ASA PVE Cluster
UE5 Remaster of Ark Survival Evolved. We offer a cluster of 4 maps With Extinction Dropping on Dec. 16th., 2024
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UE5 Remaster of Ark Survival Evolved. We offer a cluster of 4 maps With Extinction Dropping on Dec. 16th., 2024
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OUR MOTTO! ALL MAY ENTER HERE WITHOUT PREJUDICE! This applies to All Races, All Creeds, and All Genders. All are Welcome!!!
Last of all, BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER! We are all adults here, and know how to act. Let's make a happy, safe place to enjoy the games we love to play!
Get ready for the next chapter in the ARK universe, ARK: Lost Colony drops this November, with pre-orders starting in April, when you’ll be able to enhance your immediate survival with early access to new gameplay systems and exclusive content. 2025 Releases!
February 12th. 2025: ASA - Astraeos, Official Partner DLC
March 2025: ASA Unreal Engine 5.5 update
April 2025: Free Ragnarok Ascended, Bison (Free Creature), and a Fantastic Tame
August 2025: Free Valguero Ascended with a community-voted free creature, and Fantastic Tame
November 2025: Lost Colony’s launch
With the ongoing work throughout the year, we want to take a bit more time to give the Genesis Ascended remaster the love and attention it deserves, and we’re now looking at:
2026 Releases!
April 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 1 & Bob's True Tales Part 1
August 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 2 & Bob's True Tales Part 2
December 2026: Free Fjordur Ascended with a community-voted free creature
3 Fantastic Tames spread throughout the year
Over the course of the year, we’ll be sharing juicy details, sneak peeks, and reveals about all of this and more in our crunches, so stay tuned for more news!
April - RAGNARÖK Our Next map! And will become our hub map for the cluster. With a large CC, and Big Boss arena. & Rockwell pit.
August - Maybe add Valguero (We will decide if we really want Valguero closer to its drop date.)
November - LOST COLONY
We will vote after Lost Colony for a Mod map that is 75% - 100% playable. I do not want to put the burden of a pay 2 win map on our cluster for our players.
We will vote after Lost Colony for a Mod map that is 75% done or better. I do not want to put the burden of a pay 2 win map on our cluster for our players.
Map should be 60% - 90% done or better. (Surface)
All map bosses completed.
All dino spawns functioning.
If there are special map only tamable creatures, a stand alone mod for transfer to other maps must be available.
Developer: Studio Wildcard
Publisher: Studio Wildcard, Snail Games USA
Franchise: Snail Games USA
Release Date: Coming soon
Price: TBA
Steam Page Link: ASA: Lost Colony
Confront the demons of Arat Prime -- birthplace of the ARKs -- in ASA's first massive canonical expansion pack, ARK Lost Colony! Starring Michelle Yeoh as Mei Yin in cinematic anime sequences by legendary Japanese studio MAPPA, the epic new story of ARK Lost Colony bridges the gap from ARK Extinction to ARK Genesis and into the world of ARK 2. As you follow in Mei Yin's footsteps through an intense journey into the heart of darkness, you'll unlock powerful "Lost" character ability trees, befriend exotic tames, craft "Cursed" tiers of gear, and master advanced new building systems!
But beware, the frozen wastes of Arat Prime are not devoid of intelligent life; on the contrary, the city has become a war-torn battleground between twisted Element-powered 'factions' seeking to undo what was accomplished at the end of ARK Extinction. Together with generations of heroes, you'll unite the past and the future of ARK!
Our ASA Cluster Sports Unique Creatures that spawn only on certain maps. While only spawning on certain maps, these creatures can be transferred to most of our other maps.
Gryphons: Both Mountain and Artic Spawn on most maps and are transferable to most other maps, EXCEPT Aberration.
Draconis Glaucus: Draconis Glaucus will spawn on Island and Center Only. And can be transferred to any other map, Except Aberration.
Runic Wyverns: These lovely wyverns are a rare spawn on Scorched Earth. And can be transferred to any other map, Except Aberration.
Aberrant Variant Creatures: Glowy variants of normal Island Creatures, which spawn only on Aberration. These may be moved to any other map in our cluster. While Our Aberration is closed to any Foreign winged and Larger carnivores.
