Dark and Light MOD pack
Last updated
Last updated
The PACK Dark and Light MOD Content pack:
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Our current rates are 3x Experience, 3x Harvest, 15x Taming. Both player and tames now have double the weight capacity.
Archos/Shard of Faith Atlas
Operation Hit F3 to toggle Minimap - Shard of Faith Hit F4 to toggle Location Map - Shard of Faith Hit F5 to toggle Minimap - The Sacred Path Hit F6 to toggle Location Map - The Sacred Path Hit F7 to toggle Compass Hit F8 to Open the Creature/Taming Guide (This will capture your mouse, you will be able to move your character but won’t be able to look around)
Invasion - The Shard
Added to : Dark and Light ~ The PATH
This Mod adds spawn points on The Sacred Path for many of the creatures from the Shard of Faith DLC, and adds new hunter vendors in the cities where you can purchase the saddles and suppression stones for them. Please see complete info on our page for THE PATH