Shima's Compendium
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Most features in this mod were created with the Savage Wilds map in mind, and if you're running Savage Wilds, you will get the most out of this mod.
What thralls go where? Most, if not all, Crafting stations in Shima’s Compendium are able to have thralls work at them. The table below will show you what thralls can be placed in what crafting stations: Grill = Cook Witches Cauldron = Alchemist Druid’s Alchemy Table = Alchemist Witch Tree = Alchemist Book of Ages = Alchemist Desiccator = Tanner Seedling Bench = Alchemist Greenhouse = Cook Arcane Laborem = Blacksmith Arcane Conflagurator = Smelter Arcane Caminus = Blacksmith
Loot In Shima’s Compendium, we add a lot of content in the form of loot to the world of Savage Wilds.
Faction Loot now drops from Hyperboreans, the Crimson Tide faction, the Hyrkanians and the Clan Culann. These faction items can also be learned from knowledge books placed in the world, that we encourage you to find.
Boss Loot — Various bosses (both base game and Savage Wilds specific bosses) now come with additional loot. This additional loot has been added to bosses found in the world, dungeons, adventure zones and more. The nature of the loot varies from boss to boss, and there are several hundred new items to discover, amongst others weapons with new movement sets, features, and/or visuals!
Hazards Shimas Compendium comes with several types of hazards placed in the world. These hazards range from Razor clams to Fire traps.
Automatic world distribution of Knowledge Books
Knowledge teachers Knowledge teachers (those books you interact with to learn things) can be found spread out in the world.
Knowledge Extensions The Decorative Gold, Silver, Star Metal, Steel, and Hardened Steel bars have been automatically added to the “Blacksmith Décor” knowledge.
More and better Fishing Spears If you are using the spear-fishing feature built into Savage Wilds, you will find that shoals of fish can now (rarely) drop a Fishing Instruction Manual. Reading this manual will upgrade your knowledge about Spearfishing and allows you to progress through the material tiers of making new Fishing-Spears. Each read of the manual will increase the maximum tier of material you can use to craft new spears.
A new Tier-3 set for all your building goodness! The Notch and Arrow build set can be unlocked for free in the Building section of the Knowledge tab, if you meet the prerequisite for it. It contains 60+ building pieces for your building-pleasure! Compatible with Northern Timber and Sand and Stone.
Dive into the world of animism or ancient mechanisms to further enhance your crafting!
Arcane Machinations gives you the knowledge to focus arcane energies on weapons and placeables. The Arcane feature-set contains several new crafting stations (more information below), weapons, and even the ability to summon (and defeat) powerful bosses for more loot goodness.
Two key resources exist for Arcane Machinations – Arcanite and Arcanite Crystals. Arcanite is a metal infused with magic energies, and Arcanite Crystals are crystallized forms of Arcanite. When crafting Arcanite crystals, you may, rarely, end up with a Dull or Shining variant of the crystal. These have the same effect as the normal crystal, although is weaker or stronger in its effects. Arcanite Bars are used to craft weapons while the Crystals can be placed into an Arcanite Concentrator in order to provide a variety of effects, ranging from producing lights, to providing buffs when going near the Concentrator.
The complete list of Arcane Machinations placeables are as follows:
Arcane Armor Display – An armor display case
Arcane Weapon Display – A weapon display case
Arcane Illuminator – A light fixture
Arcane Concentrator – A receptacle for Arcanite Crystals
Arcane Caminus – A crafting station for all things arcane
Arcane Conflagurator – A furnace. This furnace not only smelts all the things a normal furnace would smelt but can do two more things. Firstly, it can smelt loot found on bosses (Shima’s Compendium loot only) into raw Arcanite.
Arcane Invocantrix – The Invocantrix allows you to summon powerful bosses. These ‘calls’ are crafted in the Arcane Caminus by combining Fragments of Power, Arcanite Dust and Radium gems.
Arcane Laborem – The Laborem is the prime crafting station for Arcanite weaponry.
Arcane Pharus – The Pharus is a light-fixture. It can take any of the dyes and colors the beam of light accordingly. If you rename the placeable, it will also provide a map-marker. Renaming this back to Arcane Pharus will remove the map-marker (may require a server-restart)
Summonable Bosses Summonable bosses can be obtained by placing a summon token (“Call of xxxxxx”) in an Arcane Invocantrix. Doing so will summon the boss to the center of the platform. Each of these bosses have a chance of dropping unique loot and powerful base game items
Arcanite Weaponry An Arcane Conflagurator furnace can fuse Perfected Arcanite Weaponry with Infused Arcanite to provide even more powerful weapons – you can, for example, combine a Perfect Arcanite Sword with a Vitality-Infused Arcanite gem to produce a Perfect Arcanite sword with the effects of that gem.
