperature, and weather patterns. Slowly expand outwards as you harvest, build structures, farm crops, customize your visual designs, and proceed to explore to uncover the true nature of The Island and the worlds beyond.
We’re going to cut straight to chase and bring you in to take a quick glance at a very high-level ASA content roadmap.
2025 Content
February 12th. 2025
We are excited to announce that Astraeos, created by the talented Nekatus and sponsored by Nitrado, is ascending into being an Official Partner DLC!
Originally slated as our “June Premium Map Surprise,” we’re bringing it forward–Astraeos will now launch on February 12th for $14.99 as a full-fledged and fully-supported DLC, instead of a Premium Mod!
March 2025: ASA Unreal Engine 5.5 update
There’s steady progress being made on the Unreal Engine 5.5 upgrade, which will bring a range of impactful performance improvements along with our ongoing work splitting DLC maps into optional downloads so you’ll have more control over your storage space
April 2025: Free Ragnarok Ascended,
Ragnarok will come with the Bison (Free Creature), and a Fantastic Tame
August 2025: Free Valguero Ascended
Valguero will come with a community-voted free creature, and Fantastic Tame
November 2025: Lost Colony’s November launch
Get ready for the next chapter in the ARK universe, ARK: Lost Colony drops this November, with pre-orders starting in April, when you’ll be able to enhance your immediate survival with early access to new gameplay systems and exclusive content.
In this new frozen world, players will follow in the footsteps of legendary ARK survivor Mei Yin, on a soul-searching quest deep into the chilling heart of darkness!
2026 Content:
With the ongoing work throughout the year, we want to take a bit more time to give the Genesis Ascended remaster the love and attention it deserves, and we’re now looking at:
April 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 1 & Bob's True Tales Part 1
August 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 2 & Bob's True Tales Part 2
December 2026: Free Fjordur Ascended with a community-voted free creature
3 Fantastic Tames spread throughout the year
Over the course of the year, we’ll be sharing juicy details, sneak peeks, and reveals about all of this and more in our crunches, so stay tuned for more news!
Coming February. 2024
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Can you feel the love in the air? Love Ascended is set to sweep ARK survivors off their feet with an array of enchanting new treats and delights. This love-filled event, celebrating Valentine's Day, kicks off on February 9, 2025, and will continue to spread joy and affection until February 23, 2024, on The PACK.
Ark: Survival Ascended
What is included and your purchase price.
Ark: Survival Ascended includes all previously released paid DLC and new content of its own, including additional store content, new DLC, seasonal events, and quality-of-life updates. Studio Wildcard said it plans to release 11 brand-new creatures to the game over time. The Island is released now, with the subsequent expansion worlds to be added at no additional cost on a regular basis. Price: US $44.99
ARK: Bob's Tall Tales
Experience the thrilling wonder and awesome spectacle of Bob’s incredibly true adventures across The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, and Extinction!
Features and Price
Frontier Showdown! Available with Scorched Earth DLC: Saddle up and stake your claim on the Scorched Earth! Build new Western-style structures like your own rootin' tootin' saloon, then tickle the ivories on your own piano for an authentic frontier experience. Hunt for buried treasure with your trusty shovel, tame hardy new creatures to pull your configurable wagon, and even hop aboard a chugging steam train to explore those harsh badlands!
Steampunk Ascent! Available with Aberration DLC: Climb above the subterranean depths of Aberration in your own mighty customizable airships! Gear up with retro-futuristic gadgets and unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic and lethal underworld. SIR 5RM8 and Cosmo!
Wasteland War! Available with Extinction DLC: Fuel up your war rigs and fight to rule the desolate wastes of Extinction. Prepare for high-octane automobile action as you clash with rival tribes and scavenge for survival in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Bob's Tall Tales DLC is a Gamepass including content for SE, AB, and EXT.
Price: $29.99
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to pay for Aberration or Extinction?
Answer: No, Aberration and Extinction is included in ARK: Survival Ascended. If you own ARK: Survival Ascended, you automatically have access to either map.
If I do not own Bob's Tall Tales can I still play on Servers with my friends who do have it?
Answer: Yes! You do not need to own Bob's Tall Tales to play on any servers that have Bob's Tall Tales content
Is the Frontier Pack DLC just for SE, AB, or Ext.?
Bob's Tall Tales DLC Pass for SE, AB, and Ext. Each Tall Tale delivers unique and helpful creatures and vehicles. You pay once for Three DLC packs.
ARK: Bob's True Tales
Bob's True Tales DLC is a Gamepass including content for Genesis, and Genesis 2.
Price: $29.99(estimated price)
Available in 2026!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to pay for Genesis or Genesis 2?
Answer: No, Genesis and Genesis 2 are included in ARK: Survival Ascended. If you own ARK: Survival Ascended, you automatically have access to either map.
If I do not own Bob's True Tales can I still play on Servers with my friends who do have it?
Answer: Yes! You do not need to own Bob's True Tales to play on any servers that have Bob's True Tales content
Are the Bob's True Tales just for the Genesis maps?
Each Tall Tale or True Tale DLC delivers unique and helpful creatures and vehicles. You pay once for The Bob's Tall Tales and once for Bob's True Tales.
Fantastic Tames for ARK: Survival Ascended!
ARK Fantastic Tames is a new paid DLC per tame, to introduce new fantasy creatures into the world of ARK: Survival Ascended, which will be found in biome-appropriate locations of all Official Maps except for The Island and is transferrable. Owners of one of this new class of creatures gain access to a wondrous array of useful abilities!
In 2025 Two new Fantastic Beasts will be added to ASA.
In 2026 Three new Fantastic Beasts will be added to ASA.
Introducing the next Fantastic Tame in ARK: Survival Ascended: the Dreadmare!
With your Dreadmare, soar through the skies on this ominous steed and unleash a torrent of dark magic, weakening enemies by draining their life force and revitalizing your mount as they wither. Sapping your opponents’ ability to heal, the Dreadmare can further cripple foes with blasts of dark energy that tear away their defenses, and can unleash a devastating wave of dispelling magic, stripping away buffs to leave enemies exposed.
To purchase the Dreadmare, go to your steam page and purchase for $4.99 USD. It will download to your client.
Introducing the Pyromane which can dynamically transform from a tiny shoulder-mounted kitten to a full-size rideable lion! When shoulder-mounted as a kitten, it can be used as a flamethrower.
Then toss the Pyromane to become a full-sized lion, which you can ride across lava fields and command to set fire to your enemies. Whether it takes the form of a majestic predator or a loyal shoulder-mount, the Pyromane will make a scorching addition to your army of powerful tames!
To purchase the Pyromane, go to your steam page and purchase for $4.99 USD. It will download to your client.
Our Patreon's
Will receive generous perks in our ARKS Servers.
Please see the Patreon Role listings to see just what you can get as an IN GAME PERK!
We are an adult gaming community, and we are looking for quality players to join our adventures. We host an ASA PvE cluster of 5 maps , which is Beginner friendly, with a Helpful and active admin team! We are PVE, and actively discourage PVP style "Raiding and Claiming” within our community. We have chosen a limited but satisfactory grouping of QoL mods that provide the best overall playing experience for your ARK experience, and a structured rule package that enhances Quality of life, and breeding.