Lost Island is a free, official, non-canonical DLC expansion map for ARK: Survival Evolved. Released Dec. 14th, 2021.
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Lost Island is a free, official, non-canonical DLC expansion map for ARK: Survival Evolved. Released Dec. 14th, 2021.
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Explore the soaring heights and hidden depths of ARK's newest official community map, featuring three new creatures for you to tame! Lost Island boasts 150 square kilometers of new biomes, new challenges, and mysterious ruins. Discover jungle valleys fed by giant waterfalls, build a treehouse high in the forest canopies, get down and dirty in vast mangrove swamps, dive deep underwater, brave treacherous snowy peaks, or spelunk uncharted cave systems in search of treasure… There's something here for everyone! A 150 sq km map with a wide variety of unique biomes to explore.
A Huge ruined City within the Redwood Biome. This is home to "Traders Village" our clusters bi-monthly trade market hub.
Various Ships scattered within the ocean as well as in a cave.
Lava Pools/Streams, similar to those on The Center and Genesis: Part 1, though these do considerably less damage compared to the other maps.
A Wyvern Trench containing many more nesting places than the Scorched Earth, Ragnarok or Crystal Isles versions is found close to the Red Obelisk, although wyverns are seemingly less spread out, resulting in fewer actual nests.
An Ice Wyvern Trench containing nests which is found close to the Blue Obelisk.
Magmasaur Caves can be found nearby the trench, towards the Red Obelisk. These caves contain few Magmasaurs, and eggs can often be found inside.
Packs of Stegos scattered along the map.
A lake filled with nothing but Black Pearls
Loud roars of the boss in the northwest part
Random Onyc calls in Kesler Inlet
Amargasaurus! This aggressive sauropod from the Cretaceous period is a force to be feared across Lost Island. Amargasaurus’ formidable thermal spines will burn or freeze anyone unfortunate enough to stray into their range. Closer still, these titans can thrash enemies to shreds with their spiked tails
Sinomacrops! Voted onto the island by the community at large, this perky, protective little Jurassic pterosaur can become a living glider for their master. From its perch on your shoulders, Sinomacrops will break your fall and let you soar away from trouble
Dinopithecus! This baboon bruiser defends its master with remarkable ferocity. Dinopithecus will sweep you up with its tail and carry you up sheer walls on its back. Tame a troop of them, to unleash a hail of droppings packing a parasitic payload capable of shutting down enemy Tek
Be aware that the Linux version of the Lost Island map has some areas that are not completely rendered when you enter them (IE the Ice Wyvern Trench) and meshing can occur. Please take steps to prevent loss of important items you own. Death recovery Headstones are made available and you can recall a death cache at any public telepad.
Here you will find Places Like the Community Center, and refinery locations. Those noted have Open Transmitters, and all are part of the Teleport System.
◉Beaver Bay
Beaver and Dam spawn area NO BUILDING
◉Crystal Cave
Cave chock full of crystal
◉Lost Island - Community Center
Comunity Center with Open machines and Transmitter
◉Lost Island Refinery #1
Metal , obsidian, crystal on the mountain side. Enough room for a stryder or magmasuar to be efective.
◉Lost Island Refinery #2
Metal, crystal, obsidian, rare mushrooms
◉Lost Island Sap Farm
Sap farm - four platforms with beehives and taps.
◉Oil Well #4
◉Oil Wells #1
Two oil wells and a water well
◉Oil Wells #2
Two oil wells and
◉Oil Wells #3
Single oil well near a tp
◉Public Fishing
Public Fishing dock
◉The Pack Lost City Rooftop
Private tp to the Admin Base
Artifact of the Brute
Artifact of the Brute Cave Entrance:
(Brute)Artifact of the Brute Cave NO BUILD
Artifact of the Clever
Artifact of the Clever Cave Entrance:
(Clever)Artifact of the Clever Cave NO BUILD
Artifact of the Cunning
This cave contains Black pearl Spawns All around the Spanish Galleon on the Rock.
Artifact of the Cunning Cave Entrance:
(Cunning) Artifact of the Cunning Cave NO Build {black pearls}
Artifact of the Devious
Artifact of the Devious Cave Entrance
(Massive & Devious) The Labyrinth Cave No Building
Artifact of the Devourer
Artifact of the Devourer Cave Entrance
(Devourer) Artifact Cave {Aberation/ Ferox}
Artifact of the Hunter
Artifact of the Hunter - Plains Crouch Cave entrance
(Hunter) Artifact of the Hunter Cave NO Building
Artifact of the Immune
Sulfur, metal, crystal, obsidian. magmasurs, bats, and bugs OH MY.
Artifact of the Immune Cave Entrance:
(Immune) Artifact Cave Entrance NO BUILDING
Artifact of the Massive
Devious is also found in here.
Artifact of the Massive Cave Entrance:
(Massive & Devious) The Labrinth Cave No Building
Artifact of the Pack
Artifact of the Pack Cave Entrance:
(Pack) Artifact Cave {Spider Cave: Does what a spider cave does}
Artifact of the Skylord
Artifact of the Skylord Cave Entrance: (WATER)
(Skylord) Artifact Cave NO BUILD
Artifact of the Strong
Aberration Cave
Artifact of the Strong Cave Entrance:
(Strong) Aberration Cave Entrance (Artifact) NO BUILD
All content on this page has been accumulated from several places including the Wiki, The PACK Admin Team, and Players from The Pack cluster.
Steam Workshop
The PACK Gaming
Canon Servers Mod Package
Please download the mod package prior to joining the server!
Ark: Survival Evolved PvE Rules
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Lost Island
Landmarks and Resources!
Lost Island
ARK Survival Evolved Wiki