Druidcraft lets you delve into witchcraft, animism, and druidic magic. Druidcraft contains several new crafting stations, placeables, poisons, alchemy items and orbs (more details below). Key resources for Druid-craft are Seeds and Saps. Seeds can be grafted and enhanced to provide upgraded versions of already existing seeds, or produce new seeds used in the Druidcraft schematics.
The complete list of Arcane Machinations placeables are as follows:
Druid's Cauldron – This is the primary crafting station for you to craft powerful mixtures, potions, and concoctions.
Druid's Alchemy Table – This station grants recipes for Witch-weapons and placeables (except for the Desiccated trees, see ‘Desiccator’ below).
Witch-Tree – By placing compost or potent compost into the Witch-Tree, you can produce Sap. This sap is a key ingredient when grafting seeds, edibles, or lures.
Book of Ages – The Book of Ages allows you to craft Thrall Training Regimens and also allows further exploration into the Druidcraft ecology by crafting Schematic-teachers for elixirs, tinctures and essences. These books can be used to learn these schematics, and even handed to others for them to learn.
Desiccator – The desiccator works as a Tannery and a Dryer but can also produce Desiccated Trees and Desiccated Tree Protectors. Desiccated trees are placeables made from 50 Dry wood and 10 salt. This counts as a Tier-3 Tannery.
Seedling Bench – The seedling bench is where you can upgrade existing seeds to more potent variants – you may also graft seeds, meaning, you can combine two types of seeds to get a new type of seed. These seeds can then be grown in a Greenhouse, to provide new flowers that can be crushed for powders.
Hive – The Hive is a placeable that accepts Lures. When a lure is placed into a hive, it will spawn a swarm of the appropriate type. A variety of swarms exist for this, ranging from Fireflies that grant light, to Wasps that sting enemies. Lures can also be thrown like an orb to provide similar effects.
Greenhouse – The greenhouse has a single function – to grow seeds into plants. It uses sap from a Witch-Tree to grow seeds into edibles, or plants.
Hatchery – The hatchery allows faster incubation of eggs, while not increasing the decay rate for hatched animals. Simply put an creature egg into the hatchery and wait.
New Orbs The Druidcraft ecology has a great variety of throwable orbs. These orbs provide buffs, poisons or call forth swarms of creatures in the area affected by the orb. When crafting orbs, you may (rarely) end up with a Weak or Potent orb – these orbs have the same effect as normal orbs, but with a modified strength. Do not make the mistake of considering the weaker orbs useless, however, since even the weaker ones have powerful effects. Do note that some orbs, while powerful, are very tactical in their effects. What this means is that a powerful healing orb will keep you healthy – but it will also keep your enemies healthy if they’re standing in it.
Swarms Insects and creature swarms such as Bats, Fireflies, Butterflies, Moths, etc will follow anyone that step into their radius. While creatures or players are within the radius of such a swarm, they will be affected by the swarm. Each swarm provides a different effect; read the description for the items to know what these effects are.
New pets, thralls, and pet-features such as Training Regimens
New NPC/Thrall Races: Clan Culann; Crimson Tide; Cultists; Hyperborean; Champions of Jhebbal Sag. Not all are tameable.
Pets Several new pet types can be found in Savage Wilds. In order for you to make these pets, you will need to find their younglings and raise them in an Animal Pen, or have an admin spawn them in for you. In some rare cases, pets such as the Jackalopes can be hatched from eggs.
Thrall Training Regimens Through the Book of Ages (see Druidcraft below), you can craft Training Regimens. These regimens retrain your thralls to have specific perks. Try them all to find the set of perks that works for you!
In addition to the features above, Shima's Compendium contains a large amount of content injected into the game.
Hundreds of placeables Several hundred new placeables are available in Shima’s Compendium. For the most part, these placeables can be found by exploring the world and learning the Knowledge from books already present.
Food Shima’s Compendium comes with a selection of new food items, such as Eggplants, Garlic, Pears, Salad and so forth. These items are mostly flavor, but it is possible, through druidic magic, to infuse them with Witch-Tree sap in order to make them throwable weapons. Yes – you can have a food fight.
Full-color body warpaints Full-Body warpaints allow you to color your entire body in a single go – feel particularly sickly? How about a yellow tint? Feeling a bit green? You can literally color your entire body to any of the dye-colors present in the game.
Lockpicking is Toggled off on The PACK Savage Wilds.