Bionic Variants: These unique mechanical denizens of the arks can be found spawning on Extinction Only. But are transferable to any other ark Except Aberration in our cluster. (added a higher spawn rate to the Extinction Map.)
There are two ways to get the mod for the servers.
Just load into ASA, go to the server browser, find The Pack servers, Click Join on the one you want, it opens a menu with a list of all the mods, Click Join and it will then install all the mods before loading into the server. If it times out, repeat the process. After all the mods are installed you can just join.
Add one by one from the Quick List below, (this is a bit tedious by the way).
Unique Creature mod with Ragnarok Map expected in April 2025. Mod to be announced.
Click on a Mod's Card to go to the Curse Forge Page.
Description: Arkitect Structures Remastered is an "expanded vanilla" structure mod, this will be a pure structure mod. No fancy automated collectors, mutators, etc. It adds new structure parts such as steep and shallow roofs, and new cosmetic variants. In some cases it adds new snap points like stacking foundations and new functionality like automatic doors. All ASR Glass parts except Window Panes provide Greenhouse effect.
Description: B+ is an "expanded vanilla" structure mod. It adds new structure parts such as automated collectors, mutators, etc. It incorporates the R Variant menu to use vanilla engrams whenever possible. Meaning less lag when transferring servers.
All vanilla building tiles have a B+ Variant.
All building tile crafting can be done via the converted smithy. OR the B+ Argentavis saddle.
All B+ structures have adjustable sizing when placing the structure, also adjustable sound and light levels via the structures radial menu.
Tek tier items will need prerequisite Boss kills to use the Tek item.
Some unique items that are only in B+ have engrams you learn. Filter your engrams by "B+" and learn those that you need.
BTT items have B+ variants as well.
At this time B+ Variants will not accept custom cosmetic Skins.
Vanilla Counterpart unlocks B+ variant How this Works:
Craft the item (example here: the Smithy)
Put vanilla item in toolbar and begin to Place item,
To access the B+ variant, click "R" on the keyboard for the variant menu.
Choose Vanilla or B+ and set the item in place.
REMINDER most updates to the mod will require that you to PICK up B+ Variants, and REPLACE them!
Current List of B+ Items.
This list is NOT Exhaustive. Where applicable we have added the settings that The PACK uses.
These items are either overly OP for our cluster, OR we already have systems in place that make them redundant.
B+ Breeding extender
B+ Cloning Chamber -
B+ Cryofridge
B+ Harvester
B+ Hatchery
B+ Item Aggrevator
B+ Item Collector
B+ Loot Finder (beta test) -
B+ Propagator
B+ Super Spyglass
B+ Tek Alarm
B+ Teleporter
B+ Transmutator
B+ Vivarium
Runic Wyverns are enigmatic creatures, boosted by long lost survivor tek that resembles magic! Painted circuitry-like designs containing element boosted nanobots make these Wyvern not only vibrant, but stronger & more maneuverable than the ones typically found on Arks! Featuring a higher damage resistance, better melee damage, augmented special attacks & greater maneuverability among other things, these Wyvern are an excellent tame for survivors looking for a robust battle mount able to travel longer distances quickly!
Server Difficulty = 7
Harvest = 3x
Taming = 15x
Experience gained = 4x
Loot crate quality = 2x
Fishing quality = 3x
Breeding = 15x
Egg Hatch = 15x
Baby Mature = 15x
Server Dino Cap = 5k
Tribal Dino Cap = 250 AWAKE Per Tribe Per Map.
Tribal Dino Cap in Storage = 1800 Stored Per Tribe Per Map. (Soulpods)
You will find your tribal Dino cap in the center of your inventory screen. (Your total cryochamber count will not show in any screens. You will have to keep track via folders and checking your storage inventories)
In ARK: Survival Ascended as of January 2025, the maximum player level is 195: survivors start at level 1, 104 levels can be gained normally, 60 gained by defeating all the end-game Ascension bosses currently in the game, 10 gained from collecting all Explorer Notes on all available canon maps, 5 by levelling up a Chibi, 15 for collecting all of the Bob's Tall Tales explorer notes on Scorched Earth, Aberration, and Extinction.
Blueprint Max Capable:
MaxBlueprintItemQuality = 300 // For all items/blueprints.
MaxBlueprintDinoLevel = 400 // Only for Meks and Enforcers when spawned.
MaxBlueprintDinoQuality = 400 // Only for Mek/Enforcer blueprints and Enforcer spawner items
MaxBlueprintScoutQuality = 2000 // For Scout weapon and blueprint.
Dinos/Creatures spawn with a level of 5 to 210 in our arks. The following dino/creatures are an exception: (Other levels apply like every other dino based on difficulty setting however.)
The max dino level (without breeding) after taming and leveling is 372 on our servers. (i.e. 210 wild level + 74 level taming bonus + 88 domesticated level ups). There are a few exceptions to this rule:
Breeding Level Caps: On our servers, Creatures have NO hard-capped limit on breeding. Levels of 1750 to 1800 is possible (maxing all stats at 254 x 7 +1 =Maxed out dino of 1750) .
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have reached a Dino with 255 in each stat value. You realistically cannot add any more domestication level points into that specific stat. If done, the stat will revert to a LEVEL ONE DINO value in that stat. And you will lose all the value of months of breeding.
Dropped Eggs do not interfere with any egg laying mechanics of the wild creatures! When the egg enters your or your dino's inventory the blueprint path changes from wild egg code to a new one which includes the name of the entity that dropped it, and when dropped it no longer creates an impediment for the wild dinos to spawn eggs.
Our settings are set to buffed Vanilla Settings. Our Different QoL mods are extended beyond Vanilla by several days. Any tribe that is fully inactive (over 24 days of no log ins) will be dino/structure wiped by admins. Please advise the admin team of prolonged (over 12 days) absences if you are not abandoning your base.
It is the responsibility of the Player to make sure they refresh all timers on the servers they play on. All structures and tamed dinosaurs auto-decay. This means that if nobody in your tribe logs into the game every few days, your structures and dinosaurs may disappear. You must RENDER the items to actually prevent the decay of the item this can take up to a 15 min. interval in your base moving about Anything that is claimable/demo-able can and will be cleared up by the other residents of the Servers.
Tamed Dinosaur (including Raft, Motorboat, Skiff, Zeppelin, Sir-5rM8): Upon reaching full decay timer(13 days) the server will delete them.
Tamed Dinosaur in a cryopod: as long as the lifetime of the cryopod and the container it's stored in.
B+ Tek building pieces 30 days decay, 35 Auto Destroy.
B+ Thatch building pieces 4 days decay, 7 Auto Destroy.
B+ Stone building pieces
18 days decay, 21 Auto Destroy.
B+ TEK "Utilities" on the ground : 60 Days
B+ Adobe building pieces 12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Greenhouse building pieces 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ Tek Dedicated Storage: 80 days
B+ Wood building pieces 12 days decay, 14 Auto Destroy.
B+ Metal building pieces 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
B+ "Utilities": 24 days decay, 28 Auto Destroy.
There are some exceptions to the above times for certain items. Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars may have a shorter timer. (usually 24 hours or less at our settings)
Only vaults and Tek Dedicated Storage will last longer than the foundation they sit on. The decay timer for a vault will reset whenever it falls.
All other structures will be destroyed when the foundation they sit on is destroyed.
Isolated (non-connected) foundations or pillars decay in less than 24 hours.
Wipes are only done when a save is corrupted or a mod errors and requires a full map wipe. Some instances of a modded map becoming a Free DLC have also created a wipe instance.
Instead of wipes, our admin team relies on an app called ARK Save Viewer, which allows the Ark Admin team to completely refresh a map in roughly four to six hours. All maps are "SWEPT" (our term for the ASV/Admin cleaning) in a rough schedule of every Six weeks.
ARK: Survival Ascended is a next-generation remaster of our beloved ARK: Survival Evolved, harnessing the power of Unreal Engine 5!
Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5! The definitive survival experience returns better than ever: design your Survivor, form a tribe, and tame, train, breed & ride dinosaurs within a living ecosystem. Watch your food, water, temperature, and weather patterns. Slowly expand outwards as you harvest, build structures, farm crops, customize your visual designs, and proceed to explore to uncover the true nature of The Island and the worlds beyond.
We’re going to cut straight to chase and bring you in to take a quick glance at a very high-level ASA content roadmap.
We are excited to announce that Astraeos, created by the talented Nekatus and sponsored by Nitrado, is ascending into being an Official Partner DLC!
Originally slated as our “June Premium Map Surprise,” we’re bringing it forward–Astraeos will now launch on February 12th for $14.99 as a full-fledged and fully-supported DLC, instead of a Premium Mod!
There’s steady progress being made on the Unreal Engine 5.5 upgrade, which will bring a range of impactful performance improvements along with our ongoing work splitting DLC maps into optional downloads so you’ll have more control over your storage space
Ragnarok will come with the Bison (Free Creature), and a Fantastic Tame
Valguero will come with a community-voted free creature, and Fantastic Tame
Get ready for the next chapter in the ARK universe, ARK: Lost Colony drops this November, with pre-orders starting in April, when you’ll be able to enhance your immediate survival with early access to new gameplay systems and exclusive content.
In this new frozen world, players will follow in the footsteps of legendary ARK survivor Mei Yin, on a soul-searching quest deep into the chilling heart of darkness!
With the ongoing work throughout the year, we want to take a bit more time to give the Genesis Ascended remaster the love and attention it deserves, and we’re now looking at:
April 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 1 & Bob's True Tales Part 1
August 2026: Free Genesis Ascended Part 2 & Bob's True Tales Part 2
December 2026: Free Fjordur Ascended with a community-voted free creature
3 Fantastic Tames spread throughout the year
Over the course of the year, we’ll be sharing juicy details, sneak peeks, and reveals about all of this and more in our crunches, so stay tuned for more news!
Towering over even the largest mammoths, Deinotherium will dominate the open plains on March 26th. Agitate one, and you may find yourself on the receiving end of a devastating charge—but the real danger lies in their ability to rally their allies with powerful, morale-boosting calls, making a single confrontation quickly escalate into an all-out stampede.
Domestication Tameable: YES Rideable: YES Breedable: YES Torpidity Immune: YES Taming Method : Passive Preferred Food: Beer Jar
Tips for Taming:
Ok so basically you HAVE to be level 95 to tame. Kill the other Deinotherium's in the pack! It is very angry and will try to Aggro you. Go out of render and then come back NEAR but next to it. Wear GHILLIE! Put beer in the last slot of your hot bar, then it will sniff around (meaning it notices the beer) and find you. Look carefully at its trunk as it will roll its trunk up. It’s ears will also stick out. Go to it and feed it beer. Repeat the step. Also don’t go to the Deinotherium when it’s trunk is out and it’s ears are out too. I believe it also looks different when male or female. Hope this helps.
Ark: Survival Ascended includes all previously released paid DLC and new content of its own, including additional store content, new DLC, seasonal events, and quality-of-life updates. Studio Wildcard said it plans to release 11 brand-new creatures to the game over time. The Island is released now, with the subsequent expansion worlds to be added at no additional cost on a regular basis. Price: US $44.99
Experience the thrilling wonder and awesome spectacle of Bob’s incredibly true adventures across The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, and Extinction!
Features and Price
Frontier Showdown! Available with Scorched Earth DLC: Saddle up and stake your claim on the Scorched Earth! Build new Western-style structures like your own rootin' tootin' saloon, then tickle the ivories on your own piano for an authentic frontier experience. Hunt for buried treasure with your trusty shovel, tame hardy new creatures to pull your configurable wagon, and even hop aboard a chugging steam train to explore those harsh badlands!
Steampunk Ascent! Available with Aberration DLC: Climb above the subterranean depths of Aberration in your own mighty customizable airships! Gear up with retro-futuristic gadgets and unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic and lethal underworld. SIR 5RM8 and Cosmo!
Wasteland War! Available with Extinction DLC: Fuel up your war rigs and fight to rule the desolate wastes of Extinction. Prepare for high-octane automobile action as you clash with rival tribes and scavenge for survival in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Bob's Tall Tales DLC is a Gamepass including content for SE, AB, and EXT. Price: $29.99
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to pay for Aberration or Extinction?
Answer: No, Aberration and Extinction is included in ARK: Survival Ascended. If you own ARK: Survival Ascended, you automatically have access to either map.
If I do not own Bob's Tall Tales can I still play on Servers with my friends who do have it?
Answer: Yes! You do not need to own Bob's Tall Tales to play on any servers that have Bob's Tall Tales content
Is the Frontier Pack DLC just for SE, AB, or Ext.?
Bob's Tall Tales DLC Pass for SE, AB, and Ext. Each Tall Tale delivers unique and helpful creatures and vehicles. You pay once for Three DLC packs.
Bob's True Tales DLC is a Gamepass including content for Genesis, and Genesis 2. Price: $29.99(estimated price) Available in 2026!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to pay for Genesis or Genesis 2?
Answer: No, Genesis and Genesis 2 are included in ARK: Survival Ascended. If you own ARK: Survival Ascended, you automatically have access to either map.
If I do not own Bob's True Tales can I still play on Servers with my friends who do have it?
Answer: Yes! You do not need to own Bob's True Tales to play on any servers that have Bob's True Tales content
Are the Bob's True Tales just for the Genesis maps?
Each Tall Tale or True Tale DLC delivers unique and helpful creatures and vehicles. You pay once for The Bob's Tall Tales and once for Bob's True Tales.
ARK Fantastic Tames is a new paid DLC per tame, to introduce new fantasy creatures into the world of ARK: Survival Ascended, which will be found in biome-appropriate locations of all Official Maps except for The Island and is transferrable. Owners of one of this new class of creatures gain access to a wondrous array of useful abilities!
In 2025 Two new Fantastic Beasts will be added to ASA.
In 2026 Three new Fantastic Beasts will be added to ASA.
Introducing the next Fantastic Tame in ARK: Survival Ascended: the Dreadmare!
With your Dreadmare, soar through the skies on this ominous steed and unleash a torrent of dark magic, weakening enemies by draining their life force and revitalizing your mount as they wither. Sapping your opponents’ ability to heal, the Dreadmare can further cripple foes with blasts of dark energy that tear away their defenses, and can unleash a devastating wave of dispelling magic, stripping away buffs to leave enemies exposed.
To purchase the Dreadmare, go to your steam page and purchase for $4.99 USD. It will download to your client.
Introducing the Pyromane which can dynamically transform from a tiny shoulder-mounted kitten to a full-size rideable lion! When shoulder-mounted as a kitten, it can be used as a flamethrower. Then toss the Pyromane to become a full-sized lion, which you can ride across lava fields and command to set fire to your enemies. Whether it takes the form of a majestic predator or a loyal shoulder-mount, the Pyromane will make a scorching addition to your army of powerful tames!
To purchase the Pyromane, go to your steam page and purchase for $4.99 USD. It will download to your client.
Will receive generous perks in our ARKS Servers.
Please see the Patreon Role listings to see just what you can get as an IN GAME PERK!
We are an adult gaming community, and we are looking for quality players to join our adventures. We host an ASA PvE cluster of 5 maps , which is Beginner friendly, with a Helpful and active admin team! We are PVE, and actively discourage PVP style "Raiding and Claiming” within our community. We have chosen a limited but satisfactory grouping of QoL mods that provide the best overall playing experience for your ARK experience, and a structured rule package that enhances Quality of life, and breeding.
OS: Windows 10/11 with updates Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, Intel Core i7-6800K Memory: 16 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT, NVIDIA GeForce 1080 DirectX: Version 12 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 70 GB available space Additional Notes: SSD Required
OS: Windows 10/11 with updates Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, Intel i5-10600K Memory: 32 GB RAM Graphics: AMD Radeon RX 6800, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 DirectX: Version 12 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 70 GB available space Additional Notes: SSD Required
Cross-Platform Multiplayer:
Cross-Platform Multiplayer: form your online tribe across different gaming platforms as you work together to survive and thrive on the ARK!
Supports public online multiplayer for up to 70 players, private-session multiplayer for up to 8 players, and local split-screen for 2 players.
Cross-Platform Modding:
Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game! Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time ever across gaming platforms!
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Steam-links are often in a card form in the website.
So clicking on a server card will take you to the Server.
The Pack Approved Custom Cosmetic paks.
These you may sub to if you want.
<<Insert latest WILDCARD Holiday Mod here!>>
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Draconis Glaucus: ID#